Jubilee 60 years Congratulations

 Congratulations on the anniversary of 60 years

Humorous congratulations from friend


On the sixtieth anniversary of you!

You - my friend, you - a good friend of mine.

Never get out of yourself,

Do not we substitute the bandwagon.

Do you as a friend - a great treasure in life.

You always thoughtful and reliable.

If I was guilty of something,

Forgive me, if not difficult.

Congratulations, my friend. Flourish soul

No respecter of extra care.

Children, grandchildren and friends with you,

And one of us will always help someone.

You are going to a full house here today:

All friends and relatives by blood.

Happy anniversary! All the wonderful blessings!

I want to drink to your health!

Anniversary 60 years of a man from his wife


Congratulations, beloved husband,

With your festive day, anniversary.

We embrace gentle hands

Obogreem you with warmth.

Nazhelaem you, we all,

You know, all this soul.

But I do not want anything,

Also next to you on a daily basis.

Congratulations, my beloved husband,

I wish more success,

Less thunderstorms, windbreaks and cold.

For me, everything in the world you mean.

Let nothing grieve thee,

Suppose you will not get the disease.

I'll always be loving.

And never stop loving you.

Let the joy you'll always be,

We're always going next.

Happy Anniversary, dream man!

We love you all very much!

Cheerful greetings from grandchildren


The fact that the corners are not dispersed, -

This is our honest victory:

We are gathered here today,

To congratulate dear grandfather.

Every day more and more familiar ...

L Only because we grow up?

Grandfather anniversary today.

Congratulations, grandfather, on the anniversary!

Stay forever so.

If so, how do we know you:

A remarkable and groovy.

We will not miss you next.

Best Grandpa with us!

Be always healthy and full of life.

Cry further, as it is now.

Each spoiled grandson of thee,

Because you're my only weapon we love so much?

Why - it does not matter.

We cherish thee

And proud of: you're the brave.

Happy Anniversary, Grandpa, you.

Give me your hand, we kiss each other.

It will let your life happy.

We are with you next. Your grandchildren.

The scenario of anniversary woman 60 years old funny

 Jubilee 60 years

Funny funny script anniversary celebration of women 60 years old, holding a celebration, a gala evening with humor, poetry and congratulations dear woman Hero of the Day, toasts and contests for the entertainment of guests.

Sounds of music to-film "The Pink Panther." On the scene leading dressed spy. His coat and hat with long fields, sunglasses. He looks around. You can hear the voice of the scene.

The voice behind the scenes:

Once in a lifetime this anniversary

We happen.

But, however, he is among the gray days

We are surprised.

And if you have an anniversary -

For you we are pleased.

So nice to see the reflection of the eyes,

Flower in the garden!

Moderator: Shhh!

Voice: Think. Nothing to say.

Moderator: Yes, you wait. Here somewhere hidden hero of the day.

Again, I look around.

Voice: What does? But if you have not plugged, I would have suggested to you, how do you know where the hero of the day.

Host: That's all it would be nice. This should be an elderly grandmother.

Voice: Elderly?

Moderator: Yes, 60 years old, after all.

Voice: It is necessary to conduct a survey. But by its end I'll tell you who the guest of honor.

Conduct surveys quiz.


How old hero of the day (viewers need to fix, it's Hero of the Day);

In what school he studied hero of the day;

What ranch is native to Hero of the Day (viewers need to fix it is not a ranch, and name the exact name);

What kind of education at the Hero of the Day;

Hero of the Day How many husbands;

Why Russia banned male harems (this question must be answered by agreement Hero of the Day);

Hero of the Day How many children;

What are her favorite flowers;

What are her favorite colors;

How to roll the tomatoes;

Hero of the Day Do you have pets;

Hero of the Day What did last weekend, 12-00

What color are her eyes

And etc.

Moderator: Well, what you said this quiz?

Voice: In fact, usually all give answers, except Hero of the Day. But I do not know at this time. See for yourself what these bullies do.

Narrator: And, clearly. We had with you on something bet.

Voice: What? For three schelbany, or what?

Moderator: Well, what to do - what?

Voice: Prizes distribute.

Moderator: What are the prizes?

Voice: The call of the quiz, which gave a greater number of responses.

Leading distributes prizes.

Narrator: And now all the guests and relatives to congratulate the birthday song Hero of the Day!

Voice: Well, what a stupid idea.

Host: Do not stupid! Anyone who does not sing, he and Hero of the Day.

Voice: Who is the most elegant and beautiful, and is the Hero of the Day.

Leading inspects guests: Oh you. They are all beautiful and well-dressed. In general, here's the lyrics, the music, you know.

Playing Music "Let run clumsily." Lyrics for 60 years:

Congratulations Hero of the Day!

Suppose she got older,

Young it anyway.

Invite a friend,

And relatives do not dumb,

All low, like in the movies.

And I play the harmonica

Do not hesitate, in plain sight.

Unfortunately, anniversaries

Occasionally all of us are waiting.

Voice: Well, that ate?

Lead, offended: I did not eat anything. I do not blame the children do not have time to sing.

From visitors should not participate in the singing just a little girl (ask someone of your friends). Lead girl takes the stage.

Moderator: Hello. Who are you? Is this your anniversary?

The girl says her name, and said that the anniversary is not hers.

Host: And what did you say something, you do not just Hero of the Day?

Voice: Get away from the child and return to her parents.

Leading causes the girl in place.

Voice: Let's take the Hero of the Day on live bait.

Moderator: How is that?

Voice: Well, tell her a lot of compliments. Hero of the Day After not stand to say that it's all about her?

Moderator: And this idea. Well, let's try.

The scenario leading song, the music from the song «Love me tender»:

Who is more beautiful than any we have?

Who smartly all?

Whose anniversary we are now

I called without interference?

Who today, 60,

Young, honey?

Who too many years

We are calling for the table?

Hero of the Day raises his hand.

Moderator: so we figured our Hero of the Day. We wish you, (name), to continue to look young and feel the same way! We wish you health, and only what is recognized as the best. Congratulations and thank you for this celebration!

Funny scenario of anniversary of the woman of 60 years will continue to block music, feast, birthday toasts, poems and greetings dear Hero of the Day of the guests.
