In love hunting wild game to be not so bad

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In love hunting wild game to be not so bad
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It is believed that women should seek the man, and she should give him. Thus at every step we see as the role of the parties which is seeking are women. And they must say, pretty well to take the initiative in their hands.

So the question of who must hunt for whom, remains open.

Imagine that you were a big party. You look around and realize that you really like one of the guests. What strategy will you choose?

A) to pretend that all you care about, and will wait for the object itself pay attention to you.

B) meet you, please try the object and focus his attention on himself.

B) First, you find out everything about the object from others, to exchange business cards with him and will spread a word. With the prospect of continued dating.

So what, you say, the option you choose?

Samantha from "Sex and the City" itself always hunted men. How it ended, fans of the series know ...

Come catch up


If option A, it means that you prefer the role of game, to run away from a hunter.

Game plays in the indifference, and sometimes shows interest to hunters to catch him and arouse his passion.

If a man sees a very active woman, who does not hide his desire to be with him, it can automatically select the demeanor game.

He likes to be inaccessible, mysterious. This guy likes to give hope to several girls. This tipchiki flattered when fighting him.

- Usually, men who choose this type of behavior - a weak sexual constitution - says sexologist, Ph.D., Oleg Ermolaev.

- It has a low level of the male hormone and high levels of the female. As a rule, in the family life of such a man she refers to sex as a duty and not joy. Although if Hunter would be too weak sexual constitution, they can make a happy couple.

However, in other, purely domestic issues she would have to take on male roles. Female Game very easily and quickly jumps to marry. However, supporters of this pattern of behavior, as a rule, the Snow Queen, not only in the process of courtship, but in bed.

Or have a weak sexual constitution, or are they just "nerazbuzhennye" (there is such a sexological term). Of course there are pitfalls. For example, the abuse of this pattern of behavior sometimes leads to the fact that the girl is not catching up with the one she was waiting for.

A passionate hunter, that you do not like it - it's so much trouble! Game Catch-girl just like: restaurants, clubs and other entertainment. But remember, men: as a rule, it is not the only one Hunter.

Bang-bang, oh-oh-oh


If you are dearer option B, it means that your role - Hunter.

It requires serious mental stress, intuition and patience. Hunter keeps his game are always in sight, knows what he wants.

Man Hunter, when he is in pursuit, feels real excitement. And even in the depths of the soul thanks the woman who makes him run.

- The Hunters prefer to go a man with strong sexual constitution. - Says Oleg Ermolaev. - They do not always manage it, so catching one a female parallel already selected other game.

And the strongest feelings experienced hunter to the most unapproachable woman. And if you fall in love hunters, it could be a long time. They are suffering, sometimes for fun go hunting, but nothing brings them joy.

Is the Hunter is one unpleasant feature: achieving his, he tries to disappear. And he becomes the object of hunting. But neither the pregnancy nor the stamp in the passport it is not a hindrance.

Hold it may be only one thing - if it is to realize that this woman is not fully conquered. Minus by minus gives you plus: when both partners are weak sexual constitution, they can become the perfect couple.

Women - Huntress divided into two types.


The first type - the victim.

They choose a man and begin to spud. Take care of him, show your love and affection, are trying to show how they are beautiful and perfect. They even make quite a normal Hunters turn on the time in game.

Women Huntress of the first type are happy in their mother's affection and showing love. They are fighting for their men and the conflict with rivals. They constantly adapt to the man. And a rare man, I confess, is able to resist such attacks.

Another issue that few people can appreciate this gift of fate. And all because this pattern of behavior - running ahead of the engine. And the care and love - that's fine, but not both at once. When something goes just like that, it is not appreciated.

- The ladies of this type of bed, - says Oleg Ermolaev - most are in a dissociated state. This is when, instead of enjoying the process a person thinks about how it looks from the outside, whether he's doing and so. D.

