The role of nutrition in longevity


The role of nutrition in longevity and life extension!

Human health and longevity depend on many factors:






Other less important factors

And though "Power" we have put almost at the end of the list, but to extend the human life and health, it plays the most important role.

For many years, US scientists conducted according to our development, "The role of nutrition in human life" and "Nutrition" study.

And that's what it turned out:

If you teach a man to eat right from childhood, his life may extend for .... 80-90-100 years !!!

If a patient starts to eat from 30-40 years old, his life can be extended by 50-70 years !!!

But it turns out, too late to deal with them in 50, even 60 years, and in this case the possible prolongation of life by 20-50 years !!!

The basic principle we developed "balanced diet" - this is the right blend of qualitative and quantitative between proteins, fats and carbohydrates, that is, healthy food should be balanced !!!

This ratio, as well as the caloric intake may not be the same for different people! It alone !!!

Furthermore, the ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as the caloric intake is necessary to change depending on the individual's lifestyle changes, the emergence of certain diseases and many other factors!

But in any case, the diet should be high-grade and high-calorie! You can not "cure" himself to death !!!

It is known that for a daily dose of vitamin only "C" a person needs to eat per day: 16 kg. onions or 9 kg. black currant or 7-7, 5 kg. rose hips! Can you imagine how much food you need to consume per day to get all the essential vitamins, minerals and so on.?

Do not deprive yourself recently trying to "lose weight" or "cured" using questionable "starvation diets"! This will not lead to a positive result, but only destroy the body! Your body loses and so much!

Take a good multivitamin!

But: Where to find them? In pharmacies, 90% of "dummy"!

Even a good multivitamin is not fully absorbed, because, for example, for the assimilation of beta-carotene are needed animal fats, and where they are in a dry tablet? They are not here! Even that is assimilated, absorbed by only 30% (scientifically proven).

Dosage multivitamins should vary depending on many factors: the time available, the physical condition of diseases (in some diseases reception multivitamins contraindicated), and many other factors. Nevertheless, a good multivitamin - is!

During research conducted in the US revealed a clear link between nutrition and the emergence of diseases Communication which food was previously known:

Early vascular sclerosis and hypertension.


Obesity and other diseases. Which previously no one connected with the processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract.

Ophthalmic diseases - diseases of the eye (cataracts, glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy, and others.)

Diseases of the pelvic organs (fibroids, endometriosis, endometriosis, cysts, and polycystic ovarian dysfunction).

Brain (especially the pituitary gland).

Thyroid (up to autoimmune thyroiditis).

The appearance of tumors, including malignant and mn.dr.

We could have a very long and "boring" to tell you about all the "horrors" of malnutrition, but we will try to finish on the above.

We would only add literate "Nutrition" developed only after extensive, highly survey that can be completed in 1, 5 - 2 hours.

Develop a "balanced diet" and its subsequent adjustment should be carried out high-level specialists with the knowledge not only in the processes occurring in a healthy and sick organism, their cause and effect, but also on the composition of foods and their combination with the changes occurring in the body!

Healthy lifestyle - long and happy life!


Every normal person wants to live his life happily ever after .   But if all we do for this? If we analyze "every step" of our typical day, most of all, everything is with the "exact opposite". The most "extreme athletes" in the morning, barely getting out of bed as biorobots going to work or school,

afternoon nervous over nothing, gorge themselves at a table, arguing with relatives, jealous friends and colleagues, investing all the power and money to purchase another trendy thing or "adult toys", the evening relaxing on the sofa at the TV, and the output dream to host the barbecue with barbecue or go "shopping."

Others, not all, but many spend their day, doubling this way of life to a greater or lesser extent.

The natural consequence of this way of life are diseases, nervous disorders and problems at work and at home.

Illnesses we treat drugs, but we forget that most of them have so many side effects that one cure, and another maimed. Problems, according to sex, "seized" or "wash down".

The circle closes and break it only by making a sharp turn toward a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle requires optimum mode of work and rest, proper nutrition, adequate motor activity, personal hygiene, hardening, eradication of bad habits, love for friends, positive outlook on life.

A healthy lifestyle allows you to old age to maintain the moral, mental and physical health.

