System Administrator Appreciation Day 2014 date, the history and the tradition of holiday

 Sysadmin with a holiday

In America, the holiday is called - Day thanks to the system administrator, and was coined by Ted Kekatosom, according to which among the plethora of celebrations was to be a holiday system administrators, soldiers of the invisible front.

The idea of ​​the festival came out spontaneously after Ted saw the banner on which users by your system administrator. Several years ago, Pope John Paul II, who officially declared St. Isidore the custodian of all users of computers and the World Wide Web.

System Administrator Appreciation Day 2014 date, the date when notice

Date of appointment of the holiday has very short period of time, as the profession of system administrator is not so old.

In Russia every year to celebrate the holiday - the Day of the system administrator or system administrator celebration, in 2014, the celebration of this day falls on July 25, on the last Friday in July.

Job System Administrator

The work of system administrators are not visible at first sight with the naked eye, but without their help in today's time would not work, none of the companies. Computer monitors to work for eight hours or more a day, the system administrator must have extensive knowledge, skills as well as skills and experience thing.

Few people know, but as a system administrator, the complexity of implementation can be compared to manual work. Of course the system administrator is not troubled by show different weights, but being constantly in intellectual tension associated with professional work, repair and tuning of computer equipment, can be equated to a full physical work.

The main task of the system administrator is sure to provide network performance, computers, telephone systems and voice mail systems. As the work of the system administrator is to manage all user accounts, system configuration, install software, technical control of computers, computer diagnostics to identify malware and viruses.

System administrators often call: sysadmins, SA, as well as administrators, but the tasks they perform are the same.

On small enterprises and firms often use the services of a system administrator, because of a small network, and the staff who have to serve, while large corporations are special sections system administrators, this is due to the large number of staff and a large network of which is constantly necessary watch, as well as in case of failure to eliminate the problem as quickly as possible without disrupting the entire staff.

On the day the system administrator decided to congratulate this category of people, wishing them all the best and thinking of how much they do for the other people in the company, hours configuring and tuning the network and the computers of other users.
