To save, you need to fall in love

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To save, you need to fall in love
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When possessed fierce desire to save man (from failures, depression, selfishness or spiritual delusions), and most importantly - on the horizon appears a worthy object for salvation, not in a hurry. To start think and ask yourself a few questions.

Playing the Victim

Love, as it is known - is a willingness to sacrifice and give. Today's favorite, for example, sprained ligaments, lies in bed and groans, and after him, of course, have to make love with maternal care. But if after a while, his girlfriend "cut" with a favorite work comes his turn to serve as a "vest" and give her moral support.

What's so surprising? - Any person at a time can sometimes prove to be helpless as a child, whether to blame life's adversities, or health status, and at this moment he needs the support of a partner. And a good pair of people quickly change their roles to give temporary support to those who "weakened."

It is quite another thing when the role of the martyr and the comforter tightly secured. For example, the wife is worn for a long time with the idea to bring her betrothed to the people, and he looks for the fifth year in a "dignified and creative work" and waiting for appropriate proposals lie down in front of the TV with a beer, she left him carefully in the fridge.

Recognizable picture?

The role of the eternal mom - it's a trap. Think about whether your kindness brings joy even to someone? You most? Hardly.

Not to mention the benefit: giving more and more - and get nothing in return.

And most of the "victim" is in vain. Worse, it harms adult child, you have dedicated their lives. His irresponsibility grows in proportion to the efforts to save it. He is accustomed to the care and worse to cope with their problems, mental or worldly.

Moreover, he also begins to reproach his girlfriend sacrifice all his troubles: "If not for you, I would long ago have been the director of the bank." Yes, of course, "we are responsible for those who tamed", but there is only one salvation - to cease to be his mother.

Adopt husband

There is a stereotype of victimhood: Mother Teresa. Took care of the poor, save the weak, he makes the wounded from the battlefield. Only this model is not suitable for mutual love, implies a certain equality of partners.

And when the family appears "Mother Teresa", partnerships rapidly escalate into a relationship of mother and child. What is fraught besides emotional dissatisfaction? And the fact that nobody has been able to combine the two roles of wife and mother-in-one.

The boy-husband simply ceases to feel erotic attraction to the "mummy". So we employ subliminal ban on incest. Therefore, "Mamochkin husband" can only take on the mother-wife's care, but at the same time tries to escape from her, hiding her from his adult toys and it is cheating.

He constantly offended by the "Mummy", which does not allow him to live freely. This is not love, but a completely different genre. So think carefully: if you need a baby? And if you want, maybe it is easier to give birth than to adopt the eternal child in a tie and with a mustache.

Moms different needs?

The question arises: who is to blame in these situations? This man made the woman of his mummy - or is it her tireless care led to his immaturity? When running a vicious circle, these questions have no practical sense. Therefore, the best women wonder where I need to be a mom?

Games that are worth a stop

Sometimes you see before you is not a man, but a boy who will most likely never want to grow up. It would be good to eliminate these candidates already in the early stages of dating. But better late than never.

Here are the signs of the eternal child, that should alert you:

- Alcohol, drugs, and gambling.

- With all the girlfriends past he treated unfairly.

- Rudeness with you (at first - always a joke), threats, fights with girls in the past. Or take a look how he behaves with a waitress (not the waiter!) In the restaurant.

- Unexpected and unpredictable bouts of children's moods.

- Mood swings (eg, rage against the backdrop of tenderness).

- It is the responsibility of irresponsible at work, to monetary debts.

- He has mental problems with their own parents (for example, he remembers dear mother once in half an hour - or, conversely, for the year never mentioned about his parents).

Prev. - Next. "

Where are you - my millionaire?

 Where can I find a millionaire

Almost any woman caught myself thinking at least once in his life, he wanted to be married to a millionaire. What to do? Wealth has always been one of the most important issues when choosing a future husband.

But it can not be a millionaire with the proposal of the heart and the hands just knock on your door. Why then sitting at home waiting until fate finds you own? It's useless.

Seize the initiative in their hands!

Before you worry about how to ring a millionaire, pay attention to two things.

First, the husband-oligarch at first glance may not be as simple as it seems. And his various tricks, for which an ordinary man can and a frying pan to the head get, will have to endure.

Second, find a financial tycoons and mislead his brains - the process is quite long and tedious. Only in exceptional cases some lucky young ladies, and they were able to capture the rich peasant who has fallen on their heads to the sky.

In many metropolitan cities of the country there are a few institutions that prepare girls for dating with a rich suitor. In addition to the psychological training, they are taught many other useful subjects (such as staying in bed is always desirable). Girls are constantly working with make-up artists, stylists, fashion designers.

Wearing stylish and fashionable dress guard private club paying a fortune, and you may be able to penetrate the closed corporate party, to spend the night in the elite club in the hope that your millionaire comes it here. But can you convince him to their needs, that is another question.

Let us consider gold a place where you can meet a millionaire.

On the ground, plenty of such places, but it is necessary to note especially South Africa, Monaco and the United States.

Role of tourists give a lot of benefits and networking opportunities. For example, you without the slightest hesitation can come to you like a man to ask you to take a picture or show the way. And there can be no start up dating.

In such situations, men are ready to go on contact and are always pleasant conversation can turn into a long-term relationship. However, not the fact that man is a millionaire, but you know how she prepared, do not let themselves be deceived and, of course, be able to distinguish from the rich man's braggart.

As they say, happiness is the ability to be in the right place at the right time. And if you try, you will certainly find yourself there.

Best country where there is a search for a bachelor millionaire - is the United States. There neokoltsovannym millionaires over fifty. Pay particular attention to the West Coast.

How to enter the environment of millionaires, it is very difficult, requiring substantial investment and effort. But another question arises - how to win the heart of the elect? Remember that your partner can always check your data, so it is best not to lie.

If you do not want to tell the truth, then it is better to disguise or nedogovorit. In addition, you must show that you have pride and you are strong, that he could not wipe their feet on you. And he will try to check it out, if it comes to a serious relationship.

Be of good cheer, ladies. Remember to make your dream come true, take a lot of effort, time and money, but you need to with her head held firmly to go to the target.
