I want someone else's husband!

Table of contents
I want someone else's husband!
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To suffer or sin?

Let's look at the part of such a relationship and try to understand - happiness, sin and adultery, what is it? The story of their relationship, I'll tell you after the meeting.

Imagine that you have several years of living in a marriage in which you have, like, everything is there, the house is designed, the children delight husband respects ... - live, but rejoice.

That's only one problem - you tormented for six months due to the fact that are attracted to another man, who also - a foreign husband.

You worked with him in the same building, so Think almost every day. The attraction to it exhausts you at times so that you and the place itself is not it. And sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night from the lovely feeling that just experienced with him in a dream.

But in reality, you say to yourself: "It is a sin!" - Hide your feelings and fight with them. Only in moments of despair pleaded, "Lord Sweda we ever accidentally or take him away from me forever! Do have anything, but hurry!"

This or a similar situation arose, probably many, no? Once in a lifetime !? Maybe not such a moment was not very clear, staying somewhere in the subconscious. It may, on the contrary, you are all aware, but were afraid to admit "weakness" even to herself ?!

Nothing to hide - attraction between a man and a woman - one of the sensitive issues. Especially if both or one of them - are not free from the bonds of marriage.

In our society, "Sin" and morality - still has not been canceled! It is considered that to give in to this inclination - just promiscuity. For centuries, it condemned such behavior, one of the biblical commandment reads: "Do not commit adultery!"

Furthermore, the Bible says that even mentally covet another man's wife is adultery, and have to say - about someone else's husband! Meanwhile, people always have sinned - before and now.

Nowadays, people are becoming more liberal about sex, but by having someone from the closeness of the spouses on the side, as a rule, is condemned. Especially if it is - his wife. For women society has always belonged more severely than men, recognizing supposedly genetically mortgaged "polygamous" men.

So, to stay the moral, the answer is one - suffer. And there is no choice. For we have all agreed. Not us. This, in my opinion, terrible harm all the rules, no matter how well-intentioned they may be dictated. The moral - not a dogma.

There is always a choice! And to do it must be every man and woman do, considering all the "pros" and "cons" that are known - only two of them, and can not be provided and taken into account by anyone else. Any broad generalization loses its specific meaning and may not be true in every case.

Therefore, instead of general phrases, I'd share with you a story. Her characters were in just such a situation. Let's look at the part of such a relationship and try to understand - happiness, sin and adultery, what is it? The story of their relationship, I'll tell you after the meeting.

It would be wrong to imagine everything as if he saw the first time, Irina and Sergei immediately felt attracted to each other. Not at all. Irina has just started working in a new place as a manager of a large company. In the same building on the same floor it was firm, where he worked as an engineer for a long time, Igor.

Their first impressions of each other were approximately - Igor was surprised: "Wow! Blonde and look smart!" And Irina thought, "Nice guy, but probably" henpecked ", the latter came to the wedding ring, which she observed , no sane man was not wearing a ...

They met just Igor in a neighbor went in their company to clarify something on drawing up a contract, and Irina helped him. When Irina suddenly something went wrong with the computer, she turned to Igor. So they began to talk at work.

Then, noticing each other in the cafeteria began with dinner, fun conversation. Then they discovered common interests and tastes. They often discussed over coffee favorite movies, books, transmission, shared disks.

Gradually Irina and Igor formed friendships. They talked not only necessary, but also simply because it was nice to chat. And at some point, both felt that love each other as man and woman. The attraction came against their will, and without being subject to reason, becomes irresistible.

But both moral principles did not allow them to get closer. Such communication both considered sinful. Between them there was innuendo and simplicity of the relationship disappeared. Forced to hide their desires, both suffered, tormented, but tried to communicate with ease.

Ended August burned down last summer heat. Many already was done on their holidays, but the mood was still inoperative. Therefore it is not surprising that on the Day of the city on the floor of spontaneously formed youth party ...

Because of all this pre-holiday bustle Irina and Igor had not seen until the evening. Both were in anticipation of something extraordinary. This uncertainty tease the imagination and inspires the imagination.

Shortly after the start of the holiday, the youth of a company that has cut fast music, and the disco. At first, Irina and Igor fun watching from the outside, sometimes discreetly glancing at each other. But then, having given the mood of the youth, they are danced in the general circle, as in the years of the student body - incendiary, reckless, fooling around and pulling at "full steam" to modern rhythms. ...

