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Longevity system "reserve - TRAINING" 2
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Longevity system "reserve - TRAINING" 2
"Reserve-training", or how to survive the first 100 years, staying in great shape. "
Valery Dorofeev
(article from the magazine "Sport for All")
Exercise 8 - "The emotional training"
One of the symptoms in psychiatry - "emotional stupidity." The man thus can all understand and logical thinking, but ceases to experience emotions, ie, as it is transformed into a walking computer and essentially ceases to be human. Save emotions in full - the problem of emotional training.
There are emotions such as joy, sadness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, interest, enthusiasm, contempt, shame, and a lot of emotional hues. Emotions arouse movies, music, song, theater, painting, literature, sports, etc. Certain emotions can thus prevail.
For example, a good comedy - the ability to have a good laugh, a melodrama - weep, empathizing with the characters, to experience fear in a horror movie, etc. Wrong are those who arrogantly refers to the "soap operas" - someone like that. The role of emotional training is invaluable. One only laughter is worth something!
With the help of the American writer Norman Cousins got rid of a serious illness of the spine, do not succumb to drugs. Every day he looked very funny comedy, and laughed, so that gradually the disease has receded.
In the 18th century scientist Sydenham wrote: "The arrival of clown in town means the health of its residents for more than ten loaded with drugs mules". There are positive emotions, there is a negative, but they can not be divided into good and bad - in one way or another all necessary.
Exercise 9 - "psycho"
Must be long-lived in our imperfect world, can only be sustained with a trained mind, or a powerful stress at one point could seriously undermine health. Be prepared for any shocks to master a psychotraining help.
A variety of different methods. Talk to a therapist and select the most appropriate. The classic method - auditory training Schultz. Alone or better with an experienced instructor it is possible to acquire up to 2, 5 - 3 months.
Very simple and efficient at the same time one of the variants of the method Coue: at the moment of falling asleep and waking up at the time mentally repeat several times the formula of self-hypnosis. It should be concise and clear. For example: "I'm young and healthy." It is in these moments the power of auto-suggestion is greatest and the organism willingly submits to our will.
Exercise 10 - "Training allocation system"
The body is constantly formed and it falls outside the large number of substances requiring disposal and removal. The system of neutralization and isolation is sufficiently reliable.
Its mechanism worked out by millions of years, but is not designed for long-term overload that arise, such as smoking, frequent use of alcohol or malnutrition. In this case, the system begins to fail and the body slowly turns into a waste dump with all the consequences - metabolic disorders, diseases, accelerated aging.
So, under normal conditions, the system works flawlessly, but agree that the survivor should train everything that can be trained. The problem is that the bodies involved in the allocation and that liver, kidney, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, skin - mostly not subject to our own. Come to the aid of a long-standing, proven allies person - herbs. It also helps proper diet and training other systems.
N e h e n s. In the liver occurs neutralization of toxic and foreign substances and some of their excreted in the bile. Artificial strengthening of outflow of bile stimulates the liver. A powerful choleretic action has fasting - when switching to internal power discharged from the bile as the bile duct and gall bladder. Choleretic action have more than 50 medicinal herbs.
C o h to u. Artificial increase in the outflow of urine stimulates the kidneys. Diuretic effect have watermelons, cucumbers, grapes, figs, radishes, parsley, dill, currant et al., As well as the medicinal herbs used to prepare diuretic charges.
F f l y e a h n o - k and w e h n s t r a d a m. One of its functions - selection. A good laxative effect has fiber plants. Eating a variety of vegetables and fruit - a guarantee of good functioning of the intestines. It is promoted and laxatives fees herbs.
A r e k and e. Excretory function of the lungs is to remove carbon dioxide, acetone, ethanol, etc., As well as self-cleaning of the respiratory tract from dust. In order to strengthen the training temporarily carbon dioxide emission permit breathing exercises with hyperventilation, ie, with increasing frequency and depth of breathing.
The consequence of such an exercise are two effects: hypocapnia - reduced carbon dioxide content in the blood and hyperoxia - increased content of oxygen in the blood and tissues. Hypocapnia stimulates the repair mechanisms the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, which in turn is a consequence of increase metabolism.
Thus, short-term hypocapnia stimulates metabolism. Hyperoxia stimulates mechanisms of protection against the toxic effect of oxygen, the so-called antioxidant system. Practice this system is extremely important, because it prevents the formation of chemically aggressive free radicals.
The weakness of this system accelerates the aging process and lead to diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis, and others. An example of the respiratory exercises with hyperventilation - exercise yogis "bhastrika", which means "bellows": make 10 very fast and strong breaths, then inhale and hold your breath for 10 seconds. slowly exhale.
Repeat several times a day. Good training method antioxidant system - oxygen pressure chamber. To accelerate the selection of foreign particles from the airways helps fees expectorant herbs.
For about a train.
Excretory function of the skin is carried out sweat and sebaceous glands. Sweat gland function similar to the function of the kidneys. Their total amount of 3-4 million, but normally up to 50% are in the inactive state. You can encourage them to exercise, warm (room), diaphoretic herbs.
Sweatshops and diuretic, it is important not to overdo it. The excessive loss of salts, hormones, vitamins, and nitrogenous compounds fraught with metabolic disorders.