How to get a man to marry


We need a push from the outside, that is, some external reason, which pushed to your friend to marriage.

Each method has pros and cons, they may not be ideal for you, but after reading the text and evaluating the situation, you may find the right solution.

Method 1: Conceive

On the right is the first line of the hit parade "to ring in a single step." It applies even if in fact you are not pregnant (the stronger sex is poorly versed in all these lines on strips of dough). Especially if you're set on it representatives of the public - from parents and ending with common acquaintances.

Many men are serious about long term offspring. Also, this method works, if a man admits the thought of marriage with you, but hesitates. Pregnancy will provide for him a decisive factor.


  1. It does not matter for what reason he did not want to marry you - now it under pressure, and with a child at the ready. Man believes he is entitled to defend itself, and sometimes lose the ability to talk calmly, and thus protection methods can select the most unexpected.

2. If you still be able to put the squeeze on a man, your husband hardly produced may hate you and your child, and then all my life to avenge them both. If he does not love you, then chances are that sooner or later he's still gone.

3. If pregnancy - fiction, and pecked at her cute, you have to urgently correct the situation. A pregnant really is sometimes not so easy.

Method 2: Buy

If a man is clearly not indifferent to material things - the way for him. The most popular option - to lure the living area.


1. In most cases, men eager to gifts, love lasts until such time as they are not "milked" his passion without reserve. If you get what you want without a stamp in the passport of such a lover fails, it can, and getting married. Then arrange the kind of life that you want to divorce itself. And then you risk being left without a husband, without half the apartment.

2. Maybe he never have the nerve to go for all the above meanness. But then it is possible that he will feel dependent on you and on the wealth that you have with him, "sharing." And this can lead either to unconscious desire to take revenge for the humiliation to you or to an inferiority complex. And then the fact both.

Method 3: Pressure your relatives

It is a tangible argument for marriage may be weighty word (if no less weighty fist), parent of the bride: "Do you like the girl - get married! ". But here, as they say, are possible punctures.


1. Your friend may well turn out to be their own relatives or friends with no less weighty arguments in its defense.

2. Even if he marries a result, it will continue to be afraid of you and your family. Do not hurry to rejoice: the fear of his wife often provokes men addicted to alcohol.

METHOD 4. The pressure of his relatives

If your friend has a good relationship with his mother, the more often it will look for a wife, that would be like my mother. You need to meet with his mother, and make it your ally. Meeting with her you have to watch her, and be like her. If his parents' strong marriage, you have to like his dad. Then his parents will put pressure on him in your favor.


1.Podstraivanie under his mother can dramatically change you, and not always for the better.

2. Marriage shall be entered into, but as the desire of the man did not ask, then, a little grown up, he can make a separate step and divorce.

METHOD 5. Wait for when it will need a stamp in the passport.

That he may require the preparation of a living space, the design of certain documents, the move to permanent residence abroad, etc.


It may never come.

METHOD 6. Put ultimatum

Many women spodvigaet their sweethearts to marry, only putting them a choice: either you're up to the wedding festivities by all the canons, or one goes in search of this second half. A half-measures do not!


It can say, let's go. And then what to do?

METHOD 6. Making jealous.

Being perfect in everything, make him love me, and then begin to flirt with his rival (another brother). Seeing that you care about others, he wants to discourage you and offer the option of which you dreamed.


1.Mozhet to call you curse words and stop all relations.

2. After the wedding, his jealousy will all increase, and you will run away from him.

METHOD 7. Temporarily disperse

You propose to live separately, to check how much you will be bad without each other before they enter into a serious, formal relations.


1. If you encourage others without the other a little time, you can misinterpret this experiment.

2. If the experiment will be delayed, then he can find you a replacement or prefer to live alone.

8. HOW become self-sufficient.

This method is the most difficult, demanding of remarkable intelligence and imagination. You will be asked not to repeat: "I do not want to get married! "- Just stop thinking about marriage in general, switching to other things (career, sports, and so on. D.). And then, you may be able to make a man see you as an independent and vibrant person, not a maniac wanting in that whatever the cost, to get a stamp in your passport.


1. Lack of interest in the design of future relations can convince a man that you do not need. The best strategic line here - to explain to him that, in principle, you do not have anything against the family ties, but it can live without these.

2. Feeling cvoyu independence and self-confidence, you yourself, maybe look at marriage differently. At least, with this man.


If a man shies away from marriage, it says that you and he are pursuing different goals, and your relationship is hardly end wedding. In such a situation, when you want to start a family, but he was "a little walk," it is best to change the general partner.

Suppose that initially you think that such a great man you have never found; you still have to show a certain strength of will and wisdom and to put an end to their relationship doomed to extinction: marry his chosen you still will not leave - because to marry you it just is not going to.

Refusing to explore with other men, "Fixated" on hot pursuit chosen to ring and make it your husband, you subconsciously associate with him conjugal obligations psychologically join with him in marriage, which does not really exist!

Author: Alzhbetta

15 reasons why marriage is not possible


For many girls, family, strong bonds of marriage - is an important component of a happy life. Well, who does not want to be confident in the future, to live in a marriage lawfully? Alas, not all men share our, female desire to create a strong family ...

