Self-hypnosis for treatment. Part 1


Hypnosis and self-hypnosis can provide substantial additional assistance in programming the brain to self-medication. Scientists are increasingly convinced that with the help of complex neurochemical processes of the mind affects the immune system.

Unfortunately, the ability to induce in the minds of bright, impressive images of people varies. Consequently, the extent of the positive impact of these emotions is also different.

Nevertheless, it is proved that in many diseases, in particular depression, insomnia, sexual disorders, asthma, fibroids, this kind of exercise is very beneficial for all patients, regardless of the strength of their creative thinking.

We create images can quietly for us to change our emotions, thereby providing a positive or negative influence on the immune system. Mental images are not only allies in the fight against diseases

Daily exercise in technique imagoterapii in combination with conventional physical exercise and a balanced diet will help to translate the barometer of your health at higher elevations.

For this purpose, I suggest eight exercises. These exercises are designed president of the American Association for the Study of mental images, professor and head of the Department of Psychology of the University of Marquette in Milwaukee Enessoy Sheikh.

Before you try this or that technique, read the description several times in order to better understand the upcoming actions and then execute them with your eyes closed. You can also make a tape recording of exercise and listen to it in the classroom, they should be carried out only in a relaxed state, concentrating fully on them. Each exercise is continued for at least 15 minutes.

At the end of classes count to five, and slowly return to the surrounding reality. Only completely came out of the trance, go to business as usual. Do not try to perform all the exercises at once. To start with only one or two. A week later, you can also begin to gradually increase their number.


If the first few days you will find that exercise is ineffective, it is not necessary to persist - discard it and move on to the next exercise. Most of you will find that they can fairly quickly and deeply to relax, just feeling the beneficial effects of such a state.



It is well known that people whose lives are accompanied by constant stress, more than others are at risk of heart disease and other serious disorders. Stress can be a cause, and less severe illnesses such as headaches, stomach disorders, skin disorders.

This exercise should help slow the heart rate, increased body temperature - physiological changes associated paralytic state. A clinical study showed that patients many of the disorders caused by stress, disappeared after a few weeks of classes.

The success can be judged by comparing heart rate and temperature before and after the exercise. You have to find reduction in heart rate of 10 beats per minute and an increase in body temperature compared with baseline.


Take a comfortable position. None of the clothes should not embarrass you. Taking a deep breath, hold your breath for a short while. Exhale. Again, take a deep breath and hold your breath. At this time, accompanied by the sound of exhalation: haaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Now breathe normally, concentrating on it all the attention.

Inhalation say to yourself, "I ...", as you exhale - "... relaxed." Repeat several times. At the word "relaxed" your body deeper and deeper into the chair or slowly lowered onto the carpet or bed. During the day, you expend a huge amount of energy to overcome the force of gravity.

Now let this power for a few moments to completely defeat you. Allow every muscle, every part of your body to sink down deeper and deeper ... Feel like coming inhibition of all vital processes in the body as the mind slows down ... There is no hurry, no hassles ... you will not have to go. .. nothing to do ... Stress and grief gradually leave you.

With each breath imagine that absorbs the delicious charm of relaxation, and each exhalation, imagine how to get rid of another "portion" of stress, fatigue and grief. You washes sense of peace and tranquility .... Everything is so quiet, so quiet ... Silence gives rise to a feeling of warmth, comfort, healing. You are relaxed, you are in a state of complete agreement with himself and everyone around the world, with the universe ...

Healing memories.


And stress, and depression oppress, weaken our immune system. A long time indulging in thoughts about what happened to us in the past troubles, we often become more pessimistic. The power of positive thinking - not just a cliché: the researchers found that a sense of hope in the human body produces a series of physiological changes that preserve and maintain our healthy condition.

For example, Shlomo Breznitsa, director of the Center for the Study of the impact of stress on the human (University of Haifa, Israel), has studied two groups of soldiers who committed the same march.

The first group knew about the imminent end of a long and overvoltage way, the second group was unknown. It turned out that in the blood of the soldiers, who knew about the imminent holiday (hope!), Hydrocortisone and prolactin - a hormone produced in response to stress and concern - was lower than that of their comrades from the second group.

By focusing on the positive, we increase the resources of our resistance to illnesses, gain strength needed to accomplish their goals. Try to imagine this image is in the morning, just waking up or in the evening before bedtime.

