French Kiss: how to kiss?


Meet, flirt, first date, first kiss ... that usually develops because the majority of novels. First, it is an innocent kiss at a meeting and parting, then a real sensual kiss, then gentle kisses, hot, passionate, exciting, erotic, endless.

Kiss - it is not just the expression of feelings, it is an inexhaustible source of new pleasures, helping to establish a stronger link between the lovers.


A little history

Modern man receives a kiss as something quite natural and absolute, but the custom of kissing in the usual sense are not known in the traditional culture of many nations in Africa, Asia, America and Australia. The Indians of the Amazon have been shocked by the frankness of a kiss on the lips. On the island of Bali has yet to kiss, but only lightly touched by persons.

In Tahiti dance and rub noses. Huskies scratched cheeks and touching language. African peoples believe Kiss violation of personal hygiene. The manifestation of feelings expressed by their hands. Men show their love, clutching his beloved thumb. And some of the peoples of Africa kissing is forbidden for religious reasons. They believe that through kissing can take away the soul.

Despite this, the story of a kiss as old as the world. A variety of erotic images, handed down to us from the ancient civilizations of Egypt, China, Greece, and in particular India, abound with kisses in the most bizarre poses. The ancients believed that in this way "inhale" in each other part of his loving soul.

In relation to the mythological kiss symbolizes the merging of souls is very romantic theory of Plato. In his view, the man originally had the shape of a sphere, four legs and four arms, combining male and female halves. But the creature was so arrogant that incurred the wrath of Zeus and was divided in two. Only a kiss, these parts are reunited and finds harmony.

There are many options for a kiss. The most famous book about the art of love - Kama Sutra - the kisses of his mouth are divided into several types. Just kissing lips called ENIT. Kissing with fingers - AVAGAKUMNBANA. Kissing with tongue - the most. Kissing Games - YUDHA.

We use some form of a kiss, depending on the particular situation and the partner. However, according to statistics one of the most common is the French kiss.

The term "French Kiss" came into the Russian language as an element of French culture, which is always considered to be most closely connected with the theme of love. French Kiss languages ​​always involves contact partners. Sometimes it works both languages, sometimes - just one.

It is not necessary to examine the mouth continually partner with his tongue. During a kiss in French language partner must at least once, for a split second to touch each other. It is a scene of the French kiss heroes of the film or a detailed description of the kiss in the book makes our hearts beat faster and feel a slight excitement.

In addition, the French kiss gives us to understand - whether it is suitable partner for marriage. Only French kiss allows you to "feel" the partner - the sincerity of his relations, the degree of excitation.

In France, this kiss is called a "kiss-in shower", thus expressing the highest degree of union of two loving hearts kissing But all this does not mean that everyone should kiss only in French. Some people do not perceive the French kiss.

Of course, it is a matter of taste, but do not give up on such a pleasant experience. Try again with another partner who can really reveal to you all the charm of this magical kiss. All in good time.

The right thing to start with a variety of kissing lips, during which his mouth slightly ajar. When partners enjoy each other's affection, he can suck a little bit of her upper lip, while she was biting his lower lip. When you run out and it is fun, try harder to open your mouth and tongue itself penetrate towards other languages.

If she is not responsible and does not feel her partner language, we should wait a bit and try again after a while, going to another kiss or kissing her neck, face, ear lobe. When finally your tongues meet, do not be surprised if you feel that jumped up pressure, palms became wet and my heart pounding.

You feel like your soul united in one, while the tip of the tongue you play with her tongue. No need to rush - everything is just beginning. There is already a full flight to your imagination!

To kiss turned out exciting and enjoyable for both partners, the most important thing - to put your soul into it, and love.


Technique kiss in French reads: infiltrate into her mouth, touching her tongue to tongue, stroke it with the tip of his tongue on top and bottom, about the language in the teeth, gums, play with her tongue quickly flicking his tongue at him. Start with light touches the tip of the tongue, sometimes such a simple touch of a great pleasure. And you can rub languages, suck and nibble on them ... everything.

Language - the slider of the human body with a variety of receptors, they can work wonders. The main thing here - creativity and surprise. The force with which you "dig" on the lips partner, movement and language games depend on the degree of your intimacy and passions.

Leadership change in the language of games, alternating French kiss with another option - a series of hot kisses with closed lips, kissing with sucking and biting the lips, kissing games, vacuum languages ​​without touching the lips ... There are endless possibilities.

And if you add to this postanyvaniya, whispering gentle or passionate words, others pleasant caresses, the partners will have an unforgettable experience, and do not notice how naturally they will go to a new stage of relations. Do not forget about kissing during lovemaking!

