Tasty meatless meals during Lent, the recipes

 Tasty meatless meals

In Lent allowed to eat on a strict church canons sweet pastries, vegetables in all types of processing, fruit, fruit drinks. Some tasty and meatless dishes, detailed recipes for their preparation suggested in this article.

Nuts contain a complete protein, their intake during fasting is very important.

At observance of Lent is the restructuring in the body and is very important to keep drinking regime. Liquids should drink as much as possible. Preference is given to tea with honey, jelly, juice and plain water, eating recommended in warm or hot. So it is easier to digest, and the sharpness of hunger comes more slowly.

Delicious cakes with potatoes and mushrooms


For the dough: Wheat flour - 700 gr .; dry yeast - 15 g .; oil - 70 gr .; water - 45 ml; Sugar - 40 gr .; Salt - 10 g.

For filling: potatoes - 400 g .; mushrooms - 180 g .; oil - 65 gr .; dill - 25 gr .; spices.

Put the dough from the products listed above. Give it ferment for at least 2 hours. If the flour and the yeast is fresh and active, then the test will be canceled and no baking. To cut the dough into small balls, to give them a little bit up.

Prepare the filling. Prepared potatoes in salted water to boil and mash. Mushroom stew in butter until tender. Dill wash and finely chop.

Mix the potatoes, mushrooms, dill, add spices. Roll out each ball with a rolling pin, put the stuffing in it and form patties.

The product is put on a greased baking sheet. Pies coat with oil and bake until cooked and can be eaten during Lent.

Lean pie "Annunciation"

Recipe for cooking:

dough - 600 g .; Prescription above belokochannaya- kale 400 gr .; morkov- 25 grams. onions - 30 gr .; oil - 40 gr .; fish - 280 gr .; spices.

During Lent allowed to eat fish two times: on Palm Sunday and the Annunciation. Cake baked from the same dough lean. Prepare the filling. To do this, put out a cabbage with carrots, onions and spices in oil. Stuffing cool.

The fish, the best sea of ​​language, as it does not contain bone fillet, cut into thin platelets. Roll out the dough on the board, to pass it on a baking sheet, put the stuffing, put the fish in neat rows of little salt.

Make a second layer of dough, a little, cover them cake, treat the edges, make an incision in the middle of the cake.

Put the pie a little bit up, then greased and bake in the oven until tender and can be eaten during Lent.

Tasty roll with jam and nuts

Products for cooking:

Dough - 550 g .; jam - 100 gr .; nuts - 89 gr. Nuts, better walnuts grind in a mortar.

On the board, sprinkle flour roll the dough rectangle, apply a layer of jam (jam can be used instead of jam) and evenly sprinkle with nuts.

Fold dough stuffed into a tube, to shift in the pan, coat with sugar water and bake in the oven until golden.

Ready meatless loaf to cool and cut into pieces a la carte.

Apples baked with honey and nuts

Recipe for cooking:

Apples - 6 pcs .; nuts - 55 gr .; honey - 80 gr. Peeled crushed nuts and mix with honey.

Apples are washed, remove the middle and fill the nut - honey mixture. Put stuffed apples in a greased form and bake until soft.

Meatless sweet dessert is ready, you can eat during Lent.

Apple drink

Products for cooking:

apple juice - 1 liter; Honey - 120 gr .; water - 210 ml. Honey dissolved in water. Freshly apple juice pour into a saucepan and add the water with honey. If desired, one can add vanillin pinch.

The mixture boil and cool.

You can drink this delicious drink apple in the form of heat.

Kissel blackcurrant

Recipe for cooking: berries - 200 g .; water - 2 liters; Starch - 45 g .; sugar to taste.

Black currant is best to use frozen. Rinse berries, thawed and to rub through a sieve. Juice pour into a separate container and oil cake add water and cook a few minutes.

Then strain the juice, cake throw in the broth to pour juice, starch, dissolved in water and sugar.

Cook until thick jelly.

