How to achieve a reasonable balance between independence and love


Entering into a new relationship, we are often completely dissolved in a loved one. But thus losing their identity, so - stop to develop. How to avoid this? How to achieve a reasonable balance between independence and love?

Some might ask: what's wrong with that me and my man linked so close relationship that we are a little one?

There are several reasons:

- If you are an "open book" for your partner - that it could soon become uninteresting. Especially if you spend all your time on it instead of cultivating, learn something new, etc.

- Most men do not like to control by their women. At first it may umilyat your jealousy and possessive impulses, but over time it will become annoying more and more.

- Fixated on your partner, you are risking to lose friends and acquaintances, and then left alone. And if all of a sudden relationship with a man will not develop - and then alone. How to keep the required dose of independence, engaging in a romantic relationship? To do this, it should heed the following recommendations.

- Do not forget who you are. Continue to meet with their personal friends, go about their hobby. And if you suddenly you still do not find things to taste - keep looking and do not try the whole soul, and all your time to invest in your relationship.

- Do not dump all your problems on the man. Before you do to cope with all household and other troubles, why now need to fall into complete dependence on the partner? Continue to carry out simple duties themselves, charging the man only those cases that you can not handle yourself.

- Position yourself as an independent woman. Check out how you behave at a party. For example, how often you say "we" instead of "I"? Do you allow men to express an opinion on any occasion on behalf of the two of you?

Do you always have to agree with them their plans for the evening or the weekend? If yes, then you should pay special attention to this. Try to go back to their old habits: to speak on their behalf, to use the word "I" and the most responsible for drawing up their plans (within reason, of course).

- Continue to develop - both emotionally and physically. Exercise, read books, get yourself some new hobby. Increase your self-esteem is not at the expense of his men, and at their own achievements and development.

This is useful both for you and for your partner - it will be much more interesting to you to communicate what if all your interests are confined to wash his shirts and cooking a new recipe for borscht.

Take breaks. Even while on vacation you should not be with each other 24 hours a day. Nothing bad will happen if you spend time and separately - for example, every meeting with your friends. Besides, in this case at a meeting you will always be something to talk about.

How to become an attractive and seductive for men

 How to become an attractive and seductive for men, for guys

Many of us pay attention that some women like attract views. These lucky people look attractive and seductive on the background of the crowd, even if composed of mediocre and dressed like everyone else. What makes it hold the view

this pretty blonde, and not on that fateful brunette why this bellied Papic in no way inferior to the handsome body of Apollo and the smile of a Hollywood star?

So the matter is not in the exterior, the role is played here by something else. What exactly? By this phenomenon in a society long used the term "seduction". It's simple - a person draws his appeal and seductive.

Perhaps we palter if we say that there would be more attractive to others. But how?

Is seduction innate, or all the same it can be purchased, and in general of what constitutes the image of an attractive personality? Let us turn to psychology.

People are divided into two main types - extroverts and introverts. Extroverts are more open in dealing with people, they are inspired ideas, achieve their goals, more sociable and enterprising, and much more - all these conditions are ideal basis for seductiveness.

Introverts, by contrast, closed, silent, apparently thoughtful. Sexuality is against this background that fades until the person does not want to show it. The reasons for blocking sexuality can be acquired. As is sometimes called the sexiest women? The women of easy virtue. And the men? Even tougher - the animal.

In this sense, the concept of sexuality is invested only physiology. However, men and women are going to have sex, not only to extend their family, but also to get sexual pleasure. Sex - a way to get energy discharge and recharge.

Way between men and women from dating to bed consists of five steps:

1. Pay attention to themselves. It can be used in different ways - to walk on his hands on the twelfth floor balcony, to quote just heart Bulgakov, come to the party in a dress style "glove", skin color, not wearing underwear under it during the night to sew trousers from nothing and make dinner ...

2. To achieve interoperability. A person should feel comfortable next to his elect. This phase of the trust, intimate conversations, long walks, reading poetry in the moonlight and examining baby pictures.

3. Call attraction. Usually, people do not notice this transition - yesterday it was all right and suddenly my heart stops against accidental contact, accidentally collided with your fingers, it is impossible to separate the hands, and finally the first tentative kiss - as the opening of a new country.

