Healthy lifestyle

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Healthy lifestyle
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Health - an invaluable asset not only to each individual, but the entire society. At the meetings, partings with near and dear people, we wish them good health and good as it is - the main condition and guarantee a full, happy and long life.

Health helps us to fulfill our plans to successfully solve the basic problem of life, overcome difficulties, and if necessary, even a significant overload. Good health, reasonably maintained and strengthened by the man himself, gives him a long and active life.

Scientific evidence suggests that most people have when they observe hygienic rules have the opportunity to live to 100 years or more. Unfortunately, many people do not respect the most elementary, science-based rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Some are victims of inactivity (inactivity), causing premature aging and other excesses in eating with the almost inevitable in these cases, the development of obesity, vascular sclerosis, and some - diabetes, and some do not know how to relax, to distract from industrial and domestic worries, ever restless, nervous, suffer from insomnia that eventually leads to many diseases of internal organs.

Some people, succumbing to addiction to smoking and alcohol is actively shorten his life.

Work and rest

Labour - the true core and foundation of a healthy mode of life. There is a misconception about the harmful effect of the labor allegedly causing "deterioration" of the body, excessive consumption of energy and resources, premature aging.

It works both physical and mental, not only not harmful, but rather a systematic, feasible and well-organized work process is extremely beneficial effect on the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, bone and muscle - the entire human body. Constant training at work strengthens our body.

Long live those who work a lot and well throughout life .   On the contrary, idleness leads to muscle laxity, metabolism disorders, obesity and premature decrepitude. In the cases observed voltage and overwork person responsible is not the work itself, and the wrong mode of work.

It is necessary to properly and efficiently distribute power during the performance of both physical and mental. Uniform, rhythmic work more productive and healthier working than a change of periods of inactivity periods of intense, urgent work. Interesting and favorite work is performed easily, without stress does not cause fatigue and exhaustion.

What is important is the right career choice according to individual abilities and inclinations of man. For Employer important comfortable working form, it should be well briefed on safety. immediately before the work is important to organize your work area: remove all unnecessary, most rationally arrange all the tools, and so on. f. Workplace lighting should be sufficient and uniform.

Preferably a local light source, such as a desk lamp. Go to work better to start with the most difficult. It trains and strengthens the will. Does not allow to postpone the difficult things from morning to evening, from evening to morning, any day and in general on the back burner.

A necessary condition for maintaining health at work is the alternation of work and leisure. Rest after work does not mean a state of complete rest. Only at very high fatigue can be a question of passive recreation. It is advisable to rest the character was the opposite of human nature of the work ("contrast" principle of the rest).

People physical labor needed rest, is not associated with additional physical activities, and knowledge workers needed in specific leisure time physical work. This alternation of physical and mental stress is good for health.

The person conducting a lot of time in the room must be at least part of the rest time to spend outdoors. Urban residents desirable to have a rest outdoors - on walks through the city and outside the city, in parks, stadiums, hikes on trips, at work on the garden plots, and so on. N.


To maintain the normal activity of the nervous system and the whole body is very important restful sleep. Great Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov pointed out that this kind of sleep-inhibition, which prevents the nervous system from excessive stress and fatigue. Sleep should be sufficiently long and deep.

If a person does not sleep, he gets up in the morning annoyed, frustrated, and sometimes with a headache. Determine the time required for sleep, without exception, people can not. The need for sleep varies from person to person. On average, this rate is about 8 hours.

Unfortunately, some people regard sleep as a reserve, from which you can borrow time for the execution of certain cases. The systematic lack of sleep leads to disruption of nervous activity, decreased performance, increased fatigue, irritability. To create conditions for normal, good and restful sleep is necessary for 1-1 5h. to sleep to stop the hard mental work.

Supper should be at least 2-2, 5h. Before sleep. This is important for a complete digestion. Sleep in a well-ventilated room, not bad accustom yourself to sleep with the open window, and in the warmer months, with the window open. In the room you need to turn off the lights and set the silence.

