

What you need to do to live long? Accompanied here employee retirement and wanted to live a long time, at least a hundred years before. To which he replied that he would not survive, but to live at least to 70. Interesting idea! Indeed, it is better to die at that age, but of sound mind and memory, than to live to a hundred,

But remember last descendants decrepit old man, survivor of the mind, which also has completely lost its memory ...

So what we need to do something like that in his youth to old age lead a normal life, without causing irritation of the others, and that this life lasted as long as possible? If you do not take into account the factor of heredity (well, for example, all the relatives do not live to 50 years) and the environment at the place of residence, it would be nice to do the following regulations:

• We have to be optimistic! They say that the risk of dying early death optimists below 50 percent. Perhaps this is the truth, because the positive outlook on life improves resistance to stress, prepare for occasional adverse events and, consequently, increases vitality. Also, statistics show that pessimists among people with high blood pressure greater than among the optimists.

• Do not pour .   Anyway, night sleep should not exceed more than 8 hours, but at the same time should not be less than 4 hours.

• Engage in sex more frequently. Sex - a great way to get rid of the internal stress and become happier (see para. About optimism). After intercourse, the pressure is reduced, which leads to the health of the cardiovascular system. According to some studies regular ejaculation (ejaculation) decreases the risk of prostate cancer.

• Quit smoking! No comments.

• Eat as many antioxidants. Antioxidants - it is our defense against premature aging. When the level of free radicals increases (especially in infectious diseases and prolonged exposure to the sun, in hazardous work, etc.), and increases the body's need for additional antioxidant. These substances are contained in many fruits and vegetables.

One of the most powerful antioxidants is ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Lean on askorbinku. You also need large amounts of eating anything that contains vitamin A (carrots, liver, eggs, cod liver oil), E (cereals, fresh greens, vegetable oils) and selenium (bran, onions, tomatoes, tuna), and it is desirable that all these vitamins were in the plate at the same time.

• Lose weight! People who are overweight are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Also increases the likelihood of several cancers types. Plus Type II diabetes.

• Exercise! As a way of implementing the preceding paragraph - (start, even with daily gymnastics). Get up and start moving. Charging will not only help keep our weight but also improve the cardiovascular system, strengthen the spine. If exercise increases the level of endorphins (hormones of "happiness and joy") in the blood, which gives us a boost of energy, make us happier and reflects the stress and illness.

• The level of endorphins can raise a laugh . So laugh on health (or rather to health and long life).

• Get a pet. People who have a pet (be it a dog, cat, parrot, even, in extreme cases, the crocodile - the main thing for him to feel affection), less prone to stress, and it is believed that the doctors treated less frequently. It is assumed that taking care of a loved animal helps people to cope with loneliness and depression.

• Earn more! The connection between these parting words and longevity is simple. Earning a lot of money, you provide yourself a good quality food and accommodation. Surely, everyone will be able to add to the above, something else ... Live long!

Elena debt (Snowflake)

Eight Steps to longevity


How to prolong your life? If someone promises you a life and up to 120 years or even longer - do not believe. Unfortunately, 120 years - it is a fantastic luck. Here live 90 - 100 years old for many is quite real. If you follow a very simple (at first glance) rules, which says Pavel Vorobiev, a professor of the Moscow Medical Academy.

1. Deal with a headache!

It can not be without end "turn off" analginum. It is necessary to understand the causes and start treatment. Just so the head does not hurt. Most often it is a symptom of hypertension, which undermines human health over the years, and finishes at the end of stroke or heart attack. Among the causes of death in the Russian ranks first is cardiovascular disease. In the past year by 1 million have died. 302,000 people! Most - a victim of hypertension.

2. Quit smoking!

Because the risk of dying in the prime of life of lung cancer (trachea and bronchi). Among malignant tumors, he is leading. In 2001, he died from the 57,018 of our fellow citizens (19, 6% of the total number who died of cancer). All - smokers!

"Talking about what I say, do not inhale smoke and only light - is a self-deception - says Pavel Vorobiev. - No smoking in semitones. Only black and white: either you smoke or not! "By the way," young "(40 years) myocardial infarction also usually happens to smokers.

