Manipulation of people


Hidden manipulation is always a way to bring another person to the desired target (reaction) in an implicit form. The basic condition for this is becoming the ability to adapt.

Since voice is the main instrument of influence, and the role of the correct choice of voice strategy is obvious.

Truisms, or truism.

It is not just a way to give the desired direction of the conversation, but the ability to immediately enter into a trust.


- All of these oligarchs are good, but Chubais - especially bastard ...

- And the weather today, rheumatic ...

- Is Well today, an honest man can live on one salary?

A bunch of assumptions to the effect.

This method allows a person to inspire motive to action so that the action itself is well disguised motive, and therefore is not perceived as a direct order or an attempt to impose this action.

The thing is that there is no direct reference to the action. Here it is necessary to accurately select a phrase in which there is an assumption, for example, two actions at once - for example, "if (...) the (...)."


- When you go into the yard, there Grab a couple of apples.

- Will you walk - garbage rendered.

Bundle with the opposition.

In this case, the logical or temporal relationship put concepts previously unrelated.


- The more you will learn in the first year, the easier you will be on the latter. The manipulation here is to ensure that the implementation of the first, the second is not guaranteed.

The issue with the implication.

As a rule, one issue contained just two. The first - a purely auxiliary and content of the second is the essence of manipulation.


- Tell me, have you noticed how much younger I looked after our last meeting?

The illusion of choice.

It is extremely common type.

The possibility of choice in this case, the only declared - but in reality it is not granted at all.


When you are required to the signing of an important document and you try to focus on it, you say:

- "What do you usually like pen to sign documents or ballpoint ink?"

- "Ballpoint".

Not only do you offer a choice without a choice, some people still occurs half-conscious sense of gratitude for such an interest to them.

The total "freedom" of choice.

In this case, the choice is available, but in the form of the transfer, and the right is allocated, is emphasized - intonation, location, facial expressions, and so on. D. Admission is based on facts known in psychology - a person, as a rule, remembered the first and last sentence.


- Of course, vacuuming the carpet can be here an hour or two, but usually lasts five minutes.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that in comparison with the trance-adapting or manipulation techniques of NLP is much easier, but in many cases it works quite smoothly; much depends on the ultimate goal. On the other hand, not a lesser role played by creativity and skill of the manipulator.

Above we listed the most effective strategy - in very general terms, of course.

But clearly requires manipulation manipulator creativity, mechanical action, even on the most proven ways deliberately not succeed.

Compulsion to action, suggestion word


The main tool of suggestion - this word. Any visual techniques are essentially only subsidiary to facilitate the achievement of the goal.

In medicine from time immemorial it is believed that any treatment is based on three grounds: the knife, the grass and the word. The knife used in surgery; the use of herbs has resulted in drugs; The word has on people such a strong impact that equated to the first two.

The mechanism of suggestion

To date, in terms of the physiology of the processes occurring in the suggestion, well understood: the impact of first causes great excitement in the limited area of ​​the brain, while braking in the rest part of it, and then made a deliberate discharge, fixing in the minds inspire thought.

The mechanisms of suggestion can be both direct and indirect.

Direct suggestion is directly related only to the speech of human impacts; indirect also uses an intermediate action or stimulus to enhance the effect.

In the old days, when superimposed on the human sorcerer spell, he pricked his image of a knife, and the man soon died really. To a certain extent this is due to the fact that indirect suggestion is often more effective than direct: it does not cause the internal resistance in the inspired.

The vulnerability of the subconscious

The techniques of manipulation are diverse and can be addressed at both the conscious and unconscious on the side of the psyche. The human psyche is the essence of the unity of the three components - consciousness, the subconscious and motility.

All the behavioral, social and everyday is a manifestation of the reaction of these components. It is logical to assume that compulsion need to work on all three components - but it's not quite so.

Experience shows that appeal to the consciousness of "pure" is not nearly as effectively as the impact on the deeper layers of the psyche.