A few important tips for those who want to lead a healthy lifestyle and live a long and happy life:

* Determine what your style is - a healthy lifestyle and clearly his stick;

* Take care of health from an early age, there are many diseases that are identified with age, although their roots in childhood;

* With significant ailments begin to undergo periodic medical examinations;

* Be temperate in all things; not complete, so as not to impede the work of the whole body, speeding up the aging process;

* Enjoy close, they are your main value in life;

* Always be friendly, calm and reasonable, irritability and bustle harm the heart and nervous system;

* Do not hold evil, to smile, smile helps to relieve stress;

* Do not smoke, much less try to get away from the problems in the world of alcoholic or narcotic intoxication;

* Choose a type of work that is interesting to you and brings not only financial but also moral satisfaction;

* Engage in physical labor or fitness, trying as much as possible to spend more time outdoors;

* Actively relax, move more, the movement - the life, the lack of movement facilitates the emergence of a number of diseases;

* Sleep 7, 5 hours per day (5 standard 1, 5 hour cycle of sleep), sleep refreshes and often heals better than any medicine;

* Make time for their hobbies, it helps to relax, making life more varied and adds to our positive emotions;

* Do not be gloomy thoughts, depression, and do not let yourself get discouraged.

* Stop worrying and worry about nothing.

* Enjoy your life, each day.

* Around to try to find the positive side.

Health to you, good luck and success, love of family, a long and happy life!

Remember, a healthy way of life - it's a long, healthy and happy life!

The role of nutrition in longevity


The role of nutrition in longevity and life extension!

Human health and longevity depend on many factors:






Other less important factors

And though "Power" we have put almost at the end of the list, but to extend the human life and health, it plays the most important role.

For many years, US scientists conducted according to our development, "The role of nutrition in human life" and "Nutrition" study.

And that's what it turned out:

If you teach a man to eat right from childhood, his life may extend for .... 80-90-100 years !!!

If a patient starts to eat from 30-40 years old, his life can be extended by 50-70 years !!!

But it turns out, too late to deal with them in 50, even 60 years, and in this case the possible prolongation of life by 20-50 years !!!

The basic principle we developed "balanced diet" - this is the right blend of qualitative and quantitative between proteins, fats and carbohydrates, that is, healthy food should be balanced !!!

This ratio, as well as the caloric intake may not be the same for different people! It alone !!!

Furthermore, the ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as the caloric intake is necessary to change depending on the individual's lifestyle changes, the emergence of certain diseases and many other factors!

But in any case, the diet should be high-grade and high-calorie! You can not "cure" himself to death !!!

It is known that for a daily dose of vitamin only "C" a person needs to eat per day: 16 kg. onions or 9 kg. black currant or 7-7, 5 kg. rose hips! Can you imagine how much food you need to consume per day to get all the essential vitamins, minerals and so on.?

Do not deprive yourself recently trying to "lose weight" or "cured" using questionable "starvation diets"! This will not lead to a positive result, but only destroy the body! Your body loses and so much!

Take a good multivitamin!

But: Where to find them? In pharmacies, 90% of "dummy"!

Even a good multivitamin is not fully absorbed, because, for example, for the assimilation of beta-carotene are needed animal fats, and where they are in a dry tablet? They are not here! Even that is assimilated, absorbed by only 30% (scientifically proven).

Dosage multivitamins should vary depending on many factors: the time available, the physical condition of diseases (in some diseases reception multivitamins contraindicated), and many other factors. Nevertheless, a good multivitamin - is!

During research conducted in the US revealed a clear link between nutrition and the emergence of diseases Communication which food was previously known:

Early vascular sclerosis and hypertension.


Obesity and other diseases. Which previously no one connected with the processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract.

Ophthalmic diseases - diseases of the eye (cataracts, glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy, and others.)

Diseases of the pelvic organs (fibroids, endometriosis, endometriosis, cysts, and polycystic ovarian dysfunction).

Brain (especially the pituitary gland).

Thyroid (up to autoimmune thyroiditis).

The appearance of tumors, including malignant and mn.dr.

We could have a very long and "boring" to tell you about all the "horrors" of malnutrition, but we will try to finish on the above.

We would only add literate "Nutrition" developed only after extensive, highly survey that can be completed in 1, 5 - 2 hours.

Develop a "balanced diet" and its subsequent adjustment should be carried out high-level specialists with the knowledge not only in the processes occurring in a healthy and sick organism, their cause and effect, but also on the composition of foods and their combination with the changes occurring in the body!