Perhaps a daily record of pleasant experiences, joyful events will be beneficial for your body.

Do not fear that such good memories will be quickly exhausted: we just have to learn to look at the world with eyes wide open, friendly look - and then the flow of positive emotions will be continually updated.


Sit comfortably in a quiet place. Take a deep breath, hold your breath for ten seconds, then exhale. Repeat several times. Resume normal breathing. With each breath feel your body more and more deeply relaxed, your mind too. Float away into the distance and noise sounds. All on ... and on ... and on ...

In the past happened to you a lot of pleasant events. Have you been thinking about them. Some were great, others - not very. But they are all delighted, brings happiness. Whether it was the day of your wedding, or birthday of your child or the recognition of your achievements by someone whose opinion you value.

Return the power of imagination to life gone hours, minutes, when you feel loved and needed others when experiencing the same with respect to the closest people. When were elated with success, awareness of certain objectives achieved, we stayed on top of the world.

This happy, you can relive the past all over again. Again, see, hear, touch, feel. Take your time, let each mature way to penetrate them as reality.

Hypnosis for bad habits

Table of contents
Hypnosis for bad habits
Page 2


Hypnotherapy in the treatment of drug addiction


The most common form of drug abuse is undoubtedly smoking. Among the general population, this is considered a bad habit of little harmful. In fact, far from it.

In the works of Russian and foreign scientists proved that nicotine is a vasoconstrictor dangerous poison and carcinogen.

According to statistics, it is clear that lung cancer is 15 times more common in smokers are several times more likely to occur in smokers as vascular disease, hypertension, angina and other diseases than non-smokers. There is no doubt the negative impact of smoking and on the stomach and the upper respiratory tract.

The harmfulness of smoking is obvious.

It affects not only smokers but also the surrounding, especially the children. No wonder abroad stopped advertising of tobacco products. In our gipnotary often approached by people who want to quit smoking. It turns out from the questioning that led them to that caused serious heart and vascular diseases.

Many have suffered an acute myocardial infarction, other occlusive disease, and others - stomach ulcer and so on. N. The further smoking only dangerous to life and throw themselves can not. In such cases, we try to meet these patients and to pursue a course of hypnotherapy. The hypnosis patients disgust to tobacco to dizziness to nausea. Therapeutic suggestions are based imperatively and advocacy.

Especially a lot done for the treatment of smokers professor Yu Povorinsky, who believed that smoking is a firm foothold in a conditioned reflex to many everyday stimuli. If that is the case, you can use hypnotherapy to extinguish this pathological conditioned reflex in a patient who wants to quit smoking.

Of the 100 patients with smoking as a result of treatment, 85 managed to eliminate the habit, only 15 had a slight effect, it was possible to reduce the number of cigarettes, but full recovery has not come, because of insufficiently serious attitude of people to the proposed treatment.

Here is an extract from the case.

The patient was 38 years old, cameraman. Directed from the clinic due to a sharp weight loss, and pain in the heart, as well as insomnia, poor appetite, and nausea. Smoked more than a pack of cigarettes a day. All independent attempts to stop smoking do not work out. The patient is asking to help her quit smoking. Started training in hypnotherapy. From the first sessions a deep hypnotic state of the third degree depth.

After the 2nd session of hypnotherapy patient to quit smoking. "To myself I do not believe", - stated the patient. The treatment extended to 15 sessions. I gained weight, became sleep well, have disappeared nausea and pain in the heart. Experts observed 2 years. Tobacco addiction is no recurrence.

Thus, when smoking hypnotherapy proved very effective and can be recommended to combat the spread of drug abuse, mistakenly think a little bad habit.


It is known worldwide spread alcoholism. In the West and in the US factors causing drinking are social reasons (unemployment, fear for the next day), as well as greater availability of alcoholic beverages.

In our country, in spite of the social security, nevertheless cases of chronic alcoholism is not isolated. On the dangers of drinking alcohol more than once wrote, and now there is a need of organization of medical institutions - drug treatment clinics, where treatment of patients with chronic alcoholism was successfully combined with occupational therapy and to drug therapy.

In many of these drug dispensaries are increasingly began to use and hypnosuggestive psychotherapy, which was proposed in 1901. Academician Bekhterev successfully used hypnosis and suggestion, along with other treatments.

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