Funny Aquarius horoscope for the new 2014 verses

 Aquarius horoscope


What shines in Aquarius this year?

Everyone knows only the stars ahead!

And in a single moment, he Aquarius

Prepared was a true horoscope!

January starts quietly and calmly

Everything will ceremoniously be all decent ...

But bad luck happens immediately:

Have you urgently go to the cottage!

There pipe flowed, bums moved in!

In the attic there is a rat settled!

And you have to solve all the problems,

That's how you load the January dilemma ...

You work in February plunge

And then you run into problems:

Have your boss a little quarrel

And with him the plans for the full-year bet!

You will then be offered a pinch,

It will be like a consolation!

And you become the boss at once

Add this to your great happiness!

You will begin to celebrate Increase

And in March to work at once will score ...

The whole month celebration will fly,

And you have a new problem to happen ...

You kicked for absenteeism from work,

Start now you care ...

The work you will begin to look again,

Where you'll be in considerable esteem ....

In April, the business you choose to open,

Here are just here, perhaps, do not rush!

Think about all the decorum, noble

And do all just be careful!

Partner in May will look,

To develop business quickly!

But really you can not find anyone,

Why upset a lot!

In June, you are thinking on holiday

To celebrate, of course, get drunk ...

Ave you a plane accident

Then extremely upset!

In July, once again to take a trip to the country,

Again, the problem with rats in the bargain ...

In the garden, just relax a little bit

And the business re-establish go!

August will not please you at all,

That is unless the profit is, and more!

You will be called back to work,

But you want true freedom!

And so, until September thinking

Decide to develop their business further ...

But I do not think of a better

You will return to business as it was before ...

October will make you happy success

And it will be a lot of fun and laughter

Friends you collect all means,

To mark the dashing changes!

You will wave in November, the resorts,

They met a friend of someone!

Zavertyatsya things faster

And you get rich quick!

To celebrate, you call mom,

Share with her happiness and money!

Friends again dashing collect

And for the success of a glass of navernete!

And in December, you start counting

Results for move the work!

Dog or cat have forged ...

In short, there is a lot of care ...

This is how the year will give you a bright!

It will bring a lot of expensive gifts!

Bestow generously unexpected profit,

To be happy you have the time!

Cool Horoscope for Virgo in verse on the new 2014

 Horoscope virgin

Funny Virgo horoscope for 2014


For Horses of the Year for the Virgin

In the sky the stars drafted by the way ...

And it is interesting to you, perhaps,

In his goroskopchik look!

January will begin, as usual -

First, the holidays ... and then

Praise you have all publicly

And, moreover, will award!

February delight success

Then out of nowhere

For you old friend decides to come

And much poison your life.

He firmly in March you quarrel

With a neighbor, her mother and relatives ...

Wallpaper in the room spoil

Some paint and daubs!

April - depression and tears,

Lack of money, vanity ...

You take the money each will ask

(He did not go anywhere).

You are in March, getting used to each other,

Begin somehow notice

What he botched this,

What we can safely sell!

April will give a chance for a new business -

Your friend drawings sells ...

You suddenly realize that lucky

Now you a chance perepadet.

May you have a great show

Open in his apartment

And for a small payment

Show wallpaper world ...

June - July will be held on the sea

It earned UE

Do you have enough to live without sorrow

On quite a few months.

As of August again a lot of plans:

Sell ​​pictures ... the sea, the beach ...

But life is full of deception -

Home leave each of you ...

September ... depression ... and again

We'll have to sacrifice yourself ...

And you take the word of a friend,

What did he come back to you in the winter!

October - time to change the wallpaper

And it starts repair ...

You freshener new "needles"

Your friend will bring in a gift!

November to spoil the mood,

In other crisis ... Draw

He will not for another week

And again have to starve ...

And in December, along with a friend you

Its open state of emergency

And life begins interesting

And even cash twice!

Funny Scorpio horoscope for the new 2014 verses

 Scorpio Horoscope

Cheerful horoscope Scorpio Year of the Horse


Year of the Horse in the right takes

Still eager to read horoscopes,

To understand what to expect in life:

All good or solid opa!

Scorpions tried to Star

Create horoscope is now skillfully ...

And that without the case is no longer dangling

Read horoscope truthful safely!

In winter, the holiday will be in Scorpio:

You will win a new car ...

The fate of you, of course, do not forget

And you will send to car tires.

And in February, destroyed dreams

After all, you are waiting for X 5th BMVhu,

But they have failed dreams and expectations -

LADA to you, as the car has arrived!

On this occasion you spring

You begin to suffer, be very ashamed ...

On a month to be booze!

(For you to tune would be very disappointing) ...

But by May, you get used very

To that LADA free then your ...

Sign up for a course without any problem,

To drive your car more beautiful ...

A summer cheerfully sit behind the wheel,

To get to the market for products to go ...

And so it happens suddenly, your Lada

Will somehow ass vtaranit behu ...

Until the autumn you will be pressed

And with the money you require for repairs ...

Not worth it, probably on the gas ...

But now there is talk of Ponta ...

You by December, giving all debts,

In the garage the car for the winter will return ...

And once again counting losses

Once again, leave the booze!

That did not happen, so let's fewer

You participate in promotions, guys!

To justify all the dreams, hopes,

Most need to get paid!

Funny financial horoscope Scorpio


Stars now supportive For Scorpios ...

And no wonder - According to the cosmic laws

Scorpions - as the dawn! And so all the stars,

What we are seeing in the microscope,

Composed Scorpios

The best horoscope!

In January, scorpions

There is a lot of martial affairs:

Earn Millions

It will be their main destiny.

In February, the problem with her mother,

The house - peace and comfort!

You letters and telegrams

From America send!

In March, the Dow Jones index

You will enjoy a well ...

Just right from under the nose

Obscured contract outside!

All the April interest rates again

Will drop you in your pocket!

Just be precedents

And it falls through an important plan!

In May, the partner will come to you

From Norway to the tea ...

Thereafter neighbors

Door tan "accidentally" ...

Throughout June you dedicate

Sea, sun, islands ...

And you want to, do not want,

But my mother will come to you!

You make it up in July

With her sure to be ...

Your neighbor, angry as before

And threatened to burn down the whole house!

August pleases success -

Prices collapsed oil!

But now my father has arrived

So plans - over death!

In September, a successful business

It will continue to flourish ...

But that's an insidious crisis

It will tickle your nerves ...

In October, everything will be exactly -

Exchange rates and your income ...

And, of course, of course,

It will be a million is about ...

But in November spoil everything -

Your company will burn through!

From distant America

To your partner arrive ...

In December, a total sum

And here is the result:

Million did not earn

Scorpio this year!
