The wife of a foreigner, myths and reefs life abroad

 The wife of a foreigner

This article describes how well you be the wife of a foreigner, can we find true happiness, myths and reefs overseas family life, and also about what difficulties may arise from our Russian beauties.

What girl has not dreamed of a charming prince? And if he has the bargain and the castle, in a sense, a house somewhere on the Mediterranean coast, and the machine is the latest model, and the full currency pockets, there's a desire to get such a handsome man really rolls.

True, our, local peasants to the international standards "princes" are beginning to catch up. Only trouble is, all of us such podtyanuvshihsya missing. And abroad, everywhere you look, so you will get into a prince, and because overseas life is such that even the unemployed is quite tolerable angle technique on wheels and green in their pockets.

And then there's an abundance of shops, where an abundance of beautiful and high-quality products, cleanliness of the streets, passers-by smiles and sighs envious girlfriends who stayed in the native land. Of course, many of our beauties rush into exile in the hope of finding true happiness.

Is real happiness

Find true happiness if our wives foreigners? Yes, some. Happy married to foreigners any more than happy for our. And, perhaps less, but who is to be recognized.

The difficulties of our beauties in a foreign family life waiting different.

Firstly, the need to live away from home.

At first glance this seems nonsense, not worth attention. But only at first glance. Not everyone can get used to a completely alien mentality that from the very cradle they did not like us. And each of our health does not accept an alien climate.

Secondly, the need to live away from relatives.

It is even worse climate. At first, the family life, while for the presence of ecstatic love, the lack of a number of mother, father, siblings, childhood friends easily tolerated. But then, when family life begins to move on standard rails when life begins to stick, and with her beloved husband begin showdown, life away from their loved ones turns into a punishment from heaven.

Thirdly, it is necessary to obey the laws of family and life

We'll have to obey the laws prevailing in the country, which has managed to grab the hubby myself. And well, if it is a European country. Here, though the laws are different from ours, but it is tolerable.

And God forbid, to become his wife somewhere in Africa! Or, in the United Arab Emirates! There are countries in which the wife is always worn on all the available gold and put on several dresses, pants, shorts.

Do you know why? Because in these countries, a husband may at any time to tell his wife, "go! "She has to get up and leave, taking with them only what she wears. So, family law, prevailing at home elect, find out in advance is not too much.

Fourth, the laws have to learn

Legal laws also have to learn and to change nationality or to equalize with the rights of the beloved, but then have to go home only for short-term visa, or be prepared for the fact that in legal terms, the right will be only as long as my husband and I all ladnenko.

And touch the business section of the property or any other controversial issue, public and private officials always will be on the side of his compatriot. Be sure of this, because it is not one of our more than one "on this dog ate."

Particularly serious, such disputes, if the family has children together. 99 of the 100 foreign men from their krovinochku not released, but there are cases where husbands seeking Russian deprivation of parental rights of mothers. Somehow it turns out that for this purpose are necessary witnesses and necessary foundation.

Can you imagine what it's like to lose your child? But even if the ex-husband does not go to extremes, he is still a child becomes more desirable. If only because of its material advantages.

Not a young Russian wife of a foreigner

In an unpleasant situation can get there and our Russian wife, if she is not married young (and there are quite a few), and her husband, respectively, also not a boy. Retire to earn himself a wife will not have time, because the laws of most European countries, it is necessary to ottrubit thirty years, and maybe more.

Her husband, even good, but the old, not long stretch. And will our beauty in a very interesting situation: on the property of her husband claiming his legitimate kids (even if they are not written in the will) and other relatives (there inscribed).

Russian wife, a foreigner can claim only a small part (in different countries, it ranges from 6 to 15 percent), and that if she could stay with him in the legal registration of marriage a certain number of years (again, in different countries, this period varies from 2 years and ...).

Pension for her husband, of course, is necessary, but again it depends on the amount of interest for many reasons, that not too much to ask the lawyer. A wholly-owned pension is not paid even local wives, lived with her husband for many years.

And to exist as it is necessary. And pay the rent, buy and eat, and age so that the work is not taken. Home would be returned since citizenship is not the same. To change it, again the money to pay and nerves wag. Return home - pension for her husband lose. In someone else's home it will not expel anyone, it will be in the home for her husband to come every time.

Now I am the wife of a foreigner

Finally, the last. We all seem to rich foreigners, and because among them there are middling and poor at all. When they take care and pay all costs cherished bucks (because other currencies have not), many women do not think about, but when they are out of the ring are in the house, where everything is quite modest, are beginning to realize that the foreign life in Basically, anything from ours is no different.

