How to get a man to marry


We need a push from the outside, that is, some external reason, which pushed to your friend to marriage.

Each method has pros and cons, they may not be ideal for you, but after reading the text and evaluating the situation, you may find the right solution.

Method 1: Conceive

On the right is the first line of the hit parade "to ring in a single step." It applies even if in fact you are not pregnant (the stronger sex is poorly versed in all these lines on strips of dough). Especially if you're set on it representatives of the public - from parents and ending with common acquaintances.

Many men are serious about long term offspring. Also, this method works, if a man admits the thought of marriage with you, but hesitates. Pregnancy will provide for him a decisive factor.


  1. It does not matter for what reason he did not want to marry you - now it under pressure, and with a child at the ready. Man believes he is entitled to defend itself, and sometimes lose the ability to talk calmly, and thus protection methods can select the most unexpected.

2. If you still be able to put the squeeze on a man, your husband hardly produced may hate you and your child, and then all my life to avenge them both. If he does not love you, then chances are that sooner or later he's still gone.

3. If pregnancy - fiction, and pecked at her cute, you have to urgently correct the situation. A pregnant really is sometimes not so easy.

Method 2: Buy

If a man is clearly not indifferent to material things - the way for him. The most popular option - to lure the living area.


1. In most cases, men eager to gifts, love lasts until such time as they are not "milked" his passion without reserve. If you get what you want without a stamp in the passport of such a lover fails, it can, and getting married. Then arrange the kind of life that you want to divorce itself. And then you risk being left without a husband, without half the apartment.

2. Maybe he never have the nerve to go for all the above meanness. But then it is possible that he will feel dependent on you and on the wealth that you have with him, "sharing." And this can lead either to unconscious desire to take revenge for the humiliation to you or to an inferiority complex. And then the fact both.

Method 3: Pressure your relatives

It is a tangible argument for marriage may be weighty word (if no less weighty fist), parent of the bride: "Do you like the girl - get married! ". But here, as they say, are possible punctures.


1. Your friend may well turn out to be their own relatives or friends with no less weighty arguments in its defense.

2. Even if he marries a result, it will continue to be afraid of you and your family. Do not hurry to rejoice: the fear of his wife often provokes men addicted to alcohol.

METHOD 4. The pressure of his relatives

If your friend has a good relationship with his mother, the more often it will look for a wife, that would be like my mother. You need to meet with his mother, and make it your ally. Meeting with her you have to watch her, and be like her. If his parents' strong marriage, you have to like his dad. Then his parents will put pressure on him in your favor.


1.Podstraivanie under his mother can dramatically change you, and not always for the better.

2. Marriage shall be entered into, but as the desire of the man did not ask, then, a little grown up, he can make a separate step and divorce.

METHOD 5. Wait for when it will need a stamp in the passport.

That he may require the preparation of a living space, the design of certain documents, the move to permanent residence abroad, etc.


It may never come.

METHOD 6. Put ultimatum

Many women spodvigaet their sweethearts to marry, only putting them a choice: either you're up to the wedding festivities by all the canons, or one goes in search of this second half. A half-measures do not!


It can say, let's go. And then what to do?

METHOD 6. Making jealous.

Being perfect in everything, make him love me, and then begin to flirt with his rival (another brother). Seeing that you care about others, he wants to discourage you and offer the option of which you dreamed.


1.Mozhet to call you curse words and stop all relations.

2. After the wedding, his jealousy will all increase, and you will run away from him.

METHOD 7. Temporarily disperse

You propose to live separately, to check how much you will be bad without each other before they enter into a serious, formal relations.


1. If you encourage others without the other a little time, you can misinterpret this experiment.

2. If the experiment will be delayed, then he can find you a replacement or prefer to live alone.

8. HOW become self-sufficient.

This method is the most difficult, demanding of remarkable intelligence and imagination. You will be asked not to repeat: "I do not want to get married! "- Just stop thinking about marriage in general, switching to other things (career, sports, and so on. D.). And then, you may be able to make a man see you as an independent and vibrant person, not a maniac wanting in that whatever the cost, to get a stamp in your passport.


1. Lack of interest in the design of future relations can convince a man that you do not need. The best strategic line here - to explain to him that, in principle, you do not have anything against the family ties, but it can live without these.

2. Feeling cvoyu independence and self-confidence, you yourself, maybe look at marriage differently. At least, with this man.


If a man shies away from marriage, it says that you and he are pursuing different goals, and your relationship is hardly end wedding. In such a situation, when you want to start a family, but he was "a little walk," it is best to change the general partner.

Suppose that initially you think that such a great man you have never found; you still have to show a certain strength of will and wisdom and to put an end to their relationship doomed to extinction: marry his chosen you still will not leave - because to marry you it just is not going to.

Refusing to explore with other men, "Fixated" on hot pursuit chosen to ring and make it your husband, you subconsciously associate with him conjugal obligations psychologically join with him in marriage, which does not really exist!

Author: Alzhbetta

Citizen roommate! Is not it time for us to the registrar?


The best way to keep love men - not to marry him. Catherine Deneuve

"Fairy Tale - a lie, so it hint." And in fact, in all the grotesque folk art: the beauty is sure to hand-written, the characters - always fools, though resourceful.

