Calendar of Lent in 2014, powered by the day, that is in the post

 Lent 2011, post 2011 calendar, Lent in 2011, Lent food calendar Lent

Among all the posts that follow the Christians - Lent is the most severe. So, during this Lent to abstain from certain foods. Continence, especially relates to meat and meat products. So, what to eat fast before Easter?

Calendar Lent 2014

Recommended and refrain from dairy products (even powdered milk) and from eggs. Of course, you can not use the baking and chocolate.

Also prohibited are also some holidays and fish. Eat fish during Lent 2014, the feast of the Annunciation can be 7 April and 13 April, Palm Sunday and April 12 in Palm Saturday allowed fish roe.

What can I eat in the post

The basis of lean diet - a plant food made from fruits and vegetables. In addition, very useful for this period would have home-canned juices, jams, pickles, marinated and pickled vegetables, etc. Not superfluous will also mushrooms, frozen berries and vegetables.

You should not be neglected during the fast greens and spices. They contain a lot of nutrients that are needed to maintain strength. It is also important to eat a diet for a variety of different grains.

In addition to the above, thanks to the efforts of representatives of the food industry, those who fast, can be found on store shelves special meatless products, including, for example, mayonnaise, cookies, and potato, carrot or cabbage burgers.

Power in the post for days

It is worth noting that there is during Lent can be once a day - in the evening and on Saturdays and Sundays - twice.

According to the charter, the laity on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays you can eat cold food, and on Tuesday and Thursday - hot food, but in these days of the week in the food do not add vegetable oil.

Oil is allowed only on Saturdays and Sundays. In addition, on weekends you can eat and grape wine, except for Saturday in Holy Week (April 14 - April 19) - 19 April.

Lent 2014

As you know, Lent, which begins March 3 and continues until April 19 can be divided into two parts:

Lent, which this year runs from March 3 to April 12, and

Holy Week - the period of April 14 - April 19 .

Also shared a post on the Week by week, each of which has its own regulations concerning the lean diet.

First of all, the first day of Lent - March 3 and April 18, Good Friday charter prescribed complete abstinence from food. On the second day of fasting is allowed so-called xerophagy - eating bread, raw fruits and vegetables.

As for the food directly on the week (Week), it is possible to adhere to both the statute and intended to lay his indulgences.

Calendar Lent 2014

Thus, in

1 Week (1 week of Lent)

Week 4 (4 Week of Lent )

Week 7 (7 weeks of Lent)

charter prescribed xerophagy from Monday to Friday inclusive. For the laity as permitted easing cooked food, an exception may be allowed and the use of oil.

While according to the statute of

Week 2 (2 week of Lent)

Week 3 (3 weeks of Lent)

Week 5 (5 week of Lent)

Week 6 (6 weeks of Lent)

Cooked food is provided. Lay people are allowed to be added to her vegetable oil.

As an exception can be permitted and the use of the laity on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays fish.

Recipes meatless meals for Lent for Monday, Wednesday, Friday

 Lent menu meatless meals recipes Lent food by day

We offer you recipes meatless dishes

Lent meals daily, the menu for Monday, Wednesday, Friday

1. Salad with cabbage and carrots

Ingredients: cabbage, carrots, nuts, lemon juice, salt, sugar.

Cabbage finely chop. Carrots grate on medium grater. All mix, sprinkle with salt, add a little sugar, a good grind and let to let the vegetables juice.

Sprinkle with lemon juice to taste, sprinkle with chopped nuts. Depending on what kind of nuts to take (walnuts, hazelnuts or peanuts) will change the taste of lettuce.

2. salad with prunes and dried apricots

Ingredients: cabbage, dried apricots, prunes, black bread, nuts, lemon juice.

Cabbage finely chop, salt, grind and leave for 10 minutes to let the juice. Dried apricots and prunes boil in a very small amount of water, cut into slices.