Sleepwear should be free, not hindering blood circulation. you can not sleep in street clothes. it is not recommended to close the covers with his head, sleeping face down: it interferes with normal breathing. It is advisable to go to bed at the same time - it contributes to the rapid fall asleep.

Failure to follow these simple rules of hygiene of sleep causes negative phenomena. Sleep becomes shallow and turbulent, thereby usually develops over time insomnia, certain disorders of the nervous system.


For knowledge workers the systematic physical training and sports is of utmost importance. It is known that even in healthy and youngish man, if he does not exercise, is ,, ,, a sedentary lifestyle and physical activity, with the smallest physical activity quickens breathing, heart rate appears.

In contrast, the trained person can easily handle with significant physical exertion. The strength and efficiency of the cardiac muscle, the main engine of circulation, is directly related to the strength and development of the whole musculature. Therefore, physical training, developing the muscles of the body, at the same time strengthens the heart muscle. People with undeveloped muscles of the heart muscle is weak, which is revealed in any physical work.

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Longevity system "reserve - TRAINING" 1

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Longevity system "reserve - TRAINING" 1
Page 2


"Live as you want - always in our power" Seneca.


Valery Dorofeev

Modern man lives an average of 70 - 80 years. Soul is still young, it seems that just started to live, and it is time to go to the eternal peace. It's a shame, and yet more ancient Greeks believed that dying in 70 years, a person dies as a child ...

In order that a healthy lifestyle - this is good, no one disputes.

But for many, it's pretty boring, and they prefer to "go with the flow" - sick, grow old, to die, but not particularly strain.

But what if you try to get carried away by this "boring" exercise, using such a wonderful incentive, like sports gambling? There are all kinds of sports there. Appropriate training and please - excellent results. Let us imagine that the process of informed longevity - it's also one of the sports and posorevnuemsya in life expectancy.

Lived to 80 - can congratulate itself on the first personal record. The years of special training were not in vain. You feel young, vigorous, full of energy and strength. Again simple regular workouts that have long been a part of life and deliver an incomparable pleasure.

That's 90 years - the age, which is considered senile, but you still have a good memory, vision, hearing, young skin is elastic, flexible joints, strong muscles, a slim figure. Rivals look worse, and many out of the race altogether.

And finally, the joke that hard to live only the first 100 years, is not a joke but a reality, but unlike other centenarian residents who are always ready to die, you are well prepared for life.

According to the Old Testament, Methuselah lived 969 years. This biblical record is certainly impressive and it seems fantastic. However, the human body - is so plastic and self-healing system that for him to live, at least 120 - 200 years with some effort - a very real problem.

Sport - is primarily a workout, and what to train in this case? In the process of aging reserve possibilities of all our organs and systems are shrinking with each passing year. Here's the answer: you do not want to grow old - Train reserves, rather, adaptation reserves.

Coaching - means regularly used, and they are used primarily when something is missing. The body may not have enough food, water, oxygen information. They are conscious, artificial restriction encourages the use of reserve capacity, ie their training. We call this process shortly: a reserve-training and because we have agreed that the extension of life - it is a sport, let's see what exercises you can use for this purpose.

Exercise 1 - "Fasting"

Restrict the flow of food and get a great, well-known since ancient times a method of restoring the body - starvation. This is a temporary, voluntary, complete rejection of food. The purpose of such fast - switching to internal power supply, ie, use of reserves.

This is possible only if simultaneous, n a l n o r for termination power. Only water and as clean as possible. A glass of juice, for example, drunk in this period prevents the transition to internal power supply, the locking mechanism of a balanced flow of reserves and nothing good comes out of it.

Better not go hungry at all, than to starve wrong. The research results suggest that complete non continuous starvation own food supplies all that the body is even more complete than conventional food.

All the necessary materials at the time have been learned, "laid out on the shelves," and now for further participation in the exchange of substances does not require the cost of considerable amounts of time and energy. To learn how to starve and eat correctly, can be found in popular books by well-known experts and nutritionists starvation.

One of reference books can be a book, "The Miracle of Fasting" Paul Bragg. Here is what he wrote on this subject: - "Every week, without a badge I spend 24 or 36-hour fasting. Besides, I'm starving 7-10 days four times a year.

