About healers, quacks and "gypsy hypnosis"


Faith in the best really can lead to what is "best" will become a reality. Experienced healers very skillfully used this psychological pattern.

Artfully composed folk plots from various diseases have much in common with the suggestion, which is a recognized method of modern psychotherapy.

They begin, as a rule, from the psychological adjustment of the patient, followed by the main part - the actual suggestion when ordered to "expel" the illness out of their bodies.

It is very actively used by a variety of figurative representation ("expel disease in the putrid swamp, in the shifting sands, the sea-okiya ..."), which is always greatly strengthens the effect of suggestion.

In conclusion, the most spoken phrases aimed to extend the suggestion to the patient's body has had time to expand health and defense mechanisms to combat the disease.

On the "gypsy hypnosis"

There are different opinions on this matter. Someone inclined to allocate "a gypsy hypnosis" in a very special, almost mystical category - this is even writing a book, and quite serious.

Others believe that all feature gypsy hypnosis-emergency arrogance, but in fact it is nothing more than, as a rough, intuitive empirically found in the endless wandering without a home is similar to that of a harmonious system, which subsequently developed the great Milton Erickson.

Nevertheless, the fact that Roma not only nimble jugglers, but also quite subtle psychologists deny difficult. They have their own approach to the people and are able to still confuse them down.

Professional beggar or a fortuneteller is sufficient one look at the man and his expression to a very clearly defined, and even a kind of "feel" his mood. Next - a matter of technology.

And the technique is not so difficult; After all, it has long been known that if someone else confirmed your thoughts, strengthens the suspicion or, on the contrary, self-confidence, you start to trust such a person involuntarily.

Therefore, it is necessary to foretell misfortune sad and cheerful - success. In addition, some knowledge of psychology and self-confidence, gypsy own primitive but very effective methods of verbal suggestion - is arrogant and tenacious mind, as well as features of speech: they all speak hurriedly, disorienting the listener the flow of information that a person does not have time to absorb.

Gypsy is loaded once all channels of perception, that is to create an environment around the customer that block your presence and vision, hearing and smell, and touch. To enhance suggestion fortuneteller leans very close, takes the hand, pats on the shoulder.

Fraud working groups "handle" of the client, usually two or three, and the other to create the right background. One loads the right ear and the other left, and at the same time.

Meanwhile, psychologists have long been known as a powerful technique in that if the actions of correctly matched.

About conspiracies and "damage"


Historically, the special state of consciousness and hypnotic trance can not be considered a category of phenomena as conspiracies and prayers. They fixed the results of centuries

practice to develop a universal mechanism of change of consciousness, they still allow to establish a deep contact with a person on a subconscious level.

Conspiracies, in effect, is what remains of the ancient pagan knowledge. They turn to the forces of light - or darkness; those who pronounce them, wash and mildew are facing the rising sun - or to the moon, and so on. d.

If the power of charms and sorcerers to the present day are treated - or destroy, the polarity feelings (anger to love, and vice versa), humble unrequited love and jealousy - and it is impossible to ignore the impact of this method on the human psyche.

And the fact that we did not understand the very mechanisms of such effects, it is not so important. Described set of magical rites, built on the verbal formulas; There is even the term "verbal magic."

The order, suggestion, psychological effects - the power of the human word is huge. The remains of a very ancient knowledge survived in conspiracies and spells, some folk rituals, and you can not underestimate the power of this knowledge.

In the popular mind is deeply rooted irrational concept, as "corruption." This is how scientists have found the formula of accurately selected and arranged in a certain way with words programmed result.

"Professional" witch doctor, wizard quickly finds its way to the subconscious mind of the client, because he knows what the sound of the word, in what circumstances and on what will work.

And each of us may be able to affect "sentence" to the misfortune of another.

Already many scientists believe a curse - a kind of virus that can hit immunity.

According to popular belief, delivered anathema could remain in effect for seven years before the fall on the one who is addressed.

Malediction even able to change the structure of water: its molecules acquire properties similar to known poisons.

Certain aspects of suggestibility


As a rule, if a person suddenly change their views or beliefs, it comes under the influence of rational arguments and specific reasons quite understandable.

When people talk about suggestibility, this term is commonly understood as human readiness to change their thoughts or behavior due to the influence of special, specially designed methods or techniques of mental manipulation.

Thus, everything would be just fine if it were not for one "but". Suggestibility, or rather, the extent of it, can be changed through certain techniques with virtually the same success with which the hypnotist or manipulator changes the person's thoughts.

Therefore, the question of how to determine the individual degree of suggestibility is so important - and it is very different in different people.

In addition, much depends on the nature of the impact, for example, susceptibility to external suggestion can be very small, but a self-suggestion - is enormous.

The skilled manipulator, and even more so the hypnotist always see such a feature, and it would be easy to construct a model in which man himself tell myself all that is required, at a minimum, and therefore invisible "help" from outside.

Here we should mention that heightened suggestibility observed in almost all under certain conditions; in particular - in sleep.

Dreaming is a special state of mind: that's why the natural, physiological sleep creates prerequisites for suggestibility, almost comparable to those as if the dream was hypnotic.

Hypnosis - it happens


It is very difficult, not being a specialist, hypnotise another person against their will - except for certain kinds of situations that should be recognized as extraordinary.

Stories about how the average person entered without his knowledge into a state of hypnosis and then forced the state to do something awful - let's say, a murder - it belongs to the category of fiction.

And yet, there is no denying either that hypnotic phenomena exist in reality, neither the things that hypnosis can be successfully applied in personal and business communication - in the latter case, this practice also brings material benefit.

A lot depends on how high the level of suggestibility of human source to which it applies impact.

By itself, hypnosis - a term sufficiently conditioned; but hypnotic trance - a phenomenon in our lives is very widespread.

And to increase suggestibility fairly even light trance state - as examples those moments when we seem to slightly "Disabled".

For example, people traveling in public transport and looking out the window, or watching in fascination at the blinking Christmas garland, recalling his childhood ...

In these and similar situations (and the examples are a great many) control by the active mind is sharply reduced, although a man is in a state of absolute wakefulness.

In the case of hypnosis for the purpose of psychotherapy situation is as follows:

the patient himself wants to psychologist hypnotized him, and in this state had required health effects.

But in daily life or business is different: it is important to cause the desired reaction is a hidden influence.