Black bread cut into small cubes. To add bread cabbage, prunes, dried apricots. Sprinkle with lemon juice and add a little water in which cooked dried fruit (decoction should be thick). Sprinkle with grated nuts. The remaining broth can be used as compote.

3. Salad with avocado and pepper

Ingredients: avocado, sweet pepper, lemon juice, salt, spices.

Avocado peeled, cut in half, remove the seeds and finely chop. Sweet pepper, preferably red or orange, chop, mix it all, add the mint, basil, oregano (may be in the form of dry seasoning), salt to taste, sprinkle with lemon juice.

In this salad, you can add fresh herbs and cucumbers.

4. Toast

Ingredients: black bread, dried apricots, prunes, walnuts, raisins, avocado, carrots and spices.

Black bread cut into pieces a la carte. Dried apricots and prunes boil until soft. In a blender (you can in a meat grinder) to grind nuts, raisins and peeled avocados, apricots, prunes (take a little), carrots.

In the resulting mass add the broth in which cooked dried fruit and lemon juice (to take a little bit) You can choose to make a lot of spicy, add red and black pepper, hot spices. She should get a medium consistency. Spread the resulting mass of bread slices.

5. Sweet carrot and apple salad

Ingredients: carrots, apples, raisins, honey.

Carrots grate. Apples on a major. Stir. Add honey, raisins. Sprinkle with grated nuts and coconut. You can add pieces of pineapple.

The meaning and essence of Lent, the cleansing of body and soul

 Lent, the value of fasting, Lent are preparing for Lent

It would seem that until recently all over the world celebrated the Orthodox Christmas, and just around the corner Feast of the Lord's Resurrection. But before you take the whole soul of the resurrected Christ, clean - both spiritually and physically. That is what Lent, which lasts for seven weeks.

Meaning, the essence of Lent

Lent - a very important time for every Christian. This is the time when everyone should review all their actions, repent of their sins, to spend more time to communicate with God.

And though for many, Lent - this is just a trivial denial from the meat, the Church has always stressed the importance of spiritual robots it on themselves.

Home and prepare post

Lent - the longest and severe among church positions, so prepare for it in advance. The last week before the beginning of Lent are advised to eat fish and dairy products, to prepare themselves to abstain from meat products during Lent.

For those who choose to adhere to all rules and severely follow the diet during Lent, it is important to know that there are days when the ban on certain products be removed.

What You Can Eat

So, on Sunday or holidays allowed to eat vegetable oil, fish and wine. On other days, meat, fish, all products of animal origin is prohibited.

However, since the main purpose of the post - learn to control their desires, and please, first of all the soul and not the body, it is advised to give up one meal, which is the favorite in the daily human diet.

It's not every meat lover among us, a lot of people can not imagine their life without sweets, and the time of Lent, is precisely designed to deal with such temptations.


It is important to remember that sick people, pregnant or lactating women are not advised to observe strict rules of fasting, not to harm their health.

But completely healthy people, is abstention from food, by contrast, will only help cleanse and strengthen the body.

Purification of the soul subject to the rules of fasting

As mentioned above, Lent - a great opportunity to take care of his own soul. Exemplary laity during this period try as often as possible to visit the temple.

Attendance at religious services gives a sense of unity with God and a deep and sincere prayer helps to distract from the cares of the world and to think about eternity. But a visit to the entertainment, loud celebrations, weddings during Lent is strictly prohibited.

The essence of Lent

Already become a tradition during Lent resort secret repentance. Even those rare visitor in the walls of the church at this time trying to confess. Confession should be for a good Christian deep repentance of their sins, regrets that he acted contrary to God's laws.

But we must not forget the main goal of repentance - correction rights in a better way. The church encourages people to rethink their relationship with each other, be sure to find a place for the kind words, help those who are in need of anything.

Thus, Lent - is not only a test of mind and body, but also an opportunity to make their lives better, to get closer to the Lord and to open your heart to love of neighbor.
