Long life. Longevity. Liver. 2


What is interesting to healthy longevity. Firstly, at this age you are already retired. And the time to enjoy life and spend accumulated finance car. But if you have health is close to zero, for the joy and pleasure grounds have less or even not at all.

And slowly begins to strangle the toad. Looking for a healthy environment. After living for a certain number of years, we begin to understand that we are not interesting to have themselves or their loved ones, or others. The brain has been working for worse, in many cases poorly.

Many people want to go back. And to improve their health. But this, alas, is impossible. I have met many people who are about seventy years old, are beginning to understand, and spend enormous sums to return health and extending life years.

But, unfortunately, all the efforts are useless. And no medicine and pharmacy there can no longer help. Lost time. And swallowing their tablets person receives largely psychological support, and hope that the treatment process is. While it understands the fate of fate can not be avoided.

But how long the tunnel rehabilitation in this age that is only possible to reach the end of the lucky ones.

Gerontology. SCIENCE OF AGING.

Since childhood I was interested in the ideas and achievements in the field of gerontology. That is the science of aging. And I always wanted to live long. No less than a hundred years. At the time, I had little idea how this can be achieved. Geriatricians I'm on my way not met any.

But, still professionally herbs and eastern energy techniques I gradually began to realize that you can not live sixty or seventy years. And so, a hundred years before, even in poor genetic inheritance. And up to one hundred and twenty, at least, one hundred and forty, with good genetic inheritance.

We do not live out his years at least twenty to forty years or more. It is under the most conservative estimates. And, unfortunately, we do not understand and do not want to understand, and naturally do not make any efforts and actions to improve, to change the destiny. Buy longevity and longevity. What is the cause.

And how to achieve the cherished planks, say a hundred years. In my view, the main reason is psychological. Before they reach the nth number of years. We say to ourselves, I'm getting old, and I have the old. And, accordingly, behave well.

Thus, the programming itself. This is the strongest code for an organism. He understands it literally. Matrix works instantly. And proceeds to self-destruction of the body.

In history there are many examples of tissue regeneration, dental pomolodeniya in old age. So the body has its hidden possibilities and reserves for recovery. Only we do not know how to use them. Do the best prerequisites to prolong life.

Without using other means. There are very serious. The press has slipped incidents from the life when a person for no reason at younger in old age, nearly twenty years, out of the blue, without doing anything. Since when is it causes.

So, the reasons are, and they are within us. On the Internet I have met people who set out to live a hundred and fifty years. It sounds jokingly. But I will be very glad if people would live up to that age. And overcome the bar of longevity. Setting a new record in your life.

Possible causes of aging. PSYCHOLOGY OF LONGEVITY.

From my point of view, first and foremost the most important cause of rapid aging - psychological.

Inattention and ugly attitude towards themselves and their health.

The second reason is poor nutrition and receive a supply of substances in the aging body. Thousands of cells die off.

And in their place are new. Those cells that have been replaced, have to survive in the changed environment, and some of them quickly losing ground. It's like an avalanche. Crashing, it sweeps away everything in its path. One pulls the other. The circle is closed.

Here you need to have a serious treatment. But you will have it. In many cases, prevention is useless, and need life-long treatment. In order to stay alive. Treatment options are many. You just need to use them wisely.

Experts in the field of gerontology. Geriatrics. HEALER. Healers.

To eliminate such things there are healers, witch doctors, occupational therapists, dietitians, but if on your way those people you have not met, you can use herbal pharmacy, Badami. If the financial part does not allow to read literature, to educate ourselves, or find what that friends, girlfriends, odnodumtsev.

And together to solve such issues. Someone anything and even prompt. And do not suffer alone. Such stories on the Internet, I meet a lot. In my youth I was in Kharkov. On my way across various interesting and controversial people.

Psychics who served in special structures, and their talent spent in vain for the people, and the people who worked to achieve good health for others. I am reminded of a Chinese acupuncturist. When he was treating an elderly patient. But some time later, he died. We asked him the reason. After all, you tried.

He said something like this. Ended Qi energy, over and life. That is the reason why here. My point of view, the life energy that flows through invisible energy channels and chakras, we just need. Often in the body having different blocks, traffic jams.

Man is not able to remove them. Clean channels. To do this, and there are Orthodox healers bioenergotseliteli. Master yoga and qigong. In the press and on the Internet, often there are various things in condemning address healers. Sorry, ugliness, violence against the person and his soul in our lives abound, and incomparably much more than healers.

By whatever names and laws are not met. Our life is a great school. And it will be bad to those who did not finish. All have to do over again. And this piece of sweet cake of life in the next life you may have never try.

And it is because of our arrogance and stupidity. But the problem is each of us. And this way, each person must pass himself.

They say thousands of healers. Go and see what's what. And put in the press as enemies of humanity. Clearly the media need hollow sensation. And just for the sensation they get paid. On it and press.

Of course, there are also here psevdotseliteli shifted psyche. But this unit. Look in our society, how many such people. At any rank, millions. And we poke a finger, confidently stating that we are better. How on earth. To me it's funny to listen to. It disgusts me to the core.

Healers, medicine all levels of the church exist to help people. Any charge or not. Who is wealthy enough. Union is long gone. All this from our ignorance, stupidity and poverty of our people.

Who can not afford proper and desired services. Everyone should have a personal healer. It's like a personal masseur, makeup artist, beautician or hair stylist, personal doctor of family medicine. And consider yourself, how much should be healers. Millions, not what the thousands.

And do not use the services of smart healers or witch doctors, it does not respect themselves and their health. There are expensive healers, there are inexpensive. The choice is.

