Women after 30 years through the eyes of men


Today we offer you apart from sweet tips glamorous magazines and look at women purely male gaze.

But draw your own conclusions ...

Married Common

She has her husband, one-two-three children, job, kitchen, laundry. He lives a routine routine: lifting - breakfast - children - in school - the husband - to work - face maznut - and around - run. For a cultural excursion and spend time together is not suitable. Maliciously lazily goes to sex for revenge on her husband for nevyzhatoe Tuesday underwear. It never reaches orgasm, because in the middle of the act of jumps with a cry of "I do not chischena potatoes" and runs away, rattling bags of canned food.


My husband is only used as a machine to deliver the money. On the sexual contact is easily and casually. For cultural actions unsuitable because constantly introduces partner with former husbands, their wives and mistresses. Orgasm never reached because at the critical moment says that should go to the other lover. He runs like the wind, forgetting to wear underwear.


Not suitable for anything. Special events avoided to not ask for help in cleaning. In the movie he goes in the hope of sleep. Dressed once and for all. Do not never undresses. Intimacy said the exchange of views in line for baby food.


All looks down. Proudly dissecting crowd massive bust, dragging on a leash of her husband, hung with children, cats and dogs. At a meeting with her lover leads husband and children, leaving them to play in the living room while she "talk business" in the bedroom. For an intimate relationship is of little use because of habit imperious orders to regulate the process. Orgasm up when he hears a cautious knock on the door and the soft voice of her husband, "Honey, we're late."


One bedroom apartment, a small child, weak tea with cookies, a sofa bed, calico nightie. On the public does not go, no one to keep the baby. Sexual life is rare, full soundproofing, so as not to wake the baby sleeping in the same room. Orgasm does not reach as constantly jumps correct on the child a blanket, close-open the window, remove, put the kettle on, make alarm clock in the morning.

Razvedenka snake

Have no children. Luxury apartment-car-yuvelirka, otsuzhennye her ex-husband. About bastards men knows everything. All uses. We all need money, restaurants, entertainment. In kultpohody runs exclusively on luxury presentation and embassy receptions. Estimates for men wallet. For an intimate relationship is of little use because of the thinking that would be expensive and a good shake of her lover. It reaches orgasm, just flicking a lover of all.


He believes in the existence of true and pure romantic love in just 43 minutes. Wearing hats, scarves, silver rings. To go public is of little use because of the eternal enthusiasm and admiration, making her look like a schizophrenic quiet, accompanied by a medic. The intimate life of sweet, sticky, intrusive. It reaches orgasm at the sight of her lover and does not go out of this state before his departure. After that, the state of orgasm immediately goes into melancholy until the next visit.

Bachelorette sinechulkovaya

A strict English suit, inherited Mom or greasy krepdeshinovoe dress inherited grandmother. I read everything from Homer to Borges in the original. The current life understands little. It eats cold hard-boiled eggs with a liquid tea. On kultmeropriyatiyah it tells the whole room, as it did in the Middle Ages in the Duchy Zhopenbugskom condemns modern manners, emancipation, sexual debauchery. Orgasm receives only public libraries, examining the Sumerian cuneiform.

Bachelorette sprightly

Veselushka, poskakushka, ugly, plump. Always fun. From cultural events adores disco poshumnee, during which tells you that the disco in any comparison is not with the outlet ball ihnem vocational school, that's when they gave rustling. In bed perky, cheerful. Chatty, not paying any attention to what you are doing, explains how it was done in their vocational school, listing the advantages and disadvantages of all the 735 inhabitants of the hostel.

Bachelorette common

Externally, no. Internally, knows full well that her purpose - marriage. Everywhere behaves adequately circumstances. Evaluates lover in terms of suitability for family life. Holds tenaciously. Plans kultpohody advance. Not bad cook. Little says. I never introduce her friends. Undressing only in the dark. In an intimate relationship allows only missionary. Orgasm is rarely reached due deliberation fly - not fly - for the sake of marriage.

Mutual understanding - the key to harmony in the family


Have you ever noticed that a man can understand at a glance? Of course, this person should be someone you know. Sometimes we are able to understand even without words. Understanding - is a guarantee of harmony in the family. I would say - this is important. With it all begins. Strong relationships, as well as a happy marriage - is a permanent job!

Sign language ... or harmony in the family

Could you communicate in sign language? So do millions of silent people. Recently, scientists have conducted research whose results have shocked many people. As it turns out, the spoken language is not as important as the sign language.

One way to try to create harmony between you and another person - the transmission of information by means of gestures.

Thus, between two people to establish contacts and communication takes place, which is very difficult to call with a normal conversation. Of course, I did not carry out their research, but the harmony and gestures, too, know a little.

Have you ever noticed that a man can understand at a glance? Of course, this person should be someone you know. Sometimes we are able to understand even without words.

Understanding - is a guarantee of harmony in the family. I would say - this is important. With it all begins.

Strong relationships, as well as a happy marriage - is a permanent job! My favorite, but heavy.

Sometimes it is fun and sometimes requires sacrifice in the form of a compromise. Family - is an attempt to re-connect in a single whole male and female essence of man, which were once a single whole, halves of a single entity.

However, you can not connect half an apple and half an orange. No matter how they fit together, they can never be whole. And if you do not find your soul mate - the whole is not. Connect, of course, everything is possible, even an orange with an apple, but they still fall apart sooner or later.

So it could happen to his family. You only need an apple, an orange and not only with him you will find happiness and will attain harmony. How to do it and how to understand, no one knows, but you very (very). Do not think that you have to put up with character traits that are not really tolerated.

Perhaps in the future you want to change them, but most likely, you do not come out. Character is formed in early childhood, when a person grows up, it is already very problematic change.

So if you have something very annoying in person, think about it and decide for yourself if you can live with it for many years.

You can be different, you can swear because of nonsense, you can have different value ... you can even speak different languages, but without a doubt be one.

Understanding, respect, attention - this is the core values ​​of each family.

When disappear: you tell me - I tell you, when everything is common when listen to each other when you appreciate every moment, given only to you. Of course, there are many other factors that influence the relationship and mutual understanding, which should not be forgotten, but just can not calculate.

Choosing a life partner, we do not choose a carefree life. But, nevertheless, we want to wake up every morning from a kiss, or at least the aroma of fresh coffee, hugging in a dream, to look into her eyes and kissing noses. And you do not care what you look like, whether or not made up.

One whole - this is when no complexes ... no shame ... no ... no convention bans ...

Harmony, it is in the privacy of two people ...

And sex does not close, but the fact that it is in lovemaking between people born that thread, which is very important in a relationship.

This intimacy, trust and the ability to feel each other.

And if you do not - there is no relationship. For harmony in the family - not sex is important, but the ability to feel each other.

My advice to you, dear women: Do not marry a man with whom, in your opinion, you would be able to live. Marry a man, without which you do not think of life!

Good luck ...
