To marry a foreigner - a fairy tale it?


Each of us is a child believes or wants to believe in a fairy tale, a prince on a white horse, then, that our lives turn into a fabulous story. Therefore, knowing that the Russian woman enjoying success abroad, we begin to plan, to dream of a better life, a foreign husband is about the prince on a white horse,

although as a horse, in this case, it is likely to approach the white foreign car.

Of course, it is no secret that foreign suitors who apply to marriage agencies in the search for Russian wives have a soul quite considerable fortune.

I do not want to say that our compatriots are married to foreign countries for the money, after all, not that we still have the mentality of, however, is the marriage guarantees a comfortable existence.

The question that I would like to raise - it is sweet to our women live in a foreign country with a foreign husband? Many of our compatriots, this finding a "prince", fall in love and rush, as they say, in the pool with his head.

The most important mistake becomes that in such cases the woman is not paying enough attention to the study of the mentality, the way of life of residents of the country where she marries, her future husband blind trust.

At the same time I want to say that many foreigners are very prudent and reasonable people, they are driven not so much feeling and reason.

When mixed temperament and sensuality Russian bride with prudence and coolness of a foreign groom sometimes a mixture is not always usable.

And that's good, when in such an alliance reigns understanding of mutual love, which are able to smooth out the rough edges. And when love is in the pair - a sense of one-sided, the relationship will soon give a crack.

About Russian women abroad goes glory economically, women who know how to farm, and it is not without reason.


And that is why many foreigners choose exactly Russian woman as a wife.

But the fact is that our women have some misconception about life abroad. From films and serials made up idea of ​​life with servants, expensive gifts, beautiful and not troublesome life.

Although in reality the situation is completely different. Hoping to marry the female hostess, her husband, a foreigner not really want wasted on luxury gifts and housekeeper.

In this clash of different expectations from each other, in the end, to replace a high sense of disappointment comes.

How can you avoid a collapse in the relationship and marriage, which, perhaps, you were waiting, almost since childhood?

You just need to be ready for anything, as they say, forewarned - is forearmed.

Do not expect from a foreign marriage golden mountains and the absence of any trouble, get ready to conquer something that you expect.

If sometimes mute feelings mind, we can avoid many of the problems that seem to you not so global.

In short, she married a foreigner, be prepared to be guided by more than reason, and not the heart, otherwise life does not seem like paradise and you will dream, as it were, go back to their homeland.

Author Galina Tretyakov

Mutual understanding - the key to harmony in the family


Have you ever noticed that a man can understand at a glance? Of course, this person should be someone you know. Sometimes we are able to understand even without words. Understanding - is a guarantee of harmony in the family. I would say - this is important. With it all begins. Strong relationships, as well as a happy marriage - is a permanent job!

Sign language ... or harmony in the family

Could you communicate in sign language? So do millions of silent people. Recently, scientists have conducted research whose results have shocked many people. As it turns out, the spoken language is not as important as the sign language.

One way to try to create harmony between you and another person - the transmission of information by means of gestures.

Thus, between two people to establish contacts and communication takes place, which is very difficult to call with a normal conversation. Of course, I did not carry out their research, but the harmony and gestures, too, know a little.

Have you ever noticed that a man can understand at a glance? Of course, this person should be someone you know. Sometimes we are able to understand even without words.

Understanding - is a guarantee of harmony in the family. I would say - this is important. With it all begins.

Strong relationships, as well as a happy marriage - is a permanent job! My favorite, but heavy.

Sometimes it is fun and sometimes requires sacrifice in the form of a compromise. Family - is an attempt to re-connect in a single whole male and female essence of man, which were once a single whole, halves of a single entity.

However, you can not connect half an apple and half an orange. No matter how they fit together, they can never be whole. And if you do not find your soul mate - the whole is not. Connect, of course, everything is possible, even an orange with an apple, but they still fall apart sooner or later.

So it could happen to his family. You only need an apple, an orange and not only with him you will find happiness and will attain harmony. How to do it and how to understand, no one knows, but you very (very). Do not think that you have to put up with character traits that are not really tolerated.

Perhaps in the future you want to change them, but most likely, you do not come out. Character is formed in early childhood, when a person grows up, it is already very problematic change.

So if you have something very annoying in person, think about it and decide for yourself if you can live with it for many years.

You can be different, you can swear because of nonsense, you can have different value ... you can even speak different languages, but without a doubt be one.

Understanding, respect, attention - this is the core values ​​of each family.

When disappear: you tell me - I tell you, when everything is common when listen to each other when you appreciate every moment, given only to you. Of course, there are many other factors that influence the relationship and mutual understanding, which should not be forgotten, but just can not calculate.