Suggestion and autosuggestion

Table of contents
Suggestion and autosuggestion
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In our country, the issues of self-hypnosis and suggestion a lot and fruitfully engaged academician Bekhterev. He believed that suggestibility is a normal characteristic of the human psyche,

expressed, however, in different people in different degrees. The suggestion, self-hypnosis, vzaimovnushenie widespread in human society and is accompanied by a person from an early age to old age.

In the words of spondylitis, suggestion (as opposed to belief) is in the mind of man, "not from the front entrance, as it were by the back door", bypassing the guard - criticism.

All that is taken for granted, without adequate critical processing incoming information in the human brain, there is a suggestion.

If VMBekhterev summarized the psychological basis for the phenomenon of suggestion, that Pavlov gave this property scientific physiological studies. The scientist wrote that the word for man is just as real a conditioned stimulus as irritants in common with animals.

But for a man of his word it is more versatile and mnogoobemlyuschim conditioned stimulus, which can not be compared with the conditioned stimuli of animals. As you know, for the animal, even highly organized, the word - just the sound, while for a person every word has a deep meaning, value.

Word of thanks to the previous adult life is associated with all external and internal stimuli that come in the cerebral hemispheres, and therefore can cause all those actions, reactions, which have determined these stimuli. "The suggestion is the most simple, the typical reflex of man" - sums up Pavlov.

Here is an example.

Imagine that a researcher puts into the mouth of the test slice of lemon. What if this happens? In response to a natural food stimulus (lemon), on the basis of innate unconditioned alimentary reflex, select the saliva.

However, you can get the same saliva without giving the subject a lemon, but only showing it (acting through the visual analyzer). In this case, salivary response was made through so-called first signaling system (through sight, hearing, smell).

But you can get the same response, talking about the lemon, its sour taste, "I'm taking a big juicy lemon, cut it and start to squeeze out of his sour juice in a glass!" - Says the experimenter. And from the words alone of lemon in the subject begins to salivate.

In this case, there is the impact through the second signal system, inherent to man. The word in the signal of brain activity as it directly replaces the natural stimulus. The word "lemon" as a conditioned stimulus, the second signal system excites the first signal system and even through subcortical causes a physiological response - salivation.

It should be remembered that the first signal system is in close connection and interaction with the second signal system, which is the basis of speech, thinking, writing, word analysis, and that the first signaling system in the "pure form" a person does not exist.

The word reflects the social and historical experience of humanity and the individual experience of the individual. The range of meanings of the word is extremely large: from a simple object to a symbol of abstract, abstract concepts and ideas that reflect the human mind. Accordingly, the range is diverse and wide range of verbal suggestion.

For example, if the word "lemon" can cause salivation, and the word "food" a hungry man - the secretion of gastric juice and intestinal motor response, it is not surprising that the word "sleep" on the mechanism of suggestion can induce hypnotic sleep. Now, the examples show the action and the power of suggestion, self-hypnosis and vzaimovnusheniya.

In a lecture to medical students, it was stated: "Today we are going to study the activity of the olfactory analyzer: the propagation velocity of the smell of the room. We invite you to experience the next." Professor poured on the cotton a little dark liquid from a bottle and brought to the department put cotton wool. Students were asked to raise their hands as soon as they feel a sharp, unpleasant smell.

Soon, in the forefront to raise a few hands of students, smell. Then the smell of "spread" into the heart of the audience, and finally reached the back row. At this time, sitting in front of some became ill and had to be put out of the lecture hall. What surprise of the students when they experience after said: "There is no smell was not! You inspired him. You waited tensely for him," sniffing ", and that you have developed a massive, suggestion olfactory hallucination!"

As seen from the experiment conducted in the normal waking state, without hypnosis, suggestion was strong enough. If young and educated people in our time, managed to cause olfactory hallucinations mass character, it is not surprising that in the Middle Ages, or closer to us while under the influence of suggestion church representatives often flashed mass hallucinations of a religious nature.

In Europe in the Middle Ages used the powerful influence of the Catholic Church. Priests instilled a believer that the devil as all-powerful as God himself, demons disguised as ordinary people can freely penetrate into human dwellings and come into contact with people. Moreover, the demons could scaled down to fit flies penetrate into the human body through the nose, ears and mouth.

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