Hypnosis - a psychological condition


Hypnosis (from the Greek. hypnos - sleep) peculiar psychological state, accompanied by specific physiological manifestations resembles sleep and characterized the functioning of consciousness at the level of the individual,

other than the normal waking state. Hypnotic state characterized by increased sensitivity and responsiveness to internal mental stimulus, usually different response to external circumstances.

The hypnotized person reacts only to the treatment of the hypnotist, perceiving them uncritically and acting automatically, ignoring all aspects of their environment, other than those that are referenced by the hypnotist.

He sees, feels, smells and generally perceives the surrounding reality in accordance with the hypnotic suggestion, even if one is in obvious contradiction with the incoming stimuli.

Even memory and awareness of self can also be changed by suggestion, and the influence of suggestion (posthypnotic) apply to human actions after the termination of hypnosis.

The history of hypnosis is as old as the history of witchcraft, magic and medicine, which refers to the methods of hypnosis. Its scientific study began in the late. 18. When Franz Mesmer, a Viennese doctor, began using hypnosis to treat his patients.

His methods were soon discredited due to the mistaken belief that the results were supposed manifestation of the occult forces, which he called "animal magnetism," but hypnosis (or mesmerism) continues to interest physicians.

Many clinicians use it without understanding the nature of the phenomenon, while in the middle. 19 in. English, physician James Braid has not studied the phenomenon and coined the term "hypnosis" and "hypnotization." The techniques used for hypnosis, have some common features. The most important conditions are voluntary and cooperation of the hypnotized and trust the hypnotist.

Hypnotized invited to relax, take a comfortable position, and watch carefully on any subject. This inspires the hypnotist is usually a quiet, calm voice that relaxation will increase and your eyes start to close.

Hypnotized lets his eyes close and shows signs of complete relaxation, such as the sluggishness of the body and deep breathing. This means entering into a state of hypnotic trance.

Maximum human suggestibility when he believes that he can be hypnotized, the hypnotist believes in competence, trust him and considers what is happening safe, appropriate and relevant to his wishes.

Hypnotic suggestion, thus, usually preceded by the establishment of the appropriate contacts between the hypnotist and the hypnotized. Hypnosis is distinguished by the extent to which the state of trance, from light to full immersion, no different with the achieved level of constancy.

Amazing capacity detected by some people in a state of hypnosis, manifest as a result of focusing on and perform tasks from their usual tendency of consciousness to respond to distracting, although minor events.

Gipnabilnost, the state is extremely enhanced susceptibility and suggestibility in relation to stimuli coming from the hypnotist, is the central problem of hypnosis.

Relevant suggestions of the hypnotist can lead to a surprisingly wide range of psychological, sensory and motor reactions of a person in a state of deep hypnosis.

Obeying and reacting to the suggestion, a person can be deaf, blind, paralyzed, experiencing hallucinations and illusions, lose memory, not to feel the pain and keep the very uncomfortable position; its behavioral manifestations correspond to the situation that inspired him hypnotist.

One of the most interesting manifestations of hypnosis is a post-hypnotic suggestion. This refers to the execution hypnotized after the hypnotic session instructions received by the hypnotist during the trance.

Post-hypnotic amnesia is manifested in the fact that people are not aware of the source pulse induces the commission of the action corresponding to the instructions of the hypnotist. Post-hypnotic suggestion, however, is a particularly powerful means to control human behavior than with his own conscious will.

Many people can not remember what happened during the hypnotic session. Post-hypnotic amnesia may be spontaneous or the result of deep hypnosis, or the result of an appropriate suggestion from the hypnotist.

Amnesia can be extended to all the events that took place during the hypnotic session, or just one of its elements, as well as non-hypnosis circumstances.

Post-hypnotic amnesia can be successfully removed appropriately hypnotic suggestion. The opposite property of memory capacity, significantly exceeding its normal level (hypermnesia), is also an aspect of behavior under the influence of hypnosis.

Eg., In a trance a person as a result of uncritical willingness to stress and relief from restrictions imposed by the preformed opinion, can vividly recall long-forgotten, and even deeply suppressed feelings and events, describe them in detail, but it still does not remember them in the normal level of consciousness.

This remarkable property allows you to recover memories, with others. Conditions unavailable to consciousness; This circumstance was used by Freud in his studies, his patients unknowingly stored memories. Versatility of hypnosis in psychotherapy.

Eg., The technique recovery of traumatic events with the aim of emotional catharsis is a useful tool in the treatment of traumatic neuroses, for example. war-related, in patients with a relatively stable adaptation.

Hypnosis is constantly being condemned by various medical institutions where it is used exclusively for recreational purposes, because there is always a risk of adverse reactions post-hypnotic.

This is the basis for the prohibition or restriction of public revenue sharing sessions in some countries.