Choosing a life partner, we do not choose a carefree life. But, nevertheless, we want to wake up every morning from a kiss, or at least the aroma of fresh coffee, hugging in a dream, to look into her eyes and kissing noses. And you do not care what you look like, whether or not made up.

One whole - this is when no complexes ... no shame ... no ... no convention bans ...

Harmony, it is in the privacy of two people ...

And sex does not close, but the fact that it is in lovemaking between people born that thread, which is very important in a relationship.

This intimacy, trust and the ability to feel each other.

And if you do not - there is no relationship. For harmony in the family - not sex is important, but the ability to feel each other.

My advice to you, dear women: Do not marry a man with whom, in your opinion, you would be able to live. Marry a man, without which you do not think of life!

Good luck ...

In love hunting wild game to be not so bad

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In love hunting wild game to be not so bad
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It is believed that women should seek the man, and she should give him. Thus at every step we see as the role of the parties which is seeking are women. And they must say, pretty well to take the initiative in their hands.

So the question of who must hunt for whom, remains open.

Imagine that you were a big party. You look around and realize that you really like one of the guests. What strategy will you choose?

A) to pretend that all you care about, and will wait for the object itself pay attention to you.

B) meet you, please try the object and focus his attention on himself.

B) First, you find out everything about the object from others, to exchange business cards with him and will spread a word. With the prospect of continued dating.

So what, you say, the option you choose?

Samantha from "Sex and the City" itself always hunted men. How it ended, fans of the series know ...

Come catch up


If option A, it means that you prefer the role of game, to run away from a hunter.

Game plays in the indifference, and sometimes shows interest to hunters to catch him and arouse his passion.

If a man sees a very active woman, who does not hide his desire to be with him, it can automatically select the demeanor game.

He likes to be inaccessible, mysterious. This guy likes to give hope to several girls. This tipchiki flattered when fighting him.

- Usually, men who choose this type of behavior - a weak sexual constitution - says sexologist, Ph.D., Oleg Ermolaev.

- It has a low level of the male hormone and high levels of the female. As a rule, in the family life of such a man she refers to sex as a duty and not joy. Although if Hunter would be too weak sexual constitution, they can make a happy couple.

However, in other, purely domestic issues she would have to take on male roles. Female Game very easily and quickly jumps to marry. However, supporters of this pattern of behavior, as a rule, the Snow Queen, not only in the process of courtship, but in bed.

Or have a weak sexual constitution, or are they just "nerazbuzhennye" (there is such a sexological term). Of course there are pitfalls. For example, the abuse of this pattern of behavior sometimes leads to the fact that the girl is not catching up with the one she was waiting for.

A passionate hunter, that you do not like it - it's so much trouble! Game Catch-girl just like: restaurants, clubs and other entertainment. But remember, men: as a rule, it is not the only one Hunter.

Bang-bang, oh-oh-oh


If you are dearer option B, it means that your role - Hunter.

It requires serious mental stress, intuition and patience. Hunter keeps his game are always in sight, knows what he wants.

Man Hunter, when he is in pursuit, feels real excitement. And even in the depths of the soul thanks the woman who makes him run.

- The Hunters prefer to go a man with strong sexual constitution. - Says Oleg Ermolaev. - They do not always manage it, so catching one a female parallel already selected other game.

And the strongest feelings experienced hunter to the most unapproachable woman. And if you fall in love hunters, it could be a long time. They are suffering, sometimes for fun go hunting, but nothing brings them joy.

Is the Hunter is one unpleasant feature: achieving his, he tries to disappear. And he becomes the object of hunting. But neither the pregnancy nor the stamp in the passport it is not a hindrance.

Hold it may be only one thing - if it is to realize that this woman is not fully conquered. Minus by minus gives you plus: when both partners are weak sexual constitution, they can become the perfect couple.

Women - Huntress divided into two types.


The first type - the victim.

They choose a man and begin to spud. Take care of him, show your love and affection, are trying to show how they are beautiful and perfect. They even make quite a normal Hunters turn on the time in game.

Women Huntress of the first type are happy in their mother's affection and showing love. They are fighting for their men and the conflict with rivals. They constantly adapt to the man. And a rare man, I confess, is able to resist such attacks.

Another issue that few people can appreciate this gift of fate. And all because this pattern of behavior - running ahead of the engine. And the care and love - that's fine, but not both at once. When something goes just like that, it is not appreciated.

- The ladies of this type of bed, - says Oleg Ermolaev - most are in a dissociated state. This is when, instead of enjoying the process a person thinks about how it looks from the outside, whether he's doing and so. D.

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