If a friend was suddenly in bed ...

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If a friend was suddenly in bed ...
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It is foolish to claim that between people of different sexes is not friendship, it is not true. The most honest and sincere friendship there is between man and woman: nothing and nobody to share, no envy and pride, no complaints and recriminations. And no peek at cellulite girlfriend ...

Only mutual consultations on the opposite sex, but the secret initiation into the secrets of the "foreign" psychology. The care and affection, confidence and care - advantages of different sexes friendship.

That's how the boy was friends with a girl, a boy treasured her friendship ... And then, one evening (or morning, it does not matter), the boy with the girl ended up in the same bed. Common situation? Nothing strengthens a sexual relationship as a friendship and nothing spoils a friendship like sex ... Is it true?

Lena, 32 years old:

"We were friends with Maxim ... perhaps ten years, since high school. Well, it all started just like a child - it puzzles me to decide, I'll write an essay for it ... When we grew up, our problems too, so to speak, have increased. And the help we are still looking for each groomsman ...

Of course, personal life went on as usual, I was married for long, though. Then start your business, and Maxim - he is a lawyer - a lot of help. And advice and support ... And then he invited me to a restaurant, like all humdrum, but after ... It turned out somehow absolutely fantastic. We suddenly realized that our warmth grew and became a fire. "

This idyll - a very rare phenomenon. And people just think that everything happens by chance, and suddenly, at the command above or because of the special goodwill stars.

In fact, they have gone through a long process of establishing relations: mutual (thing completely commercial, mercantile character) was transformed into a selfless mutual support. And this - the main component of what we are accustomed to call friendship ...

Friendship - as a movement of loaded road: laying out on his band, it is necessary to monitor and oncoming. Leaving for overtaking on a counter, think about the rights of other participants in the same maneuver ...

When you're in hysterics after the failure at work calling his friend and demand attention for itself, and be ready to respond to the victims. Manage to renounce the sweetest in order to support a person dear to you - your best friend.

This position - confidence in his support and, more importantly, confidence in their ability to support - the basis for the trust relationship in the world. All this, of course, does not come from nowhere: initially people should be correlated. People with opposite charges which are unlikely to succeed, "minus-plus equals attraction" - a physicist and teenage fantasies, not more.

The total worldview, and respected each equivalent values ​​synchronous views and the desire to understand each other - the basis for friendship. Over the years a close relationship Friends considering the smallest dash character each other, delve into the understanding of the world, partly formed horizons from each other, to empathize with sadness and happy achievements. And, sometimes, fall in love with flaws and weaknesses admire - and why not ...

Karina, 30 years old:

"We are with my best friend slept almost by accident. Drunk, to be honest. It was the wedding of our mutual friend, well, then ... I was ashamed to look at him - he's like my brother! Well, last month we did not communicate, and then phoned again ... With the case seven years have passed, we did about him remembered. Repeat? No!!! "

The most common situation: the sex was with a friend, but then for him somehow "forgot". Maybe we agreed as a result of painful negotiations, can, understand each other without words ... And why so? Whether sex took place at the level of animal instinct - the smell, the look - and a pair of alcohol, or just want to try another, and that it has a dash?

And by the way, in this situation it does not matter the quality of sex. It is said that such information is hidden away, hushed "bad step" may eventually damage the relationship, estranged from the closest people ... And if this step "forgot" to do by mutual agreement - orally, in writing or dumb?

How many among us and our friends kept various mysteries: small and large, modest and shameful ... We keep the secrets of our friends, they cherish our secrets ... And now together we will take care of the total memory.

Prev. - Next. "

Our love of fantasy


That's how people that he held a dream. And our dreams are not always associated with the beautiful blouse or handbag, traveling on a comfortable liner. Very often, we dream of the simple life and about sex. Our dreams know no borders, especially since the money for the dream of charge. Most people hide the true thoughts and keep them in their

pantry - in the head and heart.

Sexual fantasies - a normal part of our lives. In his fantastic performances we do not terrible, we are not afraid of anything, and all of the difficulties seem to us a trifling matter, which we overcome without any problems and difficulties. Our fantasies of power over everything.

So what is our dream of beautiful ladies?

We invade their secrets and reveal all the secrets. Even the most timid girls dream for some time to become sexy and have a lot of fans. They all pose in his soul, and do not know how to shock men. And as the saying goes: "Dreaming is not bad - not bad dream."

And our timid girl dreams of a bright and beautiful. She is secretly in love with his neighbor, or a fellow student. It is in a panic because they do not know how to make a young man's look at ourselves. Council to ask the mother or girlfriend because of his shyness, she can not, and therefore can only dream of. The timid girl dreams is itself a sort of "slag" is able to carry along and to win a man's heart.

Sex - is a physiological need, it's fun, and notorious girl also wants to realize his dream and be happy. Who it will ban at least in my dreams to get their portion of happiness? She lived this dream and hope that come the hour when her dream to become a reality.

Carried away by dreams and ideas about love, demure in a dream world can not live a year or two. There is a category of women who dream of having sex with two or three men. Next to a woman in her dreams in bed can be two or more representatives of a strong half of mankind. Sometimes it is that meets and makes love in a week with several men.

This developed into a dream scenario, it is itself a sort of sex idol, which men simply "trudge". She wants to be sexually desired, loved. It is, he pressed a pillow to his chest and his eyes closed as provided men admire her talent sovratitelnitsy.

A woman can imagine how I got into the forest and encountered a group of men. After an hour of going on dating sex, which the woman brings spiritual joy.

According to a survey conducted in Europe about group sex dreams of more than 60% of women aged 18 to 45 years. Participants scenes: a woman, the heroine of the play, and the two men. The group sex can be used in various toys: vibrators and falloimetatory.

There is a certain percentage of women romantic - nature lovers. They have sex in his fantasies is engaged on a haystack with a sort of "cowboy", then near the river, in the woods, clinging to a huge tree trunk. For them, the main thing - romance. Their dream - "wild sex." I do not stay aside and fantasy with a friend or a beautiful woman.

Women are also not averse to such love. British psychologist Brett Kahr found that the weak half of humanity is bisexual fantasies more often than men, as the elementary experience sexual curiosity. Modest secret dream to be tied or put handcuffs on his hands.

As such, they are willing to indulge in unbridled passion. Further more common female fantasy - sex with a stranger; Here everything must be beautiful - beautiful linens, handsome stranger, nice words and kisses, twilight, candle.

And according to the survey conducted in Hamburg, 28% of women dream that her husband brought home his friend, and the three of them made love. Some of the women would like to play in the theater in the nude, someone acting in erotic films with the mandatory use of the whip, chains, shackles.

Applicable to a fantasy concept of loyalty? According to the conducted study, only 4% of respondents in their dreams were true partner. Sex with your partner, according to the majority, can not bring the desired sensation.

-Lezha In bed with my husband, I always know how to make love with a strong, tall, manly man. A man who brings me into ecstasy. What a pity that I have this dream. If I would have met in the life of a man who "painted" in their dreams, then plunged into a passion to the head. It is a pity that life is, and dreams remained dreams - said 39-year-old Briton.

Every fourth woman presents itself as a well-known singer and actress. This phenomenon psychologist Brett Kar called "social fantasies." By the way, David Beckham frequently appears in the fantasies of men (51%) than in women's dreams (49%). Far more women do not mind to spend the night with gay Elton John.

For some people, a fantasy - it is an endless source of pleasure, for others - a constant reminder of life's missed opportunities.
