I very much want to get married


Do women want to get married now?

What is marriage in today's society? You can look at dating sites - many women write that they want to get married and start a family. Girls and women who come to the club

parties often say they are looking for serious dating.

At the same time, sociologists and psychologists confidently cite statistics that indicate that the number of divorces increased year by year, a growing number of single men and women, single-parent families, declining birth rates, more frequent extramarital relations, women are not always eager to go married men and married.

All of this allows them to declare the crisis of the family in society and to draw conclusions about what the institution of marriage is gradually dying out. However, if you follow the evolution of the marital relationship and to consider the institution of marriage in the historical aspect, the picture would be not so bleak.

Within each period of history unfolds its very special model of the family, which is influenced by the cultural development of society as a whole. If you start with a review of the patriarchal family, we will see that equality between the sexes was of a formal nature, and responsibility for the family, and with it the power conferred upon man.

The woman's parents were married, and the family lived on a "can endure - slyubitsya." For centuries, women do not cease to fight for equality with men, to change society, to change traditions. Women took on economic independence and equality, and the marriage gradually began to move from the patriarchal to democratic type.

The woman began to marry, according to their own preferences. But until recently an unmarried 25-year-old woman looked in the eyes of society at least strange, and often considered a failure.

A woman raising a child alone, humiliating called single mother. Therefore, the girl sought to determine the candidate for a husband as soon as possible and tried to jump out to marry as early as his student years.

That is why during the Soviet era was so widespread so-called student marriage. Usually she married before the distribution. From mom and older girlfriends future bride knew that if a student does not get married, you'll always be "old maid."

Today, a single woman and 30 years can afford to feel confident, not afraid of condemnation and to take the time to get married to an insecure student only to have the status of a married woman. And maybe she is now much more.

The modern woman strives to get married, but are not limited selection of their environment: work, college, friends. Among its worldwide network of Internet services, which can significantly expand the circle of communication, meet for marriage and serious relationship or friendship and love.

Numerous marriage agencies, dating services, matchmakers and dating clubs are also involved in furnishing his personal life and helps the girls to get married, and men marry. If a woman wants, she may try to marry even a representative of any country in the world.

The modern, self-confident woman who wants to get married, it is unlikely to entrust their fate is bound to become a mediator and a frequent guest party dating. There may itself make choices and show all its advantages, to tempt, to seduce and flirt!

In the new millennium, the sexual division loses rigidity, otherwise considered the relationship of man and woman in professional work, personal and family life - a woman is not always a homemaker, and a man - a warrior and earner.

Women as well as men have the freedom of choice in almost all areas, but, having the freedom to choose, and they have the freedom to termination. Today, just as easy to marry, as well as divorce.

Sometimes, a woman takes the only correct decision for her - a divorce, then to a good marriage. Perhaps this can be explained by the freedom of such a huge number of divorces and the growing number of single men and women.

This transitional period can be called a crisis of the family, but to say that the institution of marriage is dying, at least, premature.

Despite the fact that society is changing, women are still women. Like many thousands of years ago, they want to get married! Just having the freedom to choose, they are in no hurry, and it is looking for the man with whom would be really happy.

The woman still wants to get married, have children, build a strong family and to have near a close loving single person - her husband.

What kind of men choose their wives?


No matter how wonderful your relationship may have been, the man does not seek to go with you on the red carpet in a registry office. Some time later, you learn that he married a certain Mane, that's for sure, and you do not hold a candle to fit.

Why is it so often turns out that love smart and beautiful and very married to others? These days, many couples prefer not to tie the knot, guided by the adage "good thing" marriage "will not be called."

They just live together, and this is true of some parties. If only because the seal in the passport and following duties many marriages break down, rather than strengthened. And in the event of separation do not have to mess around with pieces of paper from a lawyer.

Marriage, that he was happy to be balanced solution, consider more than once - the rush, as you know, is good only when catching fleas. But, unfortunately, many still in a hurry to bring her "the most important day in my life."

However, men often approach the issue of marriage with a completely practical point of view. A man marries, has a family, but his heart is not lawful wife.

Some representatives of the stronger sex, planning their future, firmly decide for themselves what is to be able to do that, to be known as "wife." Cook, clean, iron, wash and more.

Roughly speaking, they are not looking for a wife, and staff. But love cheering, singing serenades under windows these men are very different women - those in which they see the power and personality. Why they are not married?

Most often they are afraid of losing their own "I" seem to friends henpecked and the like. And then, not the fact that his goddess they want to see the cooking borscht and wash clothes. Still others go further.

They create for themselves not only the image of the ideal wife and the ideal woman as a whole. Only to meet just such a chance to even less than one in a million. Moreover, it may already be occupied.

In search of his ideal woman a man can go around the world, but it never found, and he marries one that, however good it may be, he will never fall in love for real.

The best-known form of practical marriage - a marriage of convenience. This kind of politics, because the calculation goes not (or not only) the money, but also a successful career, a cloudless future. And when there is all this, you can afford a mistress, which will belong to the heart.

There are a number of things that people are told from childhood. And here is how these things are arranged and what it's all you need not explain. Marriage refers specifically to such things.

With blue screens conducted endless conversations about the family - this is an important unit of society, that the spouses have a duty, and so on, but rarely say that by marrying "because we need" two people can condemn each other on suffering.

And then the children do not want to mess with the division of property, the call of conscience - and live to old age. At the same time begin to secretly meet with someone they are ashamed, but at the same time we have to admit that once rushed to hike to the registrar.

There are a lot of reasons why a man may be married to one, and love with the other. For example, pregnant women, which was about to break up, the desire to try everything in life, or a banal fear of a lonely old age.

Before you decide to marry, think, and whether it is necessary to you, what you want from this relationship, this man and all life.

After all, some mistakes can cost you a lot.
