Beginning of Lent 2014, history, nature and value, fasting before Easter

 Lent 2011, the beginning of Lent March 7 Lent history, the essence of Lent

Lent - the longest fasting before Easter. In 2014, the post starts from March 3.

Lent, the history, the nature and importance

The essence of Lent: The goal - to prepare physically and spiritually (clear) for the celebration of the resurrection of Christ and the meaning of fasting - not only the renunciation of meat and milk, but also a deep self-knowledge and repentance. What's the use to torture the body if the soul is full of all sorts of dark thoughts?

The duration of fasting How long Lent before Easter 2014

Lent in 2014 will last from 3 March to 19 April. Lasts fasted for forty days, in comparison with Christ's forty-day fast in the wilderness after his baptism. It is believed that this term gave him the apostles. But not always, this post was so long.

At the dawn of our era is not fasted forty days and forty hours to forty hours of memory that Christ was in the tomb. Even in the II and III centuries, even there was no consensus on the duration of the post. Someone fasting day, some two, and some week, which casts doubt on the part of the Apostles in the appointment of any deadlines.

And only in the IV century, the first time can be found mention of the forty-day fast. All this time, from Monday to Friday are allowed to eat once a day in the evening and just eat cold food. On Saturday and Sunday to the diet, you can add vegetable oil and meal twice during the day and evening.

Preparing for the post

Preparation for Lent 2014 begins in advance, three weeks before the start.

The first week is devoted to the Publican and the Pharisee. This week, you can not have meat.

The second week omnivorous, it is dedicated to the prodigal son. Sunday of this week dedicated to the expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise. On this day last allowed to eat meat.

The third week of the cheese. In people, it is more commonly known as Mardi Gras. This is the most fun week. Although meat is not to her, but you can eat dairy products, butter, sour cream, cheese and sweets. People in this week every day bake pancakes with different fillings and without, having fun, joking, organize games and fun.

The last Sunday of this week's forgiveness. People ask for forgiveness for all that they had made.

On Monday, Lent begins. Put this day wash-fasting from food all the dishes, even the one in which the milk was stored.

After the end of forty days of fasting before Easter comes last Holy Week.

But not only by fasting foods you need to avoid, but also envy, malice, squabbles and scandals. Also, these days you need to do as many good deeds, for without this post loses its significance.

Features and rules of Lent

Previously, the post follow very strict, especially in the first week and passionate. People even refrained from taking water until nine o'clock in the morning. The kings and nobles also fasted, as the common people, these days eating only mushrooms and vegetables.

Russian people were not so hard to keep from food, but from drinking. Therefore, the first day of Lent archers sealed with all drinking establishments, so as not to lead people into temptation. It is also closed on the first three days all the shops and stores.

Life as it freezes. People without special need not to go out, did not go to visit, attend only the church and prayed fervently. Lent forced to adhere to even the children from two years.

Observance of Lent, the impact and health benefits

Now life has changed, strict requirements to conduct post few observes. Modern doctors believe that fasting is primarily useful for health. When adopting the lean body is cleaned of food cholesterol, reducing the number of cardiovascular diseases.

Favorably influences fasting and other vital body systems. But the main value of the post remains in the spiritual purification. Fasting, giving up delicacies, mentally preparing himself for a meeting with God. This is the main essence and value of fasting.

Great post

Lent, the nature and rules of fasting, how fast

 Lent, the essence and rules of Lent, Lent food calendar days of Lent

Lent begins immediately after the Carnival and Shrove Sunday and lasts for 40 days before Easter. Forty-day period of fasting is equated Christ's forty-day fast in the wilderness.

Lent, the essence and rules of Lent

During these days people need to rest the thoughts of the flesh, and to think about the spiritual, of the sacrifice that Jesus offered for all of us that we become better and cleaner, to live according to God's laws and did not create evil.

For God we are all equal - rich and poor, talented and very simple workers, young and old, beautiful or not.

The thought "I, too, like everything else, during Lent I prepare to meet God, I too, like everyone else, giving up delicacies and luxuries, endure physical suffering, to rise spiritually" brings people together. This is exactly what we all now so lacking.

In addition, the refusal of many foods, especially meat and fat, perfectly cleans all systems of the body, it helps to fight many diseases.

Those who find it difficult to sustain the post, it may be advisable to think about all of the above, as well as to prepare meatless meals tasty and attractive.

How fast, fasting

During these 40 days you can not drink alcohol, meat, fish, eggs, milk and all of it is produced, as well as all products, which include any of the foregoing.

You can eat fruits, vegetables, pickles, mushrooms, legumes, nuts, cereals, brown bread, cooked in water without eggs, jelly, fruit drinks, teas, desserts.

Some days are allowed to eat vegetable oil, wine and fish.

In some Orthodox countries during Lent allowed eating seafood except fish. This squid, octopus, squid, mussels, shrimp.

Calendar Lent, fasting days

The power supply circuit in the post easy

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, you need to follow the so-called xerophagy, that is to use only raw vegetables and fruits with black bread and drink water or fruit teas.

Tuesday and Thursday you can have a hot meal.

On Saturday and Sunday can be added to food oil.

In addition, the Clean Monday and Good Friday there is nothing impossible.

In the first five days of the beginning of Lent (immediately after Shrovetide) and Holy Saturday you can eat only black bread and water.

In Sredokrestnuyu Wednesday, the day of 40 Holy Martyrs and Holy Thursday you can drink wine and oil, and on Palm Sunday to add to the diet and even fish.

Greetings from the Holy Week in verse

 Greetings from the Holy Week


From Holy Week congratulate you!

From a pure soul, I, my friend,

Health and happiness you wish.

And let there be passionate in your whole life.

You're more in life, no doubt, worthy,

That all what you want, fell to the feet.

You be patient and very calm,

And a piece of happiness will find you myself!

Congratulations in the verses friend


A friend, a passionate week

I want to congratulate you.

Do you wish to be brave,

That was the case on the shoulder.

Soul to sing with joy,

As voiced nightingale sings.

Congratulate with Holy Week

I hasten to only close friends!

Poems to a friend


From Holy Week I hasten

Congratulate a close friend with love.

I wish you, my friend, I want to

Big and Siberian health.

Let it be everything is fine with you,

Good luck to Holy Week,

Good luck to all of your destiny.

I wish you a lot of inspiration!


Congratulations to the Holy Week,

Interesting week for good.

We want what would you do, -

Always turned out to cheer.

Our friendship albeit only grow stronger.

Let all your life be a dream.

Let no one shakes your nerves,

A native - are proud of you.

From Holy Week colleagues


Congratulations on Holy Week

My dear colleague.

Do you want to get ahead

Competitors in the work of his.

Suppose you will have everything you need

Successful solutions to problems.

You work together in unison,

And then all will be well!


My favorite colleague

Today, the very first time

I want to Holy Week

I congratulate you from the heart.

Be happy with him,

As the passionate time!

I want to wish you health,

Good luck, and good luck!

Wishes to friends


Congratulations on Holy Week

I loved his comrades.

Everything that you would not want to,

Let executed in the sweet moment.

Let without notice vorvёtsya

Joy in your home.

And in the window let the sun breaks,

To light and heat to warm.

From Holy Week mum


I am a passionate week congratulate you,

My dear, my dear mother.

You happy long life wish

To your hobby fascinated you,

To make all wishes come true, all of a sudden,

To avoid difficulties in important matters,

To force your never ending,

And the support of friends was not in words.