Ethnicity in this phase does not matter - like a pair of wrap magical intimate fluids, pulling each other. Provoke this phase can, if successfully pass the first two - that is, arouse interest in partner and enter into his confidence. The attraction of a more or less strong at some point there will necessarily and inflate his or extinguish - a trick.

4. Immediately intimate contact. It is important how a person feels, how he behaves, how his body reacts, how he liberated, as he is ready to surrender to sexual relations. At this stage, man or woman, it is important not to be ashamed of your body, take it for what it is. According to physiologists perfect bodies do not exist. It is not necessary to focus on how you are trying to look too pleasing or partner. Be yourself.

5. Securing success. Do not just get a partner in bed and make him want to go back there. Gently, gently, without loss of precious man's freedom, without touching quivering female feelings.

Stay soft, take care of each other immediately after the morning and do not spoil the finish rush and bustle of home. Any little thing is important, when the nerves are exposed delight and surprise just before the open world of another person, who became an instant family.

There is a concept - orgasmic discharge body. The man is completely relieves stress, every cell of your body. The ancient Indians were well aware of the internal sexual force: Kama Sutra, Tantra, tracts yogis.

These books describe not only the ways and methods of learning, but the techniques and trends of sexual energy to achieve the highest satisfaction, flight status and bliss.

The word orgasm is now no longer frightening, but few people know that not only it is the basis of full intimacy. In 2004, scientists have made a sensational discovery. The group of geneticists has analyzed the most attractive and desirable people. All the objects of study had the same quality - sexuality.

Scientists have resorted to algebra, and the world has a new formula seductiveness.

1. The first component of the formula - external self-esteem. This value is not stable because it is based on the constant comparison of "I" and "Other." So comparing a person engages constantly, especially women. My "I" is better than the right, but compared with what the left ... Note that the attraction for itself already makes sexuality.

2. For the foreign self-esteem should be internal. The unique cost of man that he thinks of himself as he sees himself not at this particular moment, but in general. This self-assessment, in contrast, from the outside is more stable and resistant. That man sure of himself and his abilities will certainly be read by others on a subconscious level.

3. The third component, called the estimated value of the person. How others perceive him and what he is told. The easiest way to understate this assessment - several times to laugh at the person behind him, he cast a disdainful glance, to advise not to slouch or hiding bandy legs - and the poor man cringe at the sight.

And vice versa - tell a woman that she looks great - and porozoveyut her cheeks, her eyes shine, buttocks begin to write eight seductive - it feels very seductive.

4. The next component - ostentatious cost. The name speaks for itself, it shows, presentations of their sexuality. It may be adequate or knowingly understated or overstated. This make-up, hairstyle, clothes, perfumes, accessories and other Ostentatious the cost of the general formula seductiveness takes only 5%.

Because sexuality play, alas, can not. Even if you play brilliantly, your game will open quickly when the need arises to show the freedom and emancipation.

5. The last component is the payment of sexuality. If the value of a sexy woman high and low men, or vice versa, then the difference must be something to compensate. A woman can do it by means of its external data, and the man through some wealth.

Still high hopes for this component is not necessary. As a result, people will feel uncomfortable. If a woman builds a relationship with a man on the basis of its financial condition, it can always find a wealthy gentleman. Conversely, a man can always find a more attractive partner.

The main and decisive term seductiveness, of these, psychologists say - the cost of internal, it set aside as much as 80%! And the exterior and the rest of 5%, as it depends on the cost of the internal implementation of the remaining components.

Always accompanied by a seductive brightness, you can not simultaneously be seductive and gray mouse. So, wishing success birthday, we wish him sexuality? Indeed, what does sexuality have to do with the success of our lives? However, by the appeal of a man easily manipulated neighbors.

So seductive offers the advantage not only at night. By enticing people we will gladly listen, they cause us more confidence and respect, it is more difficult to deny, difficult to say rude.

These people are mysteriously forced us to show their best qualities, look better and perform noble deeds.

Sexually realized people better achieve their goals and get out of life what they need.
