Healthy lifestyle

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Healthy lifestyle
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Physical education and sport are very useful, and people of physical labor, since their work is often associated with the load of any particular muscle group, not all muscles in general. Physical exercise strengthens and develops the skeletal muscle, heart muscle, blood vessels, respiratory system, and many other organs, which greatly facilitates the work of the circulatory apparatus, has beneficial effects on the nervous system.

Daily morning gymnastics - a mandatory minimum of physical training. It must be all the same habit as washing in the morning. Physical exercise should be carried out in a well-ventilated room or outdoors.

For people leading "sedentary" lifestyle, particularly important in air exercise (walking, walk). It is useful in the morning to go to work on foot and walk in the evening after work. Systematic walking beneficial effects on human, improves mood, increases efficiency.

Walking is slozhnokoordinirovannyh motor act controlled by the nervous system, it is carried out with the participation of almost the entire muscular system of the body. Its like a load can be accurately metered and gradually, gradually increase in tempo and volume of the absence of other physical activities daily minimum standard load only walking for a young man of 15 km., Less stress associated with the development of inactivity.

Thus, the daily exposure to fresh air for 1-1, 5:00 is one of the important components of a healthy lifestyle. When working indoors is especially important walk in the evening, before going to bed.

Such walk as part of the necessary daily exercise benefits everyone. She takes a hard day, calms excited nerve centers that regulate breathing. Walking to perform better on the principle motocross walk: 0 -1 5 km walking at a slow pace, then the same - the fastest sports pitch, etc.


A special place in the mode of a healthy life belongs to the daily routine, a certain rhythm of life and human activities. Mode of each person must provide some time for working, relaxing, eating, sleeping. The daily routine of different people can and should be different, depending on the nature of the work, living conditions, habits and inclinations, but here too there should be some daily rhythm and routine.

There should be enough time for sleep, rest. The intervals between meals should not exceed 5-6 hours. It is important that people slept and took food always at the same time. Thus produced conditioned reflexes.

Man, dinner at a fixed time is well aware that at this time he has the appetite, which is replaced by a strong sense of hunger, if dinner is late. Disorder in the mode of the day destroys formed conditional reflexes.

Talking about daily routine do not mean a strict schedule with minutely calculated budget time for each case every day. Do not bring unnecessary pedantry mode caricature. However, the schedule is a kind of rod, which should be based on the conduct of both everyday and holidays.


An important preventive measure against colds is a systematic hardening of the body. To him it is best to start from childhood. The easiest way to hardening - air baths. Of great importance in the hardening are also water treatment. they strengthen the nervous system, have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, improves metabolism.

First, it is recommended for several days naked body rubbed dry with a towel, then move on to wet wiping. After wet wiping is necessary to vigorously rub the body with a dry towel. Sponge oneself should begin with warm water (35-36 C), moving gradually to cool, and then pouring -k. In summer, water treatment is best done in the open air after a morning exercise.

Useful as much as possible to be outdoors, sunbathing, swimming. Physically healthy and fit people under certain conditions can be carried out water treatments outdoors in winter. Well-tempered people can go swimming is not only a major source of energy but also the "building material" for new cell.


People eat differently, but there are a number of requirements that should be considered by all. First of all, the food should be varied and high-grade, ie contain the right quantity and in certain ratios all essential nutrients. We can not allow eating: it leads to obesity.

It is very harmful to health and nutrition with the systematic introduction of excessive amounts of any one product or a class of nutrients (eg, excessive introduction of fat or carbohydrates, high salt intake). Between meals should not be too large (up to 5-6 hours.).

Harmful to eat only two meals a day, but excessive portions, as this creates too great a burden for circulation. Healthy person eat better 3-4 times a day. At three meals a day should be the most hearty dinner, and the easiest - dinner. Harmful to read while eating, to solve complex and responsible tasks.

You can not rush there, burning cold food, swallowing large pieces of food without chewing. Poor effect on the body systematically eating cold food. no hot meals. Observe the rules of personal hygiene and sanitation.

Man neglects diet, eventually threatening the development of serious diseases of digestion, such as peptic ulcer disease, and others.

Careful chewing, grinding the food to some extent protects the mucous membrane of the digestive organs from damage, scratches, and moreover, it contributes to the rapid penetration into the interior of the food juice supply. It is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the teeth and oral cavity.

So, everyone has a great opportunity to strengthen and maintain their health, to preserve the ability to work, physical activity and vigor into old age.

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Longevity system "reserve - TRAINING" 1

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Longevity system "reserve - TRAINING" 1
Page 2

Exercise 4 - "Information starvation"

For information nature has provided natural periodic information starvation in the form of sleep. During sleep, the flow of information from the outside to limit: we can not see, not hear, smelling and touching the skin, relaxing the taste buds. This is not about the surface and the deep, high-grade dream.