My personal opinion: a civil marriage - is not marriage. This cohabitation of two people who play in the family, try on new roles, uncertain that the new status and responsibilities will make them happy.

And most of all, the initiator of "trial marriage" becomes the name of a man, sometimes against the wishes of the woman. How do I change the situation? How to ensure that, by the same duties unreal law wife, wife Add rights law?

Cohabitation or a family?

Once the term "civil marriage" means the family relations, officially registered in the registry office, but blessed sacrament wedding and living together outside of marriage was called vulgar word "cohabitation". Now cohabitation is called civil marriage. Union consider a civil marriage if the couple lives in the same area and is a common household for a month.

A marriage registered in a registry office, now called Marriage. Why do so many couples do not officially register the marriage? Recently I asked a friend why men prefer a civil marriage, and received a comprehensive response that confirms my suspicions: is not it a man enjoys the same benefits as married, but remains free.

Women living in a civil marriage, consider themselves married, men prefer to talk about myself as a bachelor. For women, marriage - is the logical culmination of love courtship, recognition of her worthy to be a wife and mother, the proof of her female usefulness. For a man, marriage - it is emotional maturity, willingness to support a family and raise children.

WHY formalized marriage?

1. Marriage - announcement of his final and irrevocable choice. The unique point of reference for every family.

2. The law relationship, stamp in the passport, the problem with divorce - all this makes the spouses to seek compromises out of difficult situations, as in a civil marriage, any disagreement can be a convenient excuse to complete relations.

3. Make relations should be if you decide to have a baby. Do not even discussed.

4. In case of death, divorce and other things, unofficial husband (wife) - no rights will not have.

5. The two "row on the sea of ​​life" much easier - try it and see!

PLUSES civil marriages

1. Causes of ordering sex with a regular partner, and it is a habit of accumulating loyalty.

2. Teaches psychological compatibility and arrangement of life.

3. Allows you to check whether he is a man who needs to get married. Young before registration will know whether they can get along under one roof, will survive any problems related to everyday life.

4. Do not be officially divorced and regret about wasted money for the wedding.

5.Grazhdansky marriage may serve as a prelude to marriage official, when it is only for the terms.

6. There is the feeling that you are somebody's property, freedom of action is maintained.

7. When the two converge loneliness, but they are still not sure that this is the perfect option. After a certain period of time or there is a strong love or cooling, and everything falls into place.


1. No man sees her husband, because not ripe for marriage the husband will do its utmost to shirk responsibilities at home, preferring to entertainment and leisure. He was not used to the fact that on his shoulders shouldered all sorts of everyday problems. Therefore it is better to find someone who will meet your needs.

2. If a man abuses alcohol or drugs, with dangerous and civil marriage.

3. If a man spends a lot of time with friends, then for their wedding - a betrayal of his male "I" and loyal friends. They think (in fact, it is so) that after his marriage to spend with your friends as much time as before, will not succeed. In such a case, or must leave or wait until all the friends did not marry.

4. Financial insecurity of men. If cohabiting low income men forgiven, then, for her husband (the children's father) currently looking for a decent woman, and preferably more than her salary.

5.Somneniya the right choice of future life partner. She is pleased with this man, but love him truly prevents the feeling that "her man" somewhere else in the future. She wants to wait.

6. Sometimes a woman is opposed to formal marriage because of the negative example of their parents or friends when marriages end in divorce.

7.Pervoe, which fears a man, it is deprived of liberty. If it does not work up the boy, then it is understandable, but if it is a mature man, it's worth thinking about the possibility of future life with him.

8.Chasto young men think that to begin to get an education, find a decent job, a career, to have the necessary material means to support his family and to ensure a normal life and development of their future children.

For young people, it is the right action, but if a man says to marry you, after finalize is very necessary for the country project that it and work something left on the strength of two or three months, or after it something to finish it, dozavershit, dosovershit ... How do you treat this? Time is running out and the implementation of high hopes in the near future is not expected ... What could it mean? This means only one thing: he did not marry you!

9. Some men are indifferent to the marriage ceremony, considering that it does not change anything in the relationship then why waste this time and money. For this reason a loving woman is usually very easy to handle.

10. Some men are afraid of responsibility: probably he was not willing to give you a promise to be a perfect husband. A living civil marriage, saved a certain sense of freedom and irresponsibility, you do not have, and owed nothing to anybody.

11. A man can see a woman friend, but not life partner. Therefore, it is in the early stages of a relationship to define priorities and common interests.

12. Divorced man is afraid to repeat his mistake, so it will be a long time to study a woman, will be decided before the wedding. You may have to live with him in a civil marriage, that he was convinced that you are very different from his first wife, and family conflicts you will be much less. Pressure on the divorced man is not necessary. If he really loves, give him time and he would come himself.

13.Inogda men checked feeling like his and yours. He was pleased to spend time with you, make love, but to get married, he is in no hurry. If this situation is prolonged for a long time, it makes sense to think, and whether such a person to you, whether he likes you and you're it.

14. Various social and material situation of the spouses can often become a stumbling block. Man feels flawed next to financially and socially independent woman.

15. The man often thinks: why change something, if they so good? If you just as well as it might, indeed, nothing is changed. But if you have other plans, then think what to do.