These tasty and healthy meatless meals will help to diversify food in Lent. Fasting for Health!

Meatless meals every day during Lent, the recipes

 Meatless meals

Nutrition during the Great Orthodox Lent is significantly different from the everyday. Excluded from the diet: meat, fish, poultry. You can not eat fat, animal, milk, eggs.

Fasting can be consumed cereals, vegetables, fruits, meats, nuts and honey.

But even with such a meager assortment of food you can cook lean, very decent and hearty for every day. Meals should be balanced and regular during Lent. Recommended meatless meals are described in this article.

Pickle with the barley

Prescription Products:

barley - 70 gr .; pickled cucumbers - 90 gr .; carrots 50 gr .; onions - 35 gr .; oil -40 g .; Tomatoes - 35 g .; Potatoes - 60 gr .; spices.

Pearl barley boil separately until tender, drain and cool.

With pickles remove the peel, cut into small cubes and put out on the water a few minutes.

Vegetables Rinse, clean and cut into small pieces.

Then the onions and carrots fry in butter.

Potatoes cut into cubes, add water and cook until boiling. After boiling water add to the potatoes fried vegetables, boiled barley, tomato paste, cucumber.

Pickle salt and pepper and cook until cooked this dish.

Meatless bean soup with potatoes


Beans - 1 pot; onions - 1 pc .; carrots - 1 pc .; potatoes - 120 g .; oil - 45 gr .; leaf parsley - 30 g .; spices.

Vegetables process. In a pot of water to put the whole onion and cook together with the chopped potatoes.

Carrot rub on a coarse grater and fry in butter until tender.

In boiling water to put vegetables carrots and beans in tomato sauce, add spices and cook a few minutes.

Then put the bay leaf and chopped parsley.

This meatless soup can be eaten during the Orthodox Lent at least every day.

Stuffed with mushrooms and rice

Products for the recipe:

cabbage leaves - 10 pcs .; boiled rice - 1 item .; mushrooms - 60 g .; dill - 20 gr .; onions - 1 pc .; oil - 120 gr .; spices.

With cabbages cut the stalk, and the head cook in water until soft.

Remove the leaves from it. Discourage thick vein wooden hammer.

Rinse mushrooms, cut into strips and fry in butter with onions. Dill wash and finely chop.

Stir fried mushrooms, boiled rice and dill, salt and pepper. Cabbage leaves filled with meat and roll envelope.

Toast stuffed with butter on both sides. If desired, you can put out a little tomato juice, it will give the dish edge.

Put in a dish.

Meatless vegetables with sauce "Satsebeli"

Recipe: potatoes - 400 grams. cauliflower - 300 g. pumpkin - 350 g. For the sauce: walnut kernels - 200 gr .; bow - 3 pcs .; wine vinegar - 150 ml; Garlic - 3 gr .; parsley - 35 g .; water - 500 ml; spices.

Prepare the vegetables, cut coarsely and boil in salted water. Ready to lay down their vegetables on a platter and pour the sauce "Satsebeli."

Prepare the sauce. To do this, crushed nuts and separate them with vinegar. Add to this mass of water, chopped onion, crushed garlic, salt, a pinch of red pepper. Sprinkle with chopped herbs sauce, stir and pour over the hot vegetables.

Such a lean dish can be served during Lent every day.

Mushroom stew, cooked in a pot

Prescription Products:

Mushrooms - 320 gr .; potatoes - 180 g .; onions - 60 gr .; Garlic - 2 c .; oil - 80 gr .; spices.

To prepare this dish, use a big pot, a few servings. Mushrooms clean and wash, boil in water with salt.

Prepared mushrooms cut and put in a ceramic pot, add the chopped onion back, pounded garlic, pour the oil.

The contents of the pot to fill with spices and add a little mushroom broth. The pot cover or juicy from unleavened dough and cook in the oven until cooked.

This article is an incomplete list of hot meals to lean on the table every day during the Orthodox Lent.

Take them to the note, recipes you may find useful.