French kissing helps to be closer to each other, a kiss can make it clear that, whatever you now want. So, sucking language partner, a woman can tell him right to her rhythm. A thrilling play languages ​​help move on to other more intimate caresses.

Anything: drive them along the back of your partner or the partner's gently stroking her hair, fingering the hair, spend them gently on the face, grab his chin and turn his face in an easy to kiss direction, hug the shoulders, obveyte arms neck, hold each other's hands.

Is it possible to enhance the pleasure of a kiss in French some fragrance?

Of course. Before kissing drink iced tea or something else, having a pleasant taste, your partner will feel it when you start to kiss French. Then comes her turn to something to drink, so that you, too, feel the taste. You can experiment with different kinds of ice cream, it will give you a pleasant sensation of freshness exciting.

What not to do

* Too far poking tongue. Some guys are so far pulled out his tongue, as though they would break through to plug the dam. Women often find it vulgar and distasteful. In addition, it prevents just breathe!

* Allowing too profuse salivation. Try to learn to control the flow of saliva to keep your partner drown. It is best to swallow own saliva about once a minute during a French kiss.

* Kissing like a hungry fish. Some so zealously try to show your passion, that work like a fish mouth, swallowing prey. It looks silly and can cause laughter or irritation.

* Focus only on French kissing. No matter how wonderful was that kiss, kissing can not be only French. Any couple can Tired of kissing with tongue.

Often a girl wants to hear sweet words and feel the tenderness and timidity with which it is her choice. And then it is better to prefer a more chaste kiss with his lips.

In any case it is important to remember - the secret of success in diversity.

If the love boat has crashed against sex


How to explain why the marriage broke up? Often the couple, a couple of years ago, quite happy and contented with each other, and do not understand the true cause. Gen. seized? Love is gone? Did not get along?

However, sexologists believe that the main reason for divorce - sexual incompatibility. What kind of animal is useful to know each couple.


Husband and wife have different attitudes toward sex

It's all about education: if a girl from childhood heard that "all the peasants should be one," it will grow this plant. And if a woman from a young age taught that sex is dirty and shame, this folly firmly settled in her head.

It was thought the same once, in the days of Queen Victoria that English lady does not have to have an orgasm - it is shameful and unworthy! Today thence lady laugh at the suffering of their grandparents, but complexes and prejudices, and lacking in our times.

According to statistics, at least 20 percent of the women flatly refuse from oral sex, but because of those who are still engaged in them third in the heart consider it muck. Needless to say that men are to this occupation quite differently?

Spouses do not fit together physically

Everything is clear: if the wife is too narrow the vagina or the nature of her husband gave impressive penis, sex may be a problem, they say, of a technical nature. However, this type of sexual incompatibility - a rarity: Still nature tried to physically men and women to each other approaches.

Sexologists, for example, insist that penis size does not play a special role in sex - to give to the woman pleasure enough, and 10 centimeters. If they have, of course, skillfully use ...

According to various estimates, because of sexual incompatibility occurs more than 40 percent of divorces. The famous American sexologist Alfred Kinsey believed that the most common cause of divorce (75 percent of cases) - sexual incompatibility.

They are not the same temperament

It is difficult to expect harmony in sex, if the husband wants it five times a week, and that his wife every day, the headache. It is to his wife this way and that, and she dodges and annoying. And it is not even that one of the spouses is suffering from impotence or cold. Both of them can be quite healthy and tenderly into each other in love - just in people of different temperament.

There are other situations. For example, when too demanding sexually wife is "guilty" of the failures of her husband: it happens that doctors call neurosis expectations - all just "fall off" because of fear of men do not handle or look pale during sex. The wife while thinking that she got impotent.

In such traps fall into those pairs that were unfamiliar to the wedding or were not able to verify what the sexual appetites of each other. Even if sex before marriage was the case, it is usually rare and both were welcome. Less often such incompatibility faced wife to march Mendelssohn lived one house at least for a while.

By the way. It is interesting that more women are turning to literature, to solve the sex issues. According to statistics, a book about sex is at 1 in 4 married women and only 15 percent of men. Thus husbands often read them for fun and wife for a practical purpose - they are looking for in their specific problem-solving.

What to do?

It is impossible to perceive the sexual incompatibility of the cross, saying that will be endured - slyubitsya, and if not, such a fate! Chronic dissatisfaction with the (physical or emotional) can result in disease - neurosis, depression in men everything else prostatitis and impotence.

Therefore, discuss the problem with your partner, and the incompatibility may be over.
