Funny horoscope Sagittarius on the new 2014 verses

 Sagittarius Horoscope

Happy Horoscope for Sagittarius in 2014


All year tried horoscope

For now just op

And Streltsov plan

On the whole year by months.

Recommendations from the stars

They carried us hundreds of thousands of miles!

And that's what the stars say

For all Streltsov is now in a row:

January Streltsov pass with success ...

There will be a place only laugh!

But be vigilant in

You are waiting for a lot of care!

To try to improve

To find success steps ...

But suddenly not go down

Before fate on my knees!

February will cause to worry:

You'll have to admit to friends,

What won the lottery

And become a little richer ...

Here everyone the proposed new

Hurry you would any!

But you is not get fooled -

From mind to spend all of it ...

You will appreciate at least March

You raise a stern boss ...

And as in the past year already

Require Sliding fee!

You give him the money and are happy

But pity blood from the heart!

And that's such barriers

You will not reach the top!

April - all quiet and peaceful ...

... Find a new job.

Begin to live quite decent!

And his career will go up!

All in May will again have to solve

How the money is spent wisely ...

And if the thoughts are not there,

You will the money come in handy !!!

After all, you are in June indecent

Neighbor flood of habit ...

With his personal life drunk

He used to lie for a long time in the hospital ...

But no! He lives above you w

And every year, you will sink again ...

Now you with your money

Repairs will begin in the bedroom new ...

In July, all repairs will fill ...

Not enough money ... you will take ...

But someone from friends remind

And you will get a ticket,

And in August, again luck -

The ticket to play in the lottery ...

You know, one way or another,

That money will come to you soon ...

You in September, long ringing,

Once the work is replaced ...

And life goes another, even,

Other chores, caring ...

In October, for you dog

Friends will present is not accidental ...

It will start a fight with a neighbor,

Well, that drowns permanently ...

The dog will win one

And your neighbor will eat away ...

About you now know every -

The entire yard with the dog having fun ...

November delight arrival

Distant relatives to visit! ..

You have to sleep in the hallway,

You besheneete anger! ..

But in December, again, freedom!

The dog will be home ...

At the end of a busy year

Memories will be as

What you decide memoirs

Writing is not fun to begin ...

The game will start on the guitar

And little by little to sing softly ...

You just this year, do not be afraid,

It will all end well ...

Money only worry

To not spend it in vain !!!

Cool Capricorn horoscope for 2014 in poetry

 Cool Horoscope Capricorn

Horoscope for Capricorn in 2014 comic


Do you really want to know,

What do the stars can predict?

Today Capricorns flattering

Presented horoscope wonderful!

And now, without delay

Down chase the shadow of a doubt!

Without preparations and without trial

Catch accurate horoscope!

Capricorns in January

Problems will be in the yard!

Parking will occupy

This will be annoying!

Signalku under the window shouting

Stronger than the neighbor's cat!

Do you get tired of it soon

And you put up a staircase!

And in February, as an activist

You appeal to the whole sheet

Begin anxious to write,

Entrance to decide to sign ...

Then start metushnya -

Running around the office ...

Seal again and excuses

As in the good old saying goes.

But in March, all will go better -

Will you fortune

The car is stolen neighbor

And stop your troubles!

But the neighbor's cat scream again,

He used to shout March!

And to be able to sleep,

We'll have to buy a cat ...

In April, a cat to cat

Led you in the morning ...

Satisfied cat and screaming

Now you sleep at night gives ...

You will vacation in May ...

And your horoscope says

What do you resort to blows

And the rest will be the first grade!

In June, you will return home

And suddenly plunge into the work!

And after the sea without a doubt

As you will have plenty of experience!

Exactly brag to friends

Once again, already firmly decide,

What a year once again resort

But the month is over and here

For you, July brought a surprise ...

There is no time for jokes! All seriously!

After your cat Okoth

The cabinet thus settled ...

Now kittens screaming already ...

Do you have enough sleep,

But kids will be sorry

(That's only used up quickly)

Do you have hard in August -

Kittens tormented poor things:

The apartment space is not enough,

And you do they interfere.

And you, thinking of such "goods"

Carry more on the market,

You will learn that happiness is,

It is in fact close, right here!

You never know: your cat

Thoroughbred on a little bit,

And when mixed breeds

You rarely succeed litter!

You will be able to kittens in September

Sell ​​for so many that try

I had to work for five years!

Now there is no problem with money!

But in October, a neighbor machine

His find could stealing!

And he, unscrupulous man,

It will adjust the threshold of a ...

And in November, as the night comes

She did not stop screaming ...

The cat and you have psychosis!

It remains only to solve the problem:

Buy this car at once

And it split to pieces ...

On this, the good, the money is

Do not feel sorry for wasting them on the spot.

A cat again Okoth

And new business Weathertop ...

In short this is the year

All Capricorns are lucky!

Funny Aquarius horoscope for the new 2014 verses

 Aquarius horoscope


What shines in Aquarius this year?

Everyone knows only the stars ahead!

And in a single moment, he Aquarius

Prepared was a true horoscope!

January starts quietly and calmly

Everything will ceremoniously be all decent ...

But bad luck happens immediately:

Have you urgently go to the cottage!

There pipe flowed, bums moved in!

In the attic there is a rat settled!

And you have to solve all the problems,

That's how you load the January dilemma ...

You work in February plunge

And then you run into problems:

Have your boss a little quarrel

And with him the plans for the full-year bet!

You will then be offered a pinch,

It will be like a consolation!

And you become the boss at once

Add this to your great happiness!

You will begin to celebrate Increase

And in March to work at once will score ...

The whole month celebration will fly,

And you have a new problem to happen ...

You kicked for absenteeism from work,

Start now you care ...

The work you will begin to look again,

Where you'll be in considerable esteem ....

In April, the business you choose to open,

Here are just here, perhaps, do not rush!

Think about all the decorum, noble

And do all just be careful!

Partner in May will look,

To develop business quickly!

But really you can not find anyone,

Why upset a lot!

In June, you are thinking on holiday

To celebrate, of course, get drunk ...

Ave you a plane accident

Then extremely upset!

In July, once again to take a trip to the country,

Again, the problem with rats in the bargain ...

In the garden, just relax a little bit

And the business re-establish go!

August will not please you at all,

That is unless the profit is, and more!

You will be called back to work,

But you want true freedom!

And so, until September thinking

Decide to develop their business further ...

But I do not think of a better

You will return to business as it was before ...

October will make you happy success

And it will be a lot of fun and laughter

Friends you collect all means,

To mark the dashing changes!

You will wave in November, the resorts,

They met a friend of someone!

Zavertyatsya things faster

And you get rich quick!

To celebrate, you call mom,

Share with her happiness and money!

Friends again dashing collect

And for the success of a glass of navernete!

And in December, you start counting

Results for move the work!

Dog or cat have forged ...

In short, there is a lot of care ...

This is how the year will give you a bright!

It will bring a lot of expensive gifts!

Bestow generously unexpected profit,

To be happy you have the time!
