How should flirt


In order to control the information that our body sends to others and to decrypt the impulses coming from the other, we have to learn the basics of body language.

The main thing - to observe the golden rule, and to learn to "control himself"

otherwise the source can you learn about what you so carefully concealed.

The first impression about the man folded pretty quickly. Experts believe that in order to determine the degree of attractiveness of the subject and our relation to it, is required from the person 1 and 5 to 4 minutes. These conclusions are based on numerous studies carried out by Western experts.

By the results of their work can be skeptical, but the practice proves that this is so. When communicating with a person 55% of the signals "assimilated" only through facial expressions and gestures, 38% of the information comes to mind because of the opponent's intonation and rate of transmission, and only 7% of the signal falls on the meaning of what was said.

All of the above does not mean that one should not focus on what he says. If until now you have not considered themselves too shy, then, it is likely they will soon become, read all of the following. We meet on clothes - and this is true of 80%. You can not even opening his mouth, to make a certain impression about yourself.

On the peculiarities of human nature can be judged by his appearance, posture, gait, and many other things that in everyday life, we almost do not give value. To monitor the signals that our body sends to others, and understand the signals coming from the other, we have to learn the basics of body language.

Sexual signals - YOU Flirt

See "round"

When business communication, we usually focus your eyes on the left eye contact, and then translate it to the bridge, and only after that linger in the right eye, and so the circle during the time allotted for business negotiations.

See companion "round" will fail, no matter how hard you try. In addition, if you looked in that order, the opponent will feel that you are looking at "both".

When communicating with friends, our view stops below eye level interlocutor, and then begins to move the triangle, grabbing the nose and mouth. When we flirt or are in the embryonic stage of this process, the region expands our view much the stronger our sexual interest in the other person, the more we focus on his eyes and lips.

If the caller can not take your eyes off your lips at the moment, when you razglagolstvuete about the benefits of Linux, be sure he is already as he kisses the lips. And think about it - so choose!

Do like me

This is what distinguishes a flirtation from a strong attraction. If you are interested in seriously - imitate the object of his adoration. If someone behaves in the same way as we are, we feel that we have a lot in common. However, avoid duplication is not the most pleasant qualities and actions of the interlocutor, otherwise it would be like not to imitate, but mimicry.

Also it is not recommended to copy your lover or people from you is wrong realize. And one more rule - before copying the gesture of the interlocutor, you must endure a moment's pause.

Wiggling his eyebrows

If your eyebrows are raised up at the sight of a stranger - this is a demonstration of your sympathy to this person. If a person is to you as a weakness, they'll tell you the same movement of the eyebrows (up and down).

From the outside it looks more than entertaining, especially if one of you is the owner of bushy eyebrows - gives the impression that because of them the man simply can not see anything. But is not the point, the fact that for centuries people in this way showed their interest to anyone.

This movement of eyebrows, many experts believe the most common technique. Knowing its value, you can learn to use it deliberately to emphasize the arrangement to a certain person.

Oh, those legs

Watching furtively for hands and feet of man, namely in what they were doing or what position are we, without knowing that drew his interest to the other party. If you suddenly notice that someone with a special interest in watching your hands, legs and feet, then you are interested.

If you feel the gaze approach the interlocutor, thus you will give to understand that they are also interested.

And finally ...

If you want to call the location at the handsome man you - he winks. Do this as often as possible (do not overdo it, otherwise it will impress a nervous tic).

If you suddenly notice that you have winked in response to a person or blinked at double amplitude, know that you are calling him the most positive emotions!

How to get married, why men avoid marriage?


Urgent marry him!

You meet for a long time and managed to find out that for each other. Why do not you apply to the registrar? What if I want to get married and your favorite did not understand that in marriage you will be even better?

Marry yourself. Or rather do everything that he realized how much he wants to be your spouse. Men for the most part are really afraid of official registration of the marriage, but never will not admit it.

They will put the blame on the former matrimonial bad experience on superstition (which they do not). The man - freedom-loving creature, he always seems that everyone wants to infringe and hang obligations.

There are several types of men are not rushing to legalize the relationship:


If a man is young, he is afraid of losing freedom. Marry - then tie him to a single woman. And there are so many temptations, so many beauties ... It is terrible to deprive yourself of all these pleasures.

Such a man will not run to the registrar until the walk up. A sated with all the charms of the idle dissolute life, he wants to relax, he wants warmth, affection and care. It was then that he and ripe for marriage.


There is another type of men - a sort of eternal bachelor. He used to live alone, used to rely on himself, he was afraid to let a woman in my lonely life. He feels that he is physically unable to get along with another person.

That is why, even in a state of extreme love, he is in no hurry to make an offer. Marriage breaks all his habitual way of life.


And with great care to the official registration of the relationship are men who behind a failed marriage ended in divorce. Divorced men afraid to repeat his mistake, so before you decide on a wedding, it will be long and hard to study a woman.

Maybe even offer to begin to live in a civil marriage. He wants to test the feelings, make sure that the chosen one is very different from his first wife that the family conflicts in a new relationship will be much less.

Pressure on the divorced man is not necessary. If he really loves, you need to give him time, and he is sure to make an offer.