For years, when I follow this schedule and to keep yourself in good condition, I live like a revived dynamo. My day is filled with more than a year from an individual. I have unlimited energy for work or play. I never get tired, there is no sleepy. I am constantly active both mentally and physically. I'm missing all the time and effort. "

This famous American killed in 95 years, engaged in ... surfing - heavy and dangerous sport. At the conclusion of patoanatomov its organs and blood vessels are in excellent condition.

Exercise 2 - "dry" starvation

Now let's see what happens when so-called "dry" or absolute fasting, when we stop, not only there, but also to drink. Water makes up about 70% of the body is supplied with a drink and a food composition, but other than that about 400 ml per day is formed by oxidation within fats.

With "dry" starvation number of metabolic water is significantly increased, and some time meet the needs of the body. Research physiologist Adolf showed that at rest at a comfortable temperature, a person can drink up to 10 days. In extreme circumstances, even more. After the earthquake in Mexico City in 1985. under the rubble was found the boy. He was still alive, although not eat or drink 13 hours.

With "dry" starvation our organism becomes similar to a perfect creation of nature, like a camel, which can wander through the desert without food and water until until it will spend its reserves - hump with reserves of fat (body synthesizes water using oxygen in the air and hydrogen adipose tissue). Our "hump" is the excess fat, atheroma plaques in the vessels and other "junk", which under normal circumstances the body is unable to remove.

According to some cleaning effect of regenerating and dry fasting 2-3 times higher than in the water during fasting. The author tested it myself and it seems that it is true. Once a week, I began to declare the aging 36-hour "dry" hunger strike.

The first four of starvation felt some discomfort, and later in the process, and after each of them - a great feeling: feel a burst of energy and strength, improves memory, sharpens vision, hearing, smell, taste, and increases efficiency.

We call this exercise "Camel-36" and do some calculations: 4 times a month for 36 hours - a 6-day "dry" starvation that efficiency equal to about 15 days of fasting with water. Just something - 36 hours a week, and two weeks the body is in a state of purification and recovery and, in practice, at this time does not age.

Exercise 3 - "Oxygen starvation"

With a lack of oxygen hypoxia occurs, ie, anoxia. The complete absence of oxygen leads to irreversible changes and loss, and by the time goes to minutes and seconds. In connection with such a tight dependency in the body there is a powerful antihypoxic system.

It ensures the reaction, both the short and the long anoxia. When short-term hypoxia, the heart begins to beat faster and stronger, pumping more blood; Backup amount of blood flows from the blood "depot" - the spleen; dilates blood vessels of the brain, heart, lungs - vital organs most sensitive to lack of oxygen; increased levels of adrenal hormones, etc.

During prolonged hypoxia, such as in the mountains increases the mass of lung tissue, the formation of new capillaries in all organs and tissues, increases the number of red blood cells, increases the content of myoglobin (a reserve of oxygen in the muscles), activates an ancient, oxygen-free energy exchange, increased production of hormones, increasing the number of active mitochondria per unit of cell mass, i.e. increases overall energy levels.

In the aging process, everything happens exactly the opposite - the energy level drops, the blood supply of deteriorating production of hormones decreases, and so on, so judge for yourself how important for longevity antihypoxic training system.

Artificially hypoxia can be achieved in different ways. Most available so-called hypoxia ventilation - breathing exercises with reduced ventilation. In the literature you can find a large number of systems of breath with a delay of breath, exhale, exhaling slowing, etc. All of them are effective, because they give a short-term hypoxia and train antihypoxic system.

As an example, breathing exercise Indian yogis "kevala-kumbhaka," which means "absolutely quiet pause." Exercise is a complete cessation of breathing in the background as much as possible relaxed muscles. The pause lasts as long as you can stand, and repeated several times a day.

Less accessible, but more effective training system antihypoxic - exogenous hypoxia, in particular, its variant - mountain hypoxia. It arises as a result of reduced partial pressure of oxygen at high altitudes. The effect described above, but it is necessary to achieve at least - three weeks.

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