Long life. Longevity. Liver. 2


What is interesting to healthy longevity. Firstly, at this age you are already retired. And the time to enjoy life and spend accumulated finance car. But if you have health is close to zero, for the joy and pleasure grounds have less or even not at all.

And slowly begins to strangle the toad. Looking for a healthy environment. After living for a certain number of years, we begin to understand that we are not interesting to have themselves or their loved ones, or others. The brain has been working for worse, in many cases poorly.

Many people want to go back. And to improve their health. But this, alas, is impossible. I have met many people who are about seventy years old, are beginning to understand, and spend enormous sums to return health and extending life years.

But, unfortunately, all the efforts are useless. And no medicine and pharmacy there can no longer help. Lost time. And swallowing their tablets person receives largely psychological support, and hope that the treatment process is. While it understands the fate of fate can not be avoided.

But how long the tunnel rehabilitation in this age that is only possible to reach the end of the lucky ones.

Gerontology. SCIENCE OF AGING.

Since childhood I was interested in the ideas and achievements in the field of gerontology. That is the science of aging. And I always wanted to live long. No less than a hundred years. At the time, I had little idea how this can be achieved. Geriatricians I'm on my way not met any.

But, still professionally herbs and eastern energy techniques I gradually began to realize that you can not live sixty or seventy years. And so, a hundred years before, even in poor genetic inheritance. And up to one hundred and twenty, at least, one hundred and forty, with good genetic inheritance.

We do not live out his years at least twenty to forty years or more. It is under the most conservative estimates. And, unfortunately, we do not understand and do not want to understand, and naturally do not make any efforts and actions to improve, to change the destiny. Buy longevity and longevity. What is the cause.

And how to achieve the cherished planks, say a hundred years. In my view, the main reason is psychological. Before they reach the nth number of years. We say to ourselves, I'm getting old, and I have the old. And, accordingly, behave well.

Thus, the programming itself. This is the strongest code for an organism. He understands it literally. Matrix works instantly. And proceeds to self-destruction of the body.

In history there are many examples of tissue regeneration, dental pomolodeniya in old age. So the body has its hidden possibilities and reserves for recovery. Only we do not know how to use them. Do the best prerequisites to prolong life.

Without using other means. There are very serious. The press has slipped incidents from the life when a person for no reason at younger in old age, nearly twenty years, out of the blue, without doing anything. Since when is it causes.

So, the reasons are, and they are within us. On the Internet I have met people who set out to live a hundred and fifty years. It sounds jokingly. But I will be very glad if people would live up to that age. And overcome the bar of longevity. Setting a new record in your life.

Possible causes of aging. PSYCHOLOGY OF LONGEVITY.

From my point of view, first and foremost the most important cause of rapid aging - psychological.

Inattention and ugly attitude towards themselves and their health.

The second reason is poor nutrition and receive a supply of substances in the aging body. Thousands of cells die off.

And in their place are new. Those cells that have been replaced, have to survive in the changed environment, and some of them quickly losing ground. It's like an avalanche. Crashing, it sweeps away everything in its path. One pulls the other. The circle is closed.

Here you need to have a serious treatment. But you will have it. In many cases, prevention is useless, and need life-long treatment. In order to stay alive. Treatment options are many. You just need to use them wisely.

Experts in the field of gerontology. Geriatrics. HEALER. Healers.

To eliminate such things there are healers, witch doctors, occupational therapists, dietitians, but if on your way those people you have not met, you can use herbal pharmacy, Badami. If the financial part does not allow to read literature, to educate ourselves, or find what that friends, girlfriends, odnodumtsev.

And together to solve such issues. Someone anything and even prompt. And do not suffer alone. Such stories on the Internet, I meet a lot. In my youth I was in Kharkov. On my way across various interesting and controversial people.

Psychics who served in special structures, and their talent spent in vain for the people, and the people who worked to achieve good health for others. I am reminded of a Chinese acupuncturist. When he was treating an elderly patient. But some time later, he died. We asked him the reason. After all, you tried.

He said something like this. Ended Qi energy, over and life. That is the reason why here. My point of view, the life energy that flows through invisible energy channels and chakras, we just need. Often in the body having different blocks, traffic jams.

Man is not able to remove them. Clean channels. To do this, and there are Orthodox healers bioenergotseliteli. Master yoga and qigong. In the press and on the Internet, often there are various things in condemning address healers. Sorry, ugliness, violence against the person and his soul in our lives abound, and incomparably much more than healers.

By whatever names and laws are not met. Our life is a great school. And it will be bad to those who did not finish. All have to do over again. And this piece of sweet cake of life in the next life you may have never try.

And it is because of our arrogance and stupidity. But the problem is each of us. And this way, each person must pass himself.

They say thousands of healers. Go and see what's what. And put in the press as enemies of humanity. Clearly the media need hollow sensation. And just for the sensation they get paid. On it and press.

Of course, there are also here psevdotseliteli shifted psyche. But this unit. Look in our society, how many such people. At any rank, millions. And we poke a finger, confidently stating that we are better. How on earth. To me it's funny to listen to. It disgusts me to the core.

Healers, medicine all levels of the church exist to help people. Any charge or not. Who is wealthy enough. Union is long gone. All this from our ignorance, stupidity and poverty of our people.

Who can not afford proper and desired services. Everyone should have a personal healer. It's like a personal masseur, makeup artist, beautician or hair stylist, personal doctor of family medicine. And consider yourself, how much should be healers. Millions, not what the thousands.

And do not use the services of smart healers or witch doctors, it does not respect themselves and their health. There are expensive healers, there are inexpensive. The choice is.