The conditions for it - it's a dark room with good ventilation and soundproofing, comfortable temperature and humidity, comfortable bed. Symptom of normal sleep - good health and mood after awakening.

You ask, where are the reserves? The fact is that the brain during sleep is not idle. There are two phases of sleep - slow and fast. It was found that REM sleep most of the activity of nerve cells of the brain increases, reaching a level of wakefulness.

Brain function - processing, storage and transmission of information, so it is active work while limiting external information suggests that processing is the backup data stored in memory. You sleep and the brain continues to solve your problems, involving all the previously accumulated experience. No wonder they say - "sleep on it". Many great discoveries have been made in a dream.

In humans, there is another need, due to limitations of external information - the need periodically to be alone.
Solitude - it is also a kind of information starvation. Man to man a powerful irritant, requiring constant attention and stress. The inability to be alone can lead to mental disorders.

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If you combine these exercises, it turns out that the ideal means of restoring the body is a long sleep in the mountains, because during sleep we do not eat or drink. And do you know who have studied his phenomenal abilities "Ninja" - a medieval Japanese "special forces"?

The method of self-improvement, health and longevity, they were taught the monks, hermits "yamabushi." This is the most mysterious of ever existing sects in Japan. Their secrets are passed from mouth to mouth, they were forbidden to write. And what do you think, what does the word "yamabushi"? Not that other, as "sleeping in the mountains!"

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Types of reserve-training based on limiting the most accessible and technically easy to implement and it's also very effective. They may be classified as passive, they are based on the fact that the body is simply not receive something from the outside. But the money in our purse becomes less not only when we do not receive, but also when spending hard.

So to get the body to use its reserves, we can and with the help of periodic hard work of individual organs and systems. The following exercises reserve-training active and based on artificial hyperfunction.

Functions in the body a huge amount, but it is necessary to allocate the training each of them into a separate provision of the training there. The body is a unit and training one system invariably stimulates a greater or lesser extent all other. We choose the most effective and universal, in which coaching one function at the same time we are training hundreds of others:

Exercise 5 - "Muscle Training"

The function of muscle cells - Reduction. In its absence weakens the muscle fiber and reduced in volume - is a process of atrophy. Muscles make up the bulk of the mass of our bodies and to keep them, you must regularly each strain. Walk, run, swim, dance, engage in the gym - anything, just to move.

Can move more or less, but a certain minimum amount of movement in which muscles will be tensed each should be performed regularly. It is the foundation of stability not only locomotor, and all its associated systems, ie practically the whole organism.

On their own, but rather with the help of an experienced coach to develop an individual that matches your physical abilities complex and do not depart from him all his life.

Exercise 6 - "Termotrening"

The constant temperature of the body at the same time provide two ongoing processes: heat production and heat. Coaching mechanisms of thermoregulation can be artificially changing the ambient temperature. With decreasing temperature (cold stimulation) - enhanced heat production decreases and heat dissipation.

At higher temperatures (thermal stimulation) - vice versa. Cold stimulation methods: wearing light clothing, air baths, and washing your face with cold water washing of feet, pouring cold water, cold showers, cold baths, walking barefoot, winter swimming, cryotherapy, and others.

Thermal stimulation methods: steam bath, infrared cabins, hot showers, hot tub, sunbathing, hot packs, burying in the hot sand, swimming in thermal springs, etc. Harsher methods are based on temperature changes: a contrast shower, cold pool after a bath, etc.

Example: The residents of this famous center of longevity, as the valley of Hunza bathe in icy water at any frost. 40-year-old women they look like a girl of 60 years, keep the harmony and elegance of the figures, and in 65 years still have children.

Exercise 7 - "Intelligent Training"

Working most of the brain is not subject to our will, but there is a part that can and must train, It is the cerebral cortex, which we owe the presence of intelligence. Billions of nerve cells whose function is to process and store information, must be regularly loaded with work.

In the body, clearly, the principle - "who does not work shall not eat." Idle part is transferred to starving - the blood supply is limited, and it ceases to receive enough oxygen and nutrients. Gradually begins the process of atrophy. If you do not mind the work load, that everything happens for the above described scenario and senile dementia achieved.

Therefore, long-lived system longevity "reserve-training" - is the eternal student. He "condemned" ever learning, constantly perceive and process new information. Who needs a 100-year-old senile? Without preserving longevity intelligence process loses all meaning. So learn everything what is possible.

Let the computer courses alternate courses of Japanese ikebana, and those, in turn, foreign language courses, or one higher education is replaced by another - who was capable, most importantly - without long breaks.

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