Also, my husband would go to work, it also brings a salary from which will also have to pay for utilities, taxes, visiting the doctor, etc., etc., etc.. And start saving our wife alien and largely deny yourself or go out to work to support the family budget.

But the good work she, a foreigner, it is difficult to find. In any case, an engineer, she is certainly not settled. Most of our content office worker in a supermarket, or a nurse in a hospital and the like. Each Does our beauty is ready to make such sacrifices?

Miracles happen

Well, if none of the above does not scare and abroad attracts like a magnet, what do you do? Of course, to try! Personal experience is always a hundred times better than any advice. And the husband of a foreigner abroad can be found remarkable.

Firstly, Young; secondly, healthy; thirdly rich; Fourth, childless; Fifthly, intelligent; Tenth, honest; in-sleduyuschihposchetu, the best.

And why, in fact, is not? Miracles, they say, still happen.

The main thing is to believe in them wholeheartedly.

Involving men in their lives, methods and secrets of attraction


In this article you will learn all the details about the involvement of male partners in their lives, methods, practical tips and secrets for the modern woman. What you need to do.

I painted the image of my men already two years as a pad on 2 pages written for bringing him into my life ... And desires map hanging on the wall, and Feng Shui as a science I respect, and I think she has a right to be ...

1. But frankly, I do not quite agree with this and I am sure that is not quite right to think for himself a man, what do you want .. Because initially we were born for the passage of a lesson, and the lesson we can only go with certain people whom we chose before birth.

If a girl begins to paint and to draw to an image of a certain man, a certain set of qualities, it is certainly be attracted, and it works very well.

Now there is a lot of training sessions to attract, how to do it, such as - "how to meet and marry" and many carried it, and those who organize it all - this suggestion earn very good money. But there is hidden a little trick which is not all aware.

2. When a woman starts this kind of choices for involvement - how in articles written, for example - If your financial situation is very important your vote, then be sure to specify it, and write "a high-paying job," "financially secured," "has a housing ", etc, it is moving away from his life's mission, purpose, goes out of its way not originally associated with the fate of the man with whom she had to work through certain lessons.

It is usually seen after a few years of living together. Thus the fate of collapse not only their own, but also the fate of the man who pulled the girl to her ...

In order to meet the prince, a man of their dreams - of the need to get closer to that image, and then joint efforts may be queen, made him a king, if indeed there is such a supreme vital task - to be the king and queen ...))) Home that would be with this man was easy - it is the first and important sign.

3. Internal and external harmony of modern woman

The first thing you need to do - is to bring your inner and outer world of harmony, it is necessary to find a meaning in itself, and then will find a man with the same sense of life. Understand what to strive for what you want to do good, the soul must be peace and quiet ..

We should also cultivate the feminine, as in this life we ​​have chosen to be born a woman, and you must perform all of the tasks associated with this guise - to become feminine. Now a lot of women show masculinity - anger, aggression, it is not correct.

Modern women have lost a very important and probably its main quality - peace. It is a state of mind and the mind of the great-grandmother of our ancestors and that it attracts these men.

After all, the true men like real women.

Not once noticed that near the strong man, always kind so his "blonde" with a corresponding set of qualities. But in fact, in such a seemingly fragile and silly woman hiding inside strongest rod of wisdom and kindness.

4. That such prefer to be a real man ...

Modern woman is very difficult to come to an understanding that it is not so - it is difficult to part with the conviction that we must appear strong, resolute, only to seek themselves and some with a male set of qualities ....

We should be soft, smooth, smiling, kind, gentle and infinitely respected male. And it does not mean that a woman will not be successful in life, on the contrary. It should become a full-fledged personality and in the process of self-realization, he will come, which will complement and help implemented in the future ...

There are very good prayers to the saints Peter and Fevronia, Murom miracle workers are.

5. Prayer from Natalia Pravdina also very good for attracting men in her life:

"I thank the universe for all that I have. I know that is worthy of the best. Now I attract into your life partner that is right for me. I am happy to give him the love, good heart and pure thoughts, and he answers me the same.

I firmly believe that the divine power already knows where is this man, and every day it is getting closer and closer. I recognize it immediately in the words of an eye. I open toward happiness. Our relations are on the deep mutual love. Thank you. "

In this prayer to attract a very correct word "man for me," they are crucial. Dear ladies, good luck and happiness!
