The sea, beach, sun and sex: Love on the beach


Sex and Sun

Boils pituitary excited:

ready for sex, but only protected!

Scientists have unraveled the mystery of origin of passionate but fleeting holiday romance.

We are not to blame, it's the adrenal glands!

Sexologist always wondered why it is sensible, cautious, and even fastidious in ordinary life of man and woman on vacation suddenly go crazy and throw to the winds.

Really only the abundance of beach nudity, relaxed atmosphere and flavor of novelty then forced to mumble in his office venereologist: "I do not know how it happened, just lost his head (a) ..."

Now scientists at the University of Oslo (Norway) found that, it turns out you need to ask questions not sexology and endocrinology. They are for five years studied the effects of ultraviolet rays on the spectrum of the human body (and they are not interested in sex, and the formation of vitamin D, as required northerners).

And then at the same time it opened an interesting detail: the UV rays affect the endocrine glands and stimulate the production of sexual hormones. More precisely, it causes hormonal explosion!


After 20 minutes of being under the southern sun:

The adrenal glands start to throw large amounts of sex hormones - androgens, which are responsible for sexual arousal in both men and women. And because the female body is initially less androgen, even a slight increase in their sexual desire causes a rush.

The pituitary gland (the gland located in the brain) is a surge of the hormone oxytocin, which sets us on a romantic way and causes a rush of tenderness. And, of course, it increases blood levels of adrenaline (also produced adrenal glands), which pushes us to exploits by reducing the threshold of caution.

Love on the beach; and it would be desirable and it is pricked ...

But how often it happens, our body contradicts himself. After making love on the beach, though nice, but health is not very useful. There are several reasons:

Blood vessels. As a cardiologist told us Tamara OGIEVA, the heat reduces the amount of oxygen in the air, in the blood increases the number of red blood cells (red blood cells), it becomes thicker and increases its coagulation.

Possible risk: at sharp movements intensifies the load on the heart, and in a fit of passion might even break the clot and block the blood vessel. If this vessel will be the pulmonary artery, is not excluded death.

Pressure. During intercourse, the pressure of a healthy person can jump to 10 - 15 mm Hg. Art.

Possible risk: the heat pressure can skaknut up and 20 - 25 mm Hg. Art. And you still need a hypertensive crisis right in passionate embrace? So you want happiness in his personal life - in Tenek crawl.

Sand and water - for sex trouble?

According to the doctor, an infectious disease specialist Sergei GARUSOVA in the sand (even on a nice beach at the hotels) inhabits the mass of microscopic living creatures that can enter the body through the delicate shell.

Possible risk: for example, hookworm - parasitic worms, abundant on the beaches of South America, Africa (including Egypt and Tunisia) and Asian countries. Settle in the human body, they can cause neurological disorders and inflammation. Bring them very difficult.

Yes, and very non-exotic itch mite take a lot of hassle. But just pure sand, hitting the mucous membrane, can arrange long-playing inflammation. Love Joy in the sea water in terms of germs safer - it has a disinfecting effect.

But a woman can not experience the most pleasant sensations: a natural lubricant is washed away, and there is dryness. However, it is a matter of personal preference - someone loves sex in the water. Possible dangers: but the spasms - the issue public. If the muscles will bring in the most crucial moment, will all laugh - and doctors "soon", and those who cause them after your screams.

By the way, not uncommon, so do not be alone with his girlfriend at a great depth, and before you start to caress a little swim to disappear temperature contrast.


If a condom as something not thought

Mikhail Vasiliev, venereal diseases, Professor:

- You will do very well, if the first two or three hours after unprotected sex using an antiseptic solution - miramistina or chlorhexidine. They are sold in all pharmacies in a convenient package.

Everyone has heard that venbolezni treated with antibiotics and antibacterial drugs, but what exactly may be required in your case - it's just a specialist.

Self will only lead to the fact that the picture of the disease will be lubricated: the problems for you and your doctor more work.

And another thing: folk remedies (herbs, broths, and so on. D.) Venereal diseases are not treated at all.

If you have had a holiday suspicious sexual contact, I advise you not to wait for the arrival of a visit to the doctor.

Before writing down the medication, the doctor will prescribe the study:

If you suspect syphilis and viral STDs (HIV, hepatitis B), the first thing you need to do a detailed analysis of the blood.

For the detection of the pathogen venbolezney need:

- Smear (bacterioscopy);

- Sowing (bacteriological examination);

- In severe cases - PCR (polymerase chain reaction).

However, the use of PCR for the actual allocation of chlamydia and trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, especially the analysis of any useful information does not.

8 male mysteries. Part 1

Table of contents
8 male mysteries. Part 1
Page 2


If you know them - do you know about men are!