3. Food - under strict control!

Do not overeat and do not eat at night, so as not to get fat. The greater the weight, the higher the risk of developing diabetes. Cut the sweet to a minimum. Just better not throw it once (if you are an inveterate sweet tooth) - for the body it can become severe shock from lack of energy begin to think less and will get tired.

Often nedosalivayte food. Excess salt leads to high blood pressure (why - no one really knows). If you already have problems with pressure - Replace salt with vinegar, lemon juice, sea kale, garlic, herbs and so on. D. If you are not sick - they eat everything. Make sure meat, fish, greens ... With fatty foods, be careful, because it is very high in calories (and the fact that because it increases the level of cholesterol in the blood has not yet been proved).

4. Strengthen your immune system!

Do not immunostimuljatorami (as if with their help does not hurt!), And hardening. Poured cold water, take douche. "But winter swimming is dangerous, - said Pavel Vorobiev. - It is often leads to kidney disease. " To improve the immune system, like dairy products with bifidobacteria (they are establishing the bowels, stopped production of putrid substances and poisoning of the body).

5. Move more!

"Torment" we must exercise ourselves to old age. Sedentary lifestyle accelerates the destruction of the body. If you are not on weekdays to physical education - "load" themselves on the weekends. If you are far from the sports, work in the country, hiking for 2 - 3 hours (jog now doctors do not recommend).

Do not sit still in front of the TV: 40 minutes seating developing deep vein thrombosis! Therefore it is necessary to move the legs, for example, a rolling pin to roll the feet. And better to mark time before the TV simulator-stepper (these are pedal'ku simulating climbing stairs).

6. Retirement!

Half of the people get sick in the first year after retirement. Because it breaks down the entire way of life, a person loses their social status, depression begins, sores get out ... "In order to live longer, have to work until the very end - sure Pavel Vorobiev.

- We need a system that older persons have changed the profession, retrained, went to senior posts in the equally important, but be sure to have in business. All the more so in 15 years - to feed 20 pensioners will be nobody. So now there is a need to push the retirement age for women to 60 years, men - up to 65 ".

7. Do not overdo it!

In Russia, 30% of deaths are from accidents, poisonings and injuries. Of these, the lion's share - the fault of alcohol. Primarily vodka and its imitations. If you do not suffer from alcoholism, to announce the "dry law" for a lifetime, maybe not. But better to give preference to grape wines. In small doses, they seem to be even useful.

8. Do not give in to discouragement!

Depression - a terrible thing. It includes a mechanism most dangerous diseases, even cancer. Therefore, do not let go. Drink a light sedative. Have fun, no matter what! If you do to cope with depression you can not, go to a neurologist or psychotherapist.

Record. The longest-lived in the world: the Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment (122 years, from 1875 to 1997) and the Japanese Shigechiyo Izumi (121 years, from 1865 to 1986).

By the way. Statistically, the chance to live to 100 years, more than those of women who gave birth to first child after age 40. This is due, apparently, to the fact that prior to delivery is constrained by the aging process.

After 10 - 15 years is projected to Academy of Natural Sciences Boris Prokhorov, if we side will avoid economic shocks and the oil will be in the price, the Russians will live longer - an average of about 70 years (in 1989): men - 64, women - 74 .

The shortest life of Russians in the Republic of Tyva: men - an average of 51 years, women - 62 years. The highest life expectancy in the history of Russia was registered in 1986 - 1987 gg .: The men - 64, 91 years for women - 74, 55 of the year - as a result of the anti-alcohol campaign.

The lowest - in 1994: men - 57 years, women - 71 year. 100 years ago, in 1903, the men lived in Russia on average 31 years, women - 34. Why are women more tenacious? The difference in longevity between men and women we have is 11 - 12 years. "Such" scissors "by countries with severe social and economic problems - explains Boris Prokhorov. - In developed countries, the difference is small - only 4 - 6 years.

Women have a more flexible mentality, so they quickly adapt to change. Nature has made them more tenacious because they continuer of the human race. So it is them, not men should be called the opposite sex. " Russian men live an average of 58 years, 11 months and 16 days! Women - 72 years. And life expectancy for both sexes is now 65 years 3 months 16 days. About the same number live citizens of Egypt, Colombia and Honduras ...
