The script of the anniversary of 60 years man

 Jubilee 60 years

Hilarious comic scenario of anniversary of the man of 60 years, holding a festive evening, poems and greetings hero of the day, toast, contests, humor to entertain guests.

The scene mimics the winter, mountains, ski. Ski skiing comes first lead. This makes a sound like crunching snow.

The first driving: all good health! You ask why I'm skiing, although we are in the room, and the window (called the time of year). I'll tell you. Skiing is health, nature, friends. Is not that what we want in 60 years? I mean, we, guys?

You hear the noise of the car. Playing Music "will be dancing." Leaves imitation of the car (the picture of the car that leads the driver). It is the second leading. Bibikayut first.

The second presenter: What are you busy here? Heals, I look? Air and water skiing, and did not hide anywhere? (laughs)

The first driving: Oh, great.

The second drive: Do not tell me how to get to Switzerland? - She laughs.

Shake hands.

The second drive: Who will come.

It disappears behind the car, out the other side of the stage.

The second presenter: What do you do here in a light dress?

The first driving: I want to be healthy by 60 years, as our hero of the day.

The second presenter: And you do not have 60? - She laughs - Just kidding, just kidding. Of course have. - She laughs. - Just kidding, just kidding.

The first driving: You stupid jokes. Let's draw up a program for our hero of the day. There should be included that makes life fun and fulfilling.

The second presenter: Ah! Well, it's ... Well-being, fun.

The first driving: Friends and good adventure. Let guests, add on!

Make up a list. There should enter various related items such as health, good mood, beautiful weather, success, luck, and so forth.

The first presenter, gives a list of hero of the day: This is your program. Stick mandatory.

The second presenter: Let's go back, check.

The first presenter: What are you today how harmful! What you do today, prompting?

The second presenter: Prompted ?! Today I led at 6 am the neighbor juicer. True, at first I mistook her for an electric drill.

The first driving: Juicer is good. This health and vitamins.

The second presenter: Hey, you. Summer vacation by the sea inclusive it is, here's health and vitamins.

The first presenter: Well, I do not know. Everyone is fighting for his health methods available.

The second drive: This is what? Viewers list.

The first driving: Absolutely! - The second leading: - Understand? And you - Thailand shopping tour ...

The second presenter: Well, blame not realized.

The first driving: Okay, we will not be distracted. It should read something festive.

The second drive: This is no problem. I can sing.

Playing music from the song "Pink Night". Lyrics the second drive:

On your anniversary, we came willingly.

  After all, we respect you for many years.

  And we want to breathe freely again,

  And wishes all day warmed.

Let your anniversary again knocking on the doors and windows,

We met, we will read the congratulations.

Let him perform again all the dreams,

  Do not let the summer flowers wither,

  Will we once again congratulate you.

The first driving: What you're done. Probably a good student at school.

The second presenter: Well, you're too Sparkle anything. What you were taught in school?

The first driving: Do not get distracted. We have to see what degree our hero of the day.

The second presenter: It can be. In the diploma.

We read in the queue. The diploma must be listed milestones jubilee - hometown, school, college, workplace, meeting his future wife, wedding, honeymoon, information about the children and the like.

The first driving: This is a great degree. We entrust his hero of the day. This certificate confirms that you lead a healthy lifestyle.

The second presenter: What are you stuck with this way of life? What are you going to lead the next anniversary? Gymnastics of senility?

The first driving: Yes, drill five in the morning is a terrible thing ...

The second presenter: What ?! The first presenter: Nothing. I say, let's go from here, and the hero of the day wants to be alone with the guests.

Leading leave the stage. The script for men 60 years of musical block, feast, merry toasts and congratulations dear comic hero of the day for guests.