This memoir lead (men) marriage heading in the newspaper that more than a decade in hiding under the pseudonym "Nastenka asphalt".




... What is man's love to 20 years? As written in the hearts of my letter to a young man: "... I'm almost a man, but I do not know - where to put all this. And on the street past me flow are nice girls and young women are delicious, and I just undress with their eyes, and like a dog swallow saliva.

I can scarcely stand, but I still have no one likes. Can I go into the army, and a virgin. Yes, I'm ready for the last of his money to buy a sex shop rubber aunt, and then tear off her arms and legs - let me take it over in the special forces. "

The guy to the army is going through a difficult struggle with his own virginity. Each girl first specifically addressed to "give - will not give", and when she suddenly his smile, the smile that disarmed the guy immediately falls in love with her on the ears. And he will not stand up fast - she was his queen, for which we must first take care of the whole year.

Of course, the present form of the modern courtship queens differ from medieval standards. Who made queens are long with the Kings in the stairwell, laugh over empty tales of dead and drink beer.

But the point is, fortunately, remains the same - it is for him and he for her - even more. So they are in the dark driveway, similar to drug addicts and homeless. Sometimes, of course, in this age of boyish real Don Juan, but very rarely - male grip yet. And what erotic adventures tell the guys to 20 years? Basically, they are lying, as seals!

As you listen to these sexual adventures of a young kid, so just imagine that around the whole kilometer of scorched earth - so it all got their sex. Usually they pour that in summer camp they seduced young teacher, and in school they made love with horny teacher.

Sexiest - a teacher of chemistry and English, and the most modest - Russian language and literature. And here is the exact statistics: Army to every guy is going through from 5 to 50 loves, and engaged in sexual relations with 0-3 girls. But they lie, that fell in love 0-1 times, and slept 5-100 times.

Well, of course, this includes 2-3 hundred teachers and a dozen educators. If I was asked today council once all the boys up to 20 years, then I would advise all of them in one sentence: it would be better until you once again my mother kissed on the cheek, and these girls have to be so after the army - though ladle eat them!


Broken loose


... Let's try to understand what the soldier feels, has just returned home. What is sexually hungry soldiers now everyone knows. He is willing to make love with everything that moves and responds. This is a severe test for every man, luckily lasts only two years. That is why preparation for demobilization begins almost a year.

Soldier dress uniform sutured, stitched and decorated. Everything glitters and shimmers - it's necessary, because the hungry males always dress up in the most vivid clothes. Demobilization should look so that each passing by the girl immediately wanted to know what he had hidden under tightly covered with cloth, and a palisade of military badges.

Unfortunately, in recent years, it does not help, as several fallen prestige of the army and even the occasional wait for their guys girls embarrassed to go through the streets with discharged martinet. Time after the army begin to measure the amount of vodka and girls of certain behavior.

As one friend asks the other: You have long returned from the army? And the man answers: - Yes box and a half ago. Returning soldiers whole platoons write a wedding column. It is better to declare it finds a decent girl, than binge drinking will make the child any simple, easy, and more will be forced to marry her.

And no patience because there is, I want all at once, every night without interruption. Once even tucked girl soldiers to retell stories. Glass, another glass, a cucumber or something soft and elastic again her lips and tantalizing two-day fume. Usually the first two months after the army the young man manages to sleep with girls 3-15, that is, not every day is new.

Every fifth then something treats. A time to marry only one in seven. During this period, a large spree, unfortunately, the guys made up a misconception about girls - all, they say, they are. It is not - then they will get acquainted with the good. Can the true love in this period dembelskogo rabies? Yes, it is, of course, always possible.

But if the usual time for the emergence of love should be something special, then in the first year after the army nothing is required. It is only necessary to make it inoffensive response to attempts dating, smiled a lot, given not earlier than three days and no later than five, a little look at the guy opened his mouth, listened to everything he told her navret, well, once wept on his chest. For this he is ready to marry anyone.

By the way, these are some tricky little girls and are even often hide their pregnancy from another and shift parental responsibility to the rustic guys. If I was asked today council once all the boys 20-22 years old, I would advise them all the same thing: there is already a popular expression as "to walk after the army."

I can only add that real men do not sleep with every other girl and sleeping with every twentieth. But it is necessary that this twentieth of you is gone. To do this, and there is a folk art form, as a soldier stories.

Tell her how you crawled in the minefield of intelligence as one of his broad chest while covered by an armor-piercing projectile three commanders and their bare hands shot down five enemy tanks, and they wanted to knock out the sixth, but the authorities did not permit ... ". During this normal she will give you more than a platoon random girls. Believe me, I have these tanks in Afghanistan shot down no less than two thousand, it seems, even a plane filled up in Angola.

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