There is another type of men avoiding marital obligations are those that are simply afraid. Be careful not primarily responsible. Previously, he was alone and could dispose of their own lives as they see fit, after the wedding himself no longer belongs. Next to him a man, for which he must take care of and whose opinion must be considered.

And this can not but affect his way of life. We'll have to change their habits, adapting to his wife, and now he is not alone, you two. On the one hand, it's great, what could be better than to tie the knot with his beloved. But on the other hand, will have to give up much of what was in a past life, free life.

Fun wine party with friends, a spontaneous trip, buying a new car or a motorcycle, followed by starvation and the payment of debts - all of this will have to be eliminated. A new life begins: joint plans, joint budget, joint expenses. The man is afraid of change, afraid of becoming dependent on women. Marriage - a serious step, it requires mature, financially and psychologically.

That is why many of the men and pulled a marriage proposal. Phobia can be overcome. Most likely, the person I love is afraid that he can not comply with your inflated requests that you potrebuesh full commitment from him. Be patient, it is satisfied that you are not going to encroach on the peace of mind.


There are men with whom hardly be able to build a stable relationship. They are respectful to the idea of ​​marriage, but are engaged in creative work, it's time for a family remains.

Such men are called unfit for family life, they are not made for marriage. This unrecognized genius can immerse oneself in work, and not to respond to calls. If you meet such a person, whether it is ready to accept the role of eternal girlfriend.

How to get married, what psychologists advise?

Do not force events, do not repeat the beloved, like a parrot, you are made for each other. Otherwise there is a risk being left with nothing - a direct attack on freedom of the gentleman can destroy your relationship, in other words, the guy can simply run away from you.

They say there is nothing that deters men like a woman in the eyes that read "I want to get married! "It is better to softly and gently, step by step, leading him to believe (but do not articulate it) that the best pair than you, he did not find.

Slowly making their way into his life and let it roots. Interested in everything that happens to him that makes him nervous, but he never interrogated. If you love the most concerned about the preservation of freedom, to find out what he considers a sign of loss of independence. For one - it is the total budget for the other - in the presence of family activities ...

I learned, and was now free to participate in your favorite unpleasant rituals for him. Put his and his freedom above all else. Grant that he stopped feeling game, and you - the hunter, driving him into the trap of marriage. Let himself seeks your attention.

Many women do not know how to cook and do not want to talk about the equality of men and women in the kitchen. If you - one of them, then do not be surprised that you have not married.

You'll laugh, but for some men, though they are a hundred times inspire you otherwise, nutrition - it's a matter of life and death. Of course, delicious homemade food. And even the man who is eating nekaprizen and unpretentious, is, at most, simply flattered, if you're ready for it.

Never criticize your man. It is not worth doing, unless of course, are going to hear from him a marriage proposal. But this prohibition and often violate the girl sat up in the Bride. They are constantly criticizing his friends, his parents, his work, his habits, his clothes ... Do not do it.

Just remind yourself often that an adult is not correct that you yourself do not miss perfection. In the end, tired of your critics, the young man can ask a reasonable question: "If I'm such a bad, what the hell are you still with me? ". And it will be 100% right.

Try to be absolutely indispensable for him. I understand that it's really important in life. For example, your potential husband to distraction loves to play chess. He can play them for hours. He took this for all of your friends and those, no matter how loved him, sent him for a long time with these chess far away. But not you.

Become for him unfailing partner at any time of the day or night. View on the face of passion, and sit down to play. Believe me, you will become for him indispensable.

Your cute does not want you to get acquainted with his parents? But they know about you. He thinks about the same: how to marry is not forced. With you, he used to keep the barricade, but if you to meet his mom, you have two of the assault, and he will have difficulty.

Mom is so eager grandchildren. That's to give her that little joy, get pregnant! Then he will have nowhere to go, and everything will fall into place. You're so in love with him, and you feel like a real family.

Supported him in all his undertakings. It is well done and you can conquer any employer gives him the idea. Then after work, he would come to you (or calls) and talk about their triumphs and failures. He knows that for you it is still conquering hero. In your eyes, he will be able to find support and sympathy in the difficult moments and joy - for new achievements. For a man, it is extremely important.

But most importantly - Analyze what is the real reason that your young man does not want to marry. Maybe to blame did not you? Some of the reasons you will seem ridiculous and frivolous, but it is only at first glance.

And he, for example, in all seriousness does not want to get married because of his frightening pre-wedding chores. If this is the case, let him know that you have this problem in any case not to take on his frail shoulders, and instructed their parents.

Many men are afraid to marry because they are afraid of the terrible word "forever." Make it clear to him that if something does not work out, you drop it on all four sides without any delay. You're doing as described, and it still has not yet made you an offer?

Push it. How to do it? You better know your man. Think about it. Here the approach should be individualized. It is enough to show imagination and ingenuity, and believes that her husband is already in your pocket.

Just before you get married, I think, and it really what you want? As you know, to marry his male need very mature for that and it is necessary to elect matured.

One of the major steps towards the future of a happy family - a change that should occur naturally within you. No advice will not help if your task - to "marry" and not to be with loved ones.

Author: Jason
