Meatless holiday dishes during Lent, the recipes

 Meatless holiday dishes

This culinary article I would like to devote to cooking meatless recipes festive dishes during Lent. After such significant holidays for Orthodox Christians as the Annunciation and Palm Sunday get it in the post.

During these holidays the church is allowed to eat meals of fish, fish eggs and seafood. There just are not recipes for fish dishes appeared over the centuries of existence of these holidays.

Ear, stuffed fish, baked, fried, pickled, salted, jelly, burgers and fish eggs, a variety of salads with seafood and that's not all. But I like to start a traditional Orthodox cuisine, without which does not do any religious holiday.

So delicious meatless dishes that can be prepared for the festive table is in Lent.


Dried fruits wash and cut. Lower into boiling water for 10-13 minutes, then put on the gas and boil 10 minutes. Separately, pour boiling water over raisins. Figure wash, cover with water, add salt and cook for 20 minutes. Rinse cooked rice, add the vanilla, cinnamon, butter, honey, raisins, dried fruit compote with. All mixed and left overnight in the refrigerator. Ready kutyu shift into a beautiful salad bowl and garnish with candied fruit, nuts and serve.

For vegetable dishes require:

230 grams of rice; 14 pcs pitted prunes 11 pieces of dried apricots; 90 g of raisins; 8 g vanilla; 60 g of honey; 45 g of vegetable oil; 16 g of cinnamon; 450 ml of water; nuts; candied fruit; salt.

Canape with sturgeon and caviar

Rye bread cut into small squares and dry in the oven or toaster. Cool, chum salmon caviar spread, put a slice of cucumber. Next piece of stellate sturgeon. Garnish with sprigs of greenery and can be eaten during Lent.

For this recipe you need:

5 slices of rye bread; 90g Siberian salmon caviar; 120 g smoked stellate sturgeon; 1 cucumber, 4 sprigs of greenery.

Festive salad goldfish

Mackerel peel and cut into small pieces. Boil the potatoes, cut into small cubes. Sliced ​​apples and sprinkle with lemon juice. On a plate lay sheets of Chinese cabbage, they are apples, sauerkraut and potatoes. All pour oil and put mackerel. On top decorate with sprigs of greenery and can be eaten during Lent.

For meals need:

500 g mackerel (ideally cold smoking); 250 g sour sauerkraut; 2 apples; 3 potatoes; 200 g of leaves of Chinese cabbage; greenery; 40 g of vegetable oil; lemon; salt.

Lean ear delicacy

Fish trifle clean, rinse well and add to the pre-prepared spicy broth. Cool, strain. The fish is washed and cut into portions. Lower the prepared broth and let boil, cook until done. The cooked fish decompose in portioned cup, pour the fish broth, add slices of lemon and herbs. Great taste give 1 glass of champagne added to the end of cooking.

Prescription required:

1 kg of sturgeon; 700-750 g of small fish; leek; parsley root and celery; 2 sheets lavrushki; 2 onions; 7 peppercorns; ½ lemon; salt

Holiday carp stewed with vegetables in white wine

Vegetables, cut into strips and lightly fry them not podrumyanivaya on vegetable oil. Add dry wine, cut the fish in portions, add salt and pepper. Writing a boil and simmer for 35-40 minutes on low heat. Finished pieces of carp with vegetables to put on a beautiful dish, and you can eat during Lent. Served with croutons fried in butter.

For meals need:

2 medium fresh carp; 1 onion; 130 g kohlrabi; 1 carrot; 380 g of white wine; celery and parsley; black pepper, salt.

Fruit festive dessert

Apples clean the top 1/3, cut core. To fill the void cranberries. Heat the water, sugar and honey to boil. Pour the syrup obtained cranberries. Bake for 45-50 minutes, basting every 10 minutes with syrup. Serve with vanilla ice cream.

The recipe includes:

6 apples; 220 g cranberries; 130 g of sugar; 65 g of honey; 300 ml of water.

Here are just a small fraction of the recipes meatless dishes for the holiday table, which has pleased a lot of families in Lent, I hope, like you, too.

Holy Week of Lent 2014, net week, holy days

 Holy Week of Lent 2011 Holy Week, Clean Week, holy days

Ctrastnaya Week Or as it is called - Holy Week   - In the 2014 begins from April 14.

This is the last week before Easter, which Orthodox Christians honor the memory of Jesus Christ, which adopted the flour on the cross for the salvation of all mankind.

Net Week traditions and peculiarities

This week all believers observe bodily and spiritual purity, so the Holy Week of Lent in a different way is called the Pure Week. The seven days of Holy Week devotees faith people are in the strictest temperance, and fervent prayer.

During these seven days of sorrow and grief of the Saviour in the church held baptisms and weddings and remembrance, not celebrated the holy days. Each of the seven days of the week Pure has its particularity and importance, being considered a holy day.

Holy Days, Great Monday

Week begins with Great Monday, marks the beginning of preparations for the celebration of the Great Easter. According to ancient tradition, this day is called Clean Monday, as it is associated with cleaning homes and harvesting fodder to Bright in the week following after Easter, there was no need to work.

The Great Monday begins the most severe post - you can eat only bread, fruit and vegetables, and by monastic ordinance prescribed abstinence from food.

Great Tuesday

On the second day of Holy Week - Great Tuesday in the church read the parable of the ten virgins, of the faithful and unfaithful slaves, the talents and the Last Judgment.

In ancient times on this day Russian peasants made from the seeds of flax and hemp "cross-section of the milk" and watered their livestock, said it will protect them from disease. Rite are only permitted to women. On the day of the Great Tuesday in food could eat raw food without oil.

Great Wednesday

Great Wednesday a comparison of two different life paths - Magdalene whore who repent of their sins and accepted the salvation of the Lord, and Judas was a traitor of Christ and received spiritual death.

On Good Wednesday in the village began to gather in ravines snow. After his melting salted water and doused her livestock, believing that this ceremony will be a year to protect the farmhouse from the ills and diseases. In this environment food was scarce - raw food without oil.

Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday is still popularly called Maundy Thursday. On this day, according to the ancient customs be cleaned before dawn swim in the river, lake or in the bath, do the cleaning in the house and all the linen perestirat. The traditional Holy Thursday is put on the table bread and consecrated salt.

This day began preparation for Easter - slaughtered cattle for the festive dinner, painted eggs. In the church on Maundy Thursday remembers the Last Supper, the washing of the feet of Jesus Christ, prayer, read with the Garden of Gethsemane and the betrayal of Judas.

Believers tried to carry home the candles lit in the church, according to ancient beliefs it brings into the house of happiness and prosperity.

Good Friday

Good Friday especially revered by believers as the day Jesus Christ died in agony on the cross, bringing a sacrifice. Therefore, on this day in churches, not the rights of the liturgy. Vespers of Holy Friday is dedicated to the burial of Christ.

On Friday, the women baked cakes and Easter and is traditionally handed out food to the poor. On that day, the believers decided to abstain from food until the removal of the Holy Shroud, considered a symbol of the atoning sacrifice of the Savior.

Holy Saturday

Day of the Great Sabbath for believers is marked by lighting of Easter cakes and food for the Great razgovleniya Easter. The Church takes the morning liturgy of St. Basil the Great, during which priests have dark clothing on light - holidays.

On the day of Holy Saturday, people tried to finish everything and come to the evening service at the church for a meeting of the Great Easter holiday, which symbolizes the deliverance from evil and the beginning of a new, bright life.
