Begonias Homeland tropical and subtropical Africa, America, Asia. Begonias are more than a thousand species that are classified as deciduous shrub, flowering and tuberous.
Begonias dekorativnolistvennye.
These include Rex begonias, Feasta, Bunge, borschevikolistnaya, tiger paws and others.
Such species have creeping rhizomes, or stems, the leaves are large, with a pointed tip, slightly wavy. Leaf color dark olive-green, can be with a strip on the edge, or may be without. The flowers are small, pale pink in color.
Plants are placed on a light east or west window. Well look as a group planting in the winter garden, and one plant near the window. Do not tolerate drafts and high humidity. The temperature in the room in winter should not be below 15 degrees.
Watering begonias warm water. In the spring and summer feed complex fertilizer every 10 days. The soil should consist of leaf soil with humus, peat and sand in the ratio 2: 1: 1: 1. Begonias often suffer from hookworm, and if it is wrong to look - gray mold and powdery mildew. Begonias can be propagated by leaf and stem cuttings and seeds.
Shrub begonias.
These include fuksievidnaya, Haga, bright red, coral, and other palchatolepestkovaya. These begonias are not picky, do not require special care. Can bloom all year and grow to 2 meters in height. It is located on the light, but not sunny place.
The soil at the begonias should be moist, but in winter, reduce watering. Feed the plant once every 15 days, a full mineral fertilizer. In the spring the plant are cut. Most often affected gray rot, aphids, spider mites. Propagated by stem cuttings and seeds.
Begonias blooming.
These include blossom forever, elatior, lorriane (hybrid group) and others. Such beautiful red begonias, pink, yellow and white flowers that bloom until late autumn. They prefer western or eastern window and looked good as a basket plant, hanging near a window.
In summer, needs abundant watering in the winter - a moderate. Fed mineral fertilizer every 10 days, except for the autumn and winter months. Every year it is necessary to transplant, providing good drainage. The plant is affected red spider mites and aphids, and with a lack of light or excessive humidity leaves of the plant turn yellow. Propagated by seeds and stem cuttings.
Tuberous begonias.
In these begonias are large, very beautiful double, semi-double flowers and fringed white, red, yellow, orange. The plant blooms from June to December. Tuber grows from one to five or more stem height of 30-70 centimeters. Begonia likes light summer it is desirable to make the street.
Only in shaded areas, otherwise the leaves will burn. In the spring the tubers planted in moist peat. When potatoes sprout, they are transplanted into a larger pot. When the plant reaches a height of 6-7 centimeters again transplanted. It is important that when transplanting the upper part of the tuber was only slightly covered with earth.
In the summer watering abundant. In late summer watering is stopped altogether. The stems and leaves of the plants die. Tubers were stored at 10-12 degrees. The most dangerous of these begonias for aphids. Propagated by tubers or seeds (seeds are sown in December in a ground sheet, they germinate after 15 days, the plant begins to flower through 6-6, 5 months). This type of plant is popular among fans of the beautiful flowers like roses.