Happy mechanic we congratulate
Everyone who works there is always!
Congratulations luck right
That was a happy year!
That success is accompanied forever!
To wage grew a hundredfold!
And so you're bound course
Could only be happy!
That family was also mood and health
It was always a beautiful you!
Congratulations you just love!
Every day, we appreciate you and the hour!
Congratulations, mechanics,
With beautiful professional holiday!
For us, you are like the holy heaven, messengers,
Which appreciate, love, we cherish!
Without you, the process is not moving at all!
Without your hands wither progress itself! ..
You are the best anywhere, any matter
And do you know of any, any process!
Let your hands do not get tired of forever!
Let it be a hundred times more beautiful life!
Let the happiness will only be durable
And everyone will be glad in my life!
The mechanics of today's Day holiday will be!
Mechanics we congratulate!
May the God of you in life will not forget!
And not have to lose heart in life!
Let you all always just enough!
Let you around desperately unlucky!
Let your heart age is not discouraged
And let fate will save from harm!
Let it be your honor to work hard!
Let your hands be glorious age!
You, as now, only bother with properly!
After all, you - a mechanic! Miracle man!
Mechanical work may be even
It was not noticeable, but it is not so!
The mechanic is always on guard -
Damage shall never tolerate any way!
And we congratulate the Day of mechanics together
All those who are faithful to their profession!
And congratulations sent today,
To live a century of mechanics fun!
To go to work, you are always with a smile!
That only worked for the joy yourself!
We congratulate you today, postcard
Let only promises you good luck in the life!
Mechanics are people that are very
Looking at work in everything and always!
And everyone wants to congratulate them today,
To wish them happiness forever and good!
Thank you say for skillful hands!
For their hard work! For wisdom and mind!
I wish that there was no fear and boredom!
A little more you clear and trembling thoughts!
You will be happy now for ever!
Worthy in labor show yourself!
Let good fortune awaits you beautiful forever!
Live work appreciating and loving!
All those whose work is not easy and beautiful,
Mechanics is now responsible
We wish that was not the path is dangerous
And that was a happy day and hour ....
To have always appreciated, respected,
To you praise only for business!
That was neither sadness nor sorrow
And that life was wonderful!
Work actively and joy!
Labor, ennobling work!
Experience the life of this sweetness
And let the heavens will save you!