And the princes of a match: all with their own kingdom and on white horses. And the best fairy tales - this is the end. Because all the stories end the same way - the wedding, "a feast for the whole world." Today, however, do not enjoy the wedding ceremony onetime honor, and more - what is popularly called a civil marriage. To start us be clear, in order to avoid further misunderstandings.

Civil marriage (in our understanding), from a legal point of view, the so-called - it is not quite true. Civil marriage - a fortune in legal respects, drawn up in the registry office (hence - civil registration). More precisely, such an open relationship between M and M should be called "cohabitation".

But we will not fundamentally change the wording and will use the traditional definition. So ...

In a civil marriage has many ardent supporters and opponents no less fundamental. It happens that the difference of opinion on this important issue provokes even rupture of relations: for example, he wants to give her his name and wear a ring on your finger, and she just said that was not ready, do not want and will not register the relationship.

Or vice versa. Let's say she "really married unbearable", and he was genuinely puzzled, "why do we need this stamp in the passport, and because we are so fond of each other? ".

On the advantages and disadvantages of cohabitation written and said a lot - to make enough to enter into a search engine combination of "civil marriage". What can be proud of cohabitants in a civil union?

Arguments "for"

We will check your feelings, and "try on" the role of husband and wife.

We actually (and officially) remain free.

We live by the principle "No one owes nothing to."

We respect each other's independence, love does not perceive as a post, a duty or "bytovuhu." A favorite never gets entourage, like a gas stove, cabinet or bed.

We do not need to arrange luxury (and beating on the budget) wedding feasts. We do not have to rush to the document: change the name, passport and all relevant documents, residence.

Our child (hypothetical) can easily leave the country with his mother (his father in wedlock would have to fill out a bunch of documents).

Plus free relations - mass minuses - not so much. At least at first glance.

1. Legal insecurity - the main and sometimes decisive minus cohabitation of two people. Civil marriage is beneficial to a woman only if she earns well and has a separate living space. In this case, all marital property (including purchased during the period of cohabitation apartment, car) will belong to her, that is, the person on whom it is written.

When status in the event of divorce, all jointly acquired divided exactly in half. Because often a man with a fairly good wage in no hurry to make out relations knowing about the legal underpinnings of the marriage. If the former common-law wife wants to sue the living space or other property, it did not shine (have to collect all kinds of evidence, such as the remaining checks, total current account, or a child in common ...).

Yes paternity prove oh how difficult, which means that a child born in such a union, will have no legal father. And, accordingly, the alimony. On the other hand, it is not always and not for all the important relationships in a subsequent section of the property.

Therefore, if you are not an end in itself "after seven skins" to elect or to be his official heir, the first lack of civil marriage you never touch. Besides, when it comes to inheritance, there is always the opportunity to write a will and make your roommate or concubine rightful heir.

2. There is an interesting statistic: the question of marital status, most women who are cohabiting, answer "married", but the majority of men - "not married". Very often, a woman believes that her life is closely connected with the life of a roommate, keeps him faithful and perceives as her husband.

A man is confident that he is free, at any time can go to bed with another, or completely leave without explanation. Obligations do not, freedom! Hence the second "trick" of unregistered relationship - instability. A woman without a stamp in the passport and the ring on her finger can not be completely sure that it is not cute umchitsya tomorrow to another. "Today he's here, and tomorrow? "

3. Another problem is more ethical: these are the most common children. According to statistics, children who were born in a civil marriage, often born prematurely and weak. Psychologists say that this is due to greater stress load on a woman during pregnancy.

Even with the strongest relationship expectant mother often wonders what being a single mother, if the child's father suddenly decides to disappear from the horizon.

Civil marriage - the ideal choice when very young decide to just check their relationship joint farming. This is a good way to find out, on the shoulder if you wash his socks, and who in the end will do the dishes. This is always the possibility of a separate, unencumbered by formalities.

If unregistered relationships last for years, and the wedding is not expected? It's not very good at it: you are constantly in a state of instability and do not know what the outcome of such an "experiment." Suddenly you are parted - but from the former "marriage" will be only cosmetic, food processor and thought "Who I spent my youth ?! "

In any case - the choice is yours. Most often applied to men, we ask questions in a series of "like - not like", "spit - The Kiss", "change - or not." Another common variation - "married or not."

How do I know your man is ready for marriage?

1. He is in love to madness (jealous, calling five times a day, gives gifts and so forth.);

2. He agrees to meet with no resistance to your parents. Or does it on his own initiative;

3. Most of his friends are already married and not divorced;

4. He earns a good idea, and has its own housing (or has neither one nor the other, but all of this is you);

5. He has already had several long novels ended your appearance;

6. He does not say: "What Petka / VA / Kohl - a fool, just got married."

7. His parents have long hinted at the fact that "it is time to granddaughter";

8. He loves children and animals;

9. He was already a spouse, compared to where you are - just an angel from heaven;

10. He lives with his parents and finally tired of their society;

11. He was not sure of your feelings and fears that you can go to another that his only chance - to make you an offer;

12. Are you crazy like his mother;

13. He was in a crisis situation, and decided to change his life for the better;

14. It is definitely not a womanizer, likes to speculate about future plans, which is sure to have you.

Author: Xenia Uglanova