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My husband on weekends

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My husband on weekends
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Over the last hundred years, the institution of marriage has undergone a lot of changes. Since the marriage of church affairs taken over by the state, we had lots of options: if you want - get married, want to - divorce, you want - fictitiously,

and you want - you can even live with a lesbian from Fryazino. One can only feel sorry for the hero of Tolstoy's "Kreutzer Sonata", which is so sick of the marriage commitment that he found no way out but to kill his own wife.

That's only if we become happier with all of our new marriage opportunities? If you look closely, the global family problems that we face, not much of a change for centuries.

And in addition to the correct choice of partner for virtually every couple pressing question: how to keep the charm of the first love, do not get caught up in everyday problems? For these purposes, the smart people came up with guest marriage.

In this age of non-alcoholic beer and phone sex guest (aka extraterritorial) marriage - an alternative to traditional marriage. The concept is simple.

A man and a woman get married, but do not live together. There are a maximum of a couple of times a week. And everyone is happy: wolves and sheep, and all other animals. In addition to the permanent freshness in relationships and an optional, but not stuffed on edge because of sex, there is a guest status and such important advantage as creative freedom. Self-fulfilling as you want.

By the way, this is why this kind of relationship is very popular among bohemians. And I must say, are very strong unions. For example, a sex symbol of Kurt Russell, comprising the guest status for more than 30 years, has never been seen in any scandal. As it dries half a planet, and he - in any. Only my wife loves.

A friend of the singer's life in general Valery Leontiev lives halfway around the world, in America. And nothing, over the years, only longer love each other. "Separation - says wife - only strengthens our relationship."

So no hassle. Everyone lives as he wants. No bubbles in curlers and sweat pants. All sterile and civilized. There are no "take a walk with the dog," "wash the dishes" or "go for food." Not routine and vanity, but "holiday, which is not always with you."

But the main ideological pathos guest of marriage is that the partners to each other, "do not bother" and give each other breathe.

Try to understand what are the relations connect "guest" spouses.

So the first key word here - partners. However, this term from an economic or legal dictionary, and not of love. And the notorious guest marriage partners are subject to the mutual prestige (like married and no one "nags"). As well as suppliers of pure pleasure.

We select another key concept - "do not bother". Here, in the first place stand not feelings, and their comfort for both spouses. In fact, if you eat it every day even if it is salmon with mayonnaise, a month or a wolf zavoesh boredom: "I would like buckwheat porridge! ". It turns out that the "partner" is an analogue of food.

Imagine a recipe for happiness: "thoroughly cleaned and toasted in the solarium until golden brown husband to take three to four times per month before bedtime. It is desirable in the odd days, and in any case on Sunday. "

A permanent husband - this is such a longing! Imagine: you get up every morning and the first thing you see the same uncle. Perhaps he even shaved, snores and does not take up a seat for the toilet. And the colors are no longer presents, so-and-so. Just know yourself gushing beer and watching the telly.

What a difference when the meeting turns into an event! So it is better to see once a week. And a man who is ready for this date - shaved, waxed, and sprinkled with cologne. Down with the gray days! Or perhaps it is a way not to be disappointed in his chosen one?

Then it turns out that the guest marriage means that we are not each other "in the mountain", but only "joy." Giving each other imaginary pleasure. He - always Don Juan I - Carmen. And all this is happening exactly as long as you get bored, and not until then, until "death do us part." Until the satiety.

Generally, this is a very enjoyable game. But why call it marriage? A classic, not so trendy now married spouses poses quite stringent requirements that seem inappropriate today. There is something in these requirements is truly superhuman: it conceivable constantly someone to accept, to forgive, to support?

Do not commit adultery while? Even a little bit ... Any restriction nowadays seems rather unreasonable, when the fashion "personal growth" and "self-actualization". Therefore, can there be a marriage end? Now he is perceived more as a means to self-realization (well, or, at worst, maintain the status).

A tool that should not in any way infringe on the freedom that actually incompatible with conjugal, in the classic sense of the word, life. Frankly, the logic is quite selfish. If you follow the modern trends, it appears that everything, even married, the relationship should be functional and technological.

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