How to grow a date palm from a stone


Date palm - beautiful evergreen plant in height from 10 to 25 meters. Homeland date palms - North Africa and Arabia, where it began to grow another five thousand years ago. Today, this kind of palm trees decorate the south of the European continent and the countries of Central America.

Many nations, in whose territory grow date palm, figs consumed in food as a staple food.

From the date-palm bone can grow in the conditions of the apartment. It is necessary to stock up time and patience - will be held not less than 3 months to bone sprouted. Beautiful palm leaves begin to please not before a couple of years after planting. At home, the palm can reach a height of 2 meters.

To begin the process of growing trees must be planted in the ground 2-3 bones upright at a depth of 1 cm. Bone germinate well in the soil consisting of peat, sand and wet sawdust, taken in equal proportions. Place planting seeds on top covered with white moss bog.

To appear shoots, the pot of seeds should be kept at room temperature of 25 degrees. The soil should be moist, sprouts appear within 8-12 weeks. Germination time depends on the degree of bone dry bones. Bones fresh fruit germinate faster.

To accelerate the process of growth, should be held before planting seeds in water heated to 80 ° C for 3-4 minutes. Can bone rubbing on emery bumagu- it will help to break the integrity of the enclosure, and cracks appear. Cracks will help moisture to get inside the bone and give a boost to top growth.

The grown shoot length of 15 cm pots are transplanted into different small. At the bottom of the pot put a layer of crushed charcoal. The ground for future palm prepare the following composition: 2 parts sheets and turf ground, mix with 4 parts humus, 2 parts sand and 1 part peat land.

Up to 5 years young trees transplanted each year, and after five - once every 2 - 3 years, when overgrown roots will climb out of the pot. During the transplant with a sharp knife, cut the roots forming a layer of felt. For larger plants in the pot to do good drainage.

Date-palm photophilous plant and favorable conditions for its growth - it is a bright sunny location and plenty of fresh air. In summer, take out a palm tree on the terrace or balcony.

In addition to light, the date palm is very fond of moisture. It is unacceptable drying out of the soil, it will lead to the fact that the beautiful leaves will fall and will not restore its appearance. In the heat of summer palm tree watered in large quantities. In addition to watering the soil, it is necessary to spray the plant is not cold water.

During the growth of date palm consumes a lot of nutrients and requires a weekly feeding from April to October. In winter, adult plant normally tolerate temperatures of 12-14 degrees and infrequent watering.

In nature, leaves of date palms there for 3 years. In terms of domestic cultivation of beautiful leaves palm appreciate in 5 years. To form a beautiful uniform crown of the tree, turn the pot to the sun so that the sheet arrow is pointing to the room.

Date palms, like all trees, produces only leaves from the top of the barrel. You can not cut the top of, or attempt to form the crown trimming the top. Under the conditions of the house date palm grows slowly and does not bear fruit. It can grow in an apartment up to 2 meters and pleasing to the eye a riot of beautiful green leaves.

How to grow a date palm from a stone


Date palm - beautiful evergreen plant in height from 10 to 25 meters. Homeland date palms - North Africa and Arabia, where it began to grow another five thousand years ago. Today, this kind of palm trees decorate the south of the European continent and the countries of Central America.

Many nations, in whose territory grow date palm, figs consumed in food as a staple food.

From the date-palm bone can grow in the conditions of the apartment. It is necessary to stock up time and patience - will be held not less than 3 months to bone sprouted. Beautiful palm leaves begin to please not before a couple of years after planting. At home, the palm can reach a height of 2 meters.

To begin the process of growing trees must be planted in the ground 2-3 bones upright at a depth of 1 cm. Bone germinate well in the soil consisting of peat, sand and wet sawdust, taken in equal proportions. Place planting seeds on top covered with white moss bog.

To appear shoots, the pot of seeds should be kept at room temperature of 25 degrees. The soil should be moist, sprouts appear within 8-12 weeks. Germination time depends on the degree of bone dry bones. Bones fresh fruit germinate faster.

To accelerate the process of growth, should be held before planting seeds in water heated to 80 ° C for 3-4 minutes. Can bone rubbing on emery bumagu- it will help to break the integrity of the enclosure, and cracks appear. Cracks will help moisture to get inside the bone and give a boost to top growth.

The grown shoot length of 15 cm pots are transplanted into different small. At the bottom of the pot put a layer of crushed charcoal. The ground for future palm prepare the following composition: 2 parts sheets and turf ground, mix with 4 parts humus, 2 parts sand and 1 part peat land.

