Observing the Great Orthodox position do not necessarily eat monotonous and not tasty. Yes, many familiar products we use the church forbids, but it is poor kitchen of the Orthodox Lent, as it may seem at first sight?
In this article the author will lead a few examples of recipes for delicious and healthy dishes that pretend to be "lean".
Lent - the main and the longest of the year, its duration is 7 weeks. Observance of Lent means giving up meat, eggs and milk-based products.
This fish is also prohibited. Exceptions are holidays like Annunciation and Palm Sunday. In the remaining days will have to deny yourself in this. But not all so sad, there are many ideas to diversify their menus which will lean and tasty main dishes, of which we'll talk.
Cutlets from potato and rice recipe
Cutlets, for example, are not only meat or fish. An excellent option for those who want to save on cooking time will chops potatoes and rice. To do this, you need to boil 500 grams of potatoes, peel and crush it (grate).
2 onions 2-3 carrots and chop finely and fry in vegetable oil. Connect the vegetables with potatoes and 1/2 cup of cooked rice, salt to taste. Then add the finely chopped parsley and dill, the resulting mass is mixed thoroughly. Make minced meat patties and fry in a pan until cooked.
Lean braised potatoes
As a main or a main dish stewed potatoes is perfect. For the preparation you need to overcook the onion and garlic, put in the kettle (pot), add raw carrots, cut into strips, bay leaf and peppercorns.
All fill with water and boil for 20 minutes. Peel the potatoes, cut, put in the cauldron, that water covered it centimeter by 2. Cook until done. Similarly, you can put out the figure.
Delicious vegetable pilaf recipe
A great idea for a tasty lunch will lean vegetable pilaf. To make it better to use a kettle or pot, having a thick bottom. 2 cups rice washed, put on the fire, salt and, stirring constantly, waiting for all the evaporation of moisture, and the amount of rice to be increased.
Then pour in 3-4 cups of boiling water kettle, cover with a lid and simmer on low heat until tender. Do not stir! While the rice is cooked, cut and fry vegetables - 1 onion, 2 carrots, 2 tomatoes, 1 bell pepper. Then combine the vegetables with rice. Stir, put the lid for 5 minutes. Add chopped herbs risotto and garlic, let it brew.
An alternative to meat dishes during Lent will become the second dishes based on beans and mushrooms. Here is a sampling of recipes such treats.
Beans in Tomato Sauce (lobio)
It is necessary to boil 1 cup of beans in a small amount of water, pour the broth, and later use it to prepare the sauce. 4 tomatoes, 1-2 onions cut into slices and fry, add the vegetables to the beans, put out a few minutes. At the request of the add broth obtained after cooking the beans.
Next, fill the pepper and lemon juice. Before submitting to the table, sprinkle with herbs dish. Lobio permitted to submit both cold and hot. Crushed garlic with salt and vegetable oil will perfectly complement your creation on the second dish during Lent.
Meatless stuffed with mushrooms
For experienced housewives should try to cook stuffed with mushrooms. 2 onions Chop and fry. Add chopped boiled mushrooms (400 g), continue to fry for about 6 minutes, then put dill, as a supplement to the stuffing can be used boiled rice.
500 g cabbage, preferably loose, freed from the upper leaves, remove the stalk, omit a few minutes in boiling water, disassemble the leaves, stalks discourage. Mushroom stuffing wrapped in cabbage leaves (as an option, in the form of envelopes), bake in the oven and tasty meatless meals ready.
As you can see, if you want you can always treat yourself and family members a variety of meatless dishes. Over time you will see that a lot of these foods, and among them will be those who will gain the greatest popularity in your home.
The objective of the author was to help you make a meatless diet is more varied. But we can not say that the Orthodox post - this is not a vegetarian and not a diet. It is a time for prayer, for taming their desires. And if you decide to observe Lent, then you need to remember. God help you!