Slow music sounded, turned off the lights. Men and women were divided into pairs. In the dim light of the corridor there was an atmosphere of flirtation, intrigue, mystery. Heart, not the music - were hammered even more and more, Igor quickly went to Irina and resolutely held out his hand: - Yes, you invite? - Yes - do not hesitate and surprise some reason whispered Irina.

As soon as they touched each other in the dance, desire has spread throughout the body and both intoxicated. Possession of which each of them dreamed, it seemed possible. And all around, as if the disappeared, ceased to be significant.

Prev. - Next. "

How to survive office office romance


Office romance - is as much an integral part of office life as a coffee machine or corporate parties. Many employers have long realized that trying to forbid office romances - it's like trying to ban the New Year.

Perhaps these stories even necessary for the normal functioning of the company. People are more likely to meet with his future partner at work than anywhere else, so in most cases, office romances in the workplace are not brought anyone any problems.

The main key to the success of "Office Romance", regardless of whether he will run for a while or not, is to be able to handle you at the same time with work and personal relationships.

Usually it is very difficult to bring together these very different areas of life - work and personal life. This often requires special skill, prudence and patience. But it is still possible, and without any "rocking the corporate boat." Let's discuss how this can be done.

Consider all is well.

So, you like someone at work, and you're trying to decide for themselves whether to take any further attempts at rapprochement. The basic rule for success in this situation - do not rush. Think about what exactly the man to his work.

It makes no sense to go on a date with a thug who fires people without blinking, and then wonder why you lost your job after you threw it. Rate actually what your future is chosen, it is enough if it pleases you to take steps towards rapprochement, and whether you can trust him.

Perhaps you too like your boss, but what can really lead you to attempt rapprochement? But if you still decided to take a step forward, do it wisely. Do not use e-mail and do not hang out in front of everybody outside of the office or the desk your vote.

It is much more appropriate to be cautious phone call with an offer to go somewhere after work to drink a cup of coffee or a cocktail. Did you happen to run into him somewhere on the way home or in the corridors of the office - then if it is an opportune moment, do not waste time and offer to go with coffee.

If the office romance in full bloom.

Try not to succumb to the desire to walk around the office with a big smile on his victory shining face.

Remember that you have to be prudent. And that means - no gossip on the subject, even with her best friend, if there is such in the workplace, no hugs and kisses with your new favorite in the office or certainly no attempt to retire with him in a secluded corner.

And, inter alia, any favoritism! Accept the fact that others will sooner or later find out about your relationship. Then be honest with them, "Yes, I see him" - and not a word more.

If you do not give information to the gossip, the interest in your relationship eventually disappear. Even if the original information about your alliance will be the main event of the office, if not to say a word about it as though you would like to share, then a couple of weeks, your colleagues will find more interesting material for their gossip.

If you have everything going well.

Suppose that you have finally overcome all the initial hurdles - predicted local "well-wishers" bad luck, reports of office gossips about the last three office romances your vote with your less fortunate predecessors and his other "sins" - and sure of the seriousness of your relationship with him .

This does not mean that you definitely have to look for a new job. You may be able to work together indefinitely, but only if - you have to be professional in his field, that is to do my job as good as before, even better.

Do not build the office each other eyes, do not press in the nooks and does not have sex in the workplace (either literally or figuratively) - in a word, be at work in two different, unrelated to each other people. If both of you can not mix work and personal life, it make life easier not only to others, but you first.

If your office romance "did not work."

... You threw it, and now do not want to even see it. Or maybe he left you, and you just lose your temper on this occasion, but despite this, it is required to meet with him at work.

In this case you still have not dramatize the event and especially to refrain from retaliation. Revenge can manifest in everything, since to tell everyone how bad he was a lover, to constant criticism of his work directly. But your behavior is just show you a hard-hitting hand and put in an awkward position.

If you so want, you can scold him home, but at work behave impeccably. Smile, be polite always, avoid discussing with someone your broken heart and show everyone - including his - that you had survived the separation and quietly live on.

If you suddenly start to convince everyone that he is a bad and dishonest, it could seriously harm its reputation, but it does not bring happiness to anyone, including you. But most importantly, remember, if your office romance ended in failure, you should not shed tears for a long time.

Try to translate this failure to their advantage - every coin always has two sides. The gap in such a relationship can always be transformed into a new perspective, and how to do it, we will discuss later - watch our publications!