Up to 5 years young trees transplanted each year, and after five - once every 2 - 3 years, when overgrown roots will climb out of the pot. During the transplant with a sharp knife, cut the roots forming a layer of felt. For larger plants in the pot to do good drainage.

Date-palm photophilous plant and favorable conditions for its growth - it is a bright sunny location and plenty of fresh air. In summer, take out a palm tree on the terrace or balcony.

In addition to light, the date palm is very fond of moisture. It is unacceptable drying out of the soil, it will lead to the fact that the beautiful leaves will fall and will not restore its appearance. In the heat of summer palm tree watered in large quantities. In addition to watering the soil, it is necessary to spray the plant is not cold water.

During the growth of date palm consumes a lot of nutrients and requires a weekly feeding from April to October. In winter, adult plant normally tolerate temperatures of 12-14 degrees and infrequent watering.

In nature, leaves of date palms there for 3 years. In terms of domestic cultivation of beautiful leaves palm appreciate in 5 years. To form a beautiful uniform crown of the tree, turn the pot to the sun so that the sheet arrow is pointing to the room.

Date palms, like all trees, produces only leaves from the top of the barrel. You can not cut the top of, or attempt to form the crown trimming the top. Under the conditions of the house date palm grows slowly and does not bear fruit. It can grow in an apartment up to 2 meters and pleasing to the eye a riot of beautiful green leaves.

Kalanchoe care, transplantation and reproduction at home


Kalanchoe - a popular houseplant. Now there are over 200 species of this plant. Kalanchoe blooms very impressive, magnificent, dense inflorescences of white, red, orange and purple. Useful tips florist care, transplants and breeding, feeding, and watering in the home, as well as a unique energy and the healing properties of this great houseplant.

Initially Kalanchoe grown in Asia and South America, it contains a lot of useful substances such as flavonoids, polysaccharides, and various trace elements and organic acids. Legend has it that Goethe to maintain their youth daily eat 1 tbsp this plant processed some secret way.

Location and lighting for Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe is very photophilous plant. He is the place on the windowsill. If the plant is not enough light, it will lose the intense color of flowers and leaves.

In autumn and winter, it tolerates direct sunlight. During the summer, from the midday sun is pritemnyat. To avoid burns, you should not make it on the balcony or terrace.

The temperature of the content

In autumn and winter is resistant to normal room temperature. The optimum temperature of 15-20 degrees. The plant is afraid of central heating, so you should protect it from direct exposure to heat flow.

Humidity near the flower

Unlike many other indoor plants, kalanchoe perfectly withstand the dry air of the apartment. Spray should be no more than once a week, and leaves of the plant with a damp cloth to wipe the dust.

Watering and fertilizing Kalanchoe

In the spring and summer during active plant growth requires abundant watering defended water at room temperature. Water the plants need as drying topsoil.

In the autumn-winter period, you need moderate watering, avoid drying out of the soil, it will lead to yellowing of the leaves. During watering, avoid getting water on leaves, water the soil only.

In the period of active growth kalanchoe fertilize mineral and organic fertilizers once a week, alternating between them. Well suited purchased fertilizer for cacti of succulents.


Repot Kalanchoe in the home should be as necessary if the plant is grown, and the pot began to hamper its root system. The best time for transplanting is spring.

Repot the plant needs only after flowering. Pot for transplantation should be 1-2 cm wider than the previous one.

For the transplant to use the following mixture: equal parts of leaf, peat and sod land, one part sand and one part brick chips. If there is no peat land, you can take softwood. If you can not cook the mixture described, buy mix for succulents.

Reproduction at home

Multiply Kalanchoe leaf and stem cuttings. Fallen leaves can take root and get new plants. Fallen leaf planted in moist sand and cover with a glass and a few months you will see that the plant is started up roots.

If you have the seeds of Kalanchoe, from January to March, they are seeded, press down the ground, covered with glass and put in a shade place. Land for planting should be selected hardwood, light. Watch out, lest the land dries, watered with water at room temperature. A month sow in a box and take care of both young flowers. Flowering kalanchoe begin next year.

Unique energy and the healing properties of Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe - a wonderful plant, in addition to the healing properties of the juice had a unique power. Energy Kalanchoe liberate living in the apartment people from the resentment and anger will calm the cries and disputes, has a bracing effect on the owner. Juice Kalanchoe heal burns, wounds and strengthen the immune system, help with tonsillitis and colds.