The induced hypnosis: Power view


Looking hypnotist - is not simply fixed, glassy-eyed, aiming at one point.

Looking hypnotist expresses unwavering willpower eyes, nerves, muscles.

Met such a look once feel what a great inner strength, expressed opinions. Not by chance in many martial arts fighters are beginning to struggle with the struggle of views.

And, as a rule, the strength sight they determine the balance of forces.

This view is rarely given by nature, they tend to develop its special exercises.

With the development of sight at the same time developing strength and hypnotic abilities.

Develop strength glance noticed after short workouts that it is easier to deal with all the everyday issues related to the conviction of the interlocutor.

With each new exercise this effect will increase.

This view - precious godsend for anyone and it should be developed even those who are not going to become a hypnotist. Even animals are afraid of this view.

By looking transmitted thoughts and actions will power.

Look, when it reaches the full force of insight and influence, a terrible weapon if they have a person with bad inclinations.

There are some simple exercises that will make your eyes unwavering willpower.

Hypnosis - Therapeutic sleep


Currently, hypnosis is regarded as a modification (modification) of the usual, normal sleep. It is proved that the state of hypnotic and almost similar to natural sleep. If the normal physiological sleep there most diffuse inhibition of the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex,

Hypnosis is presented as a partial sleep - a partial inhibition. The relationship of these two states is confirmed by the fact that hypnosis is readily converted into a natural sleep and, vice versa, by means of certain techniques normal night's sleep can be translated into a hypnotic.

This fact is very important, as evidence of physiological, safety hypnosis. And indeed, as soon as a person immersed in a hypnotic state psychotherapist, he once observed normalization of most vital processes.

So, if before a session of hypnotherapy mentioned high blood pressure (hypertension), it is significantly reduced, approaching the age norm, when immersed in hypnosis.

Conversely, if the blood pressure before the session was dramatically reduced (hypotension), during hypnosis, it tends to increase and normalization. During hypnosis normalize heart rate, breathing, concentration of gastric juice, blood viscosity and other indicators.

As usual sleep in hypnosis begin to dominate the processes of recovery (regeneration) of tissues over the processes of destruction and disintegration of cells and tissues of the body.

This ability to hypnotic sleep beneficial effect on the condition of the body, is currently used by doctors. But the most important property of hypnosis - the ability to enhance verbal suggestion.

Hypnosis as a normal sleep varies in depth. There are small, medium, deep hypnosis. Small hypnosis is characterized by the fact that the muscles of the human body are relaxed, head light pleasant fog. No power, desire to move, to open their eyes.

However, the human consciousness is still retained after exit from the small state of hypnosis a person remembers everything that happened to him during the session. The average depth of hypnosis is characterized by the increase of all the above symptoms and in human consciousness to emerge as "failures."

Upon awakening, the subject is only partially remembered what had happened during the hypnotic sleep. Finally, in deep hypnosis a person sleeps so hard he could not hear outside noise, but at the same time sees all of that inspires him hypnotist.

We are deeply hypnotized person spontaneously arises numbness of the skin (pain and temperature), which was used for the manufacture of surgical operations in the old days, and now can be used, if for some reason anesthesia is contraindicated.

In England, for example, many dentists still hold painful surgery in the oral cavity and teeth removed under hypnosis.

There are many ways hypnosis.

All of them can be grouped into three groups: the method of influence on the hearing aid, the method of influence on the visual apparatus and method of the skin. Most often, hypnotherapists use methods of influencing the acoustic analyzer of the sound stimulus. Of great importance for the success of hypnotherapy has a susceptibility to hypnosis.

According to statistics, in the past and at present, about 96% of people susceptible to hypnosis, but only 25% - is particularly well. Children hypnotizability best with 9 to 15 years, in the future the ability to fall into a state of hypnosis is reduced, especially in old age.

The answer to the question of why some people are highly suggestible and receptive to hypnosis, and others - no, the scientists obtained. All people can be divided into the artistic thinking and types of the nervous system.

People have a type of artistic visionary in their thinking is dominated by concrete and imagery, these are people impressionable, emotional, often suspicious. Among the artists, musicians, artists (hence - artistic type) are most frequently encountered such people.

People think the type of thinking abstractly, abstract, they tend to analyze everything, retest, there is skepticism, self-control, lack of trust. Among the people of this type are more common math, counting staff and Sciences.

Finally, there is also the average type, as if a kind of "fusion" of artistic and mental types. And, it turned out that the artistic type responds well to hypnosis, and thought - poor, middle - depending on which features of a man prevail.

Approximately equally susceptible to hypnosis, both men and women of any race. It does not matter the color of hair and eyes.

It is interesting to note that people athletic build, paradoxically, more amenable to hypnosis than humans fragile build.
