My Motherland walks
This glorious day of vernal,
Holiday important notes!
If someone does not know,
For example, the day of the Library,
Highest labor
For people not for fun
They built their cities,
A village support,
To educate the people,
To the success of the native powers
I not stood and walked forward.
But without proper supervision
The order among the books,
Everything would collapse soon
Collapsed in a moment,
Would tear the page
They messed up the volume -
Where is the love? Where only a dream?
Where Chukovskij? Where is Dumas?
But always stands guard
Sovereign libraries
He is calm, strict and important
A very wise man,
Call him Librarian,
The work of his invaluable
And the keeper of it, and the doctor,
Book so calmly with him!
For him, today the sun
On the bright sky sends greetings,
For him, the spring laughs,
And in the gardens opened color.
There is a beautiful country,
It lives wonderful people -
Books, she values them,
It protects free.
There are in the country of the kings -
Dear tomes,
Fat men-heroes,
Painted dandies,
There are hard workers, they hole up
Time dresses portages,
There are lazy, their idol -
That all was quiet.
And the owner of the country,
King and God - a librarian,
Books are for him,
All he brought it to the filing,
It helps us to find
You need in an instant,
In the maze of conduct,
Give us the joy of reading.
Let today on this day
Life will bring them good luck,
Let them blooming lilacs,
Let them solve all problems
Let President of Finance
They give health
And for every victory,
Let their love life blossom.
Congratulations to you and want to say:
Suppose that in life, as in a book
Good always win all,
The health of many, albeit with a surplus,
Most good things ...
You deserve it for sure!
Thank you for what you
Keep what is very important!
Poems about libraries and librarians is dedicated to all the employees of libraries