What kind of love should value most

 Love, as you once loved, what is love and what love should be valued most
Appreciate the love and care

The word "love" is pronounced every day millions of times all over the world. This word implies magical and very bright attitude toward man.

There maternal and paternal love. A piece of yourself impossible not to love, especially when you put the soul, and a piece of your heart pounding in your Chad.

Some parents do not often tell their children the words of love. Much is often taken for granted.

If the father did not tell you sweet words, then he and a man, a strong affection is not inherent, usually men. But once you hear it, it will be for you a great achievement, and for him, too.

About a mother's love can write many volumes of books. When a mother bears at the heart of the baby, the mother of the literally becomes a child.

The role of every woman to make children into the world, so, as a rule, a mother's love is so strong, and permanently attached.

None of the children will never turn away from the mother, and the mother - is sacred, it is a woman, any woman, and how gentle and affectionate, she does not hold back emotions and feelings, and exhibits and shows her motherly love.

When you grow up, and become a teenager word "love" is excluded from the lexicon. You can of course, say that any girl that you love her, but the age of 14-15 years, not always carries serious consequences.

It is love, and in the future only with a smile, you can recall those youthful experiences. First kiss, first date, first night the stars ...

When you're going for the first time sex, many people want it to be is with love. Girls in particular are paying attention to it was the first sex with someone you love, your favorite guy.

Guys are not all also want to do it with the same emotions, many are trying to get rid of innocence, even without love, and not so serious about this feeling, as follows.

When love comes a little older, for example, student years, there is all much more serious. Since many people do you have interesting contacts, time and desire to feel them, to understand and love.

In his student years, formed a family, many couples can not leave after the study and decide to live without each other can not. Many are born in this period children.

If you have in life, for some reason, something did not work out with your loved one, and you had the love, or it was a one-sided love, is this love greatly remembered in life.

If it were some kind of relationship, and everything was fine, but then something changed, you hard to live with it.

Later, in the future, you can again step on the same rake, and each time you will feel it again and again, the pain and do not understand why this is happening.

Prints tragic feelings remain in the heart forever. If you still had reciprocity will then look for a question and answer what happened and look over the years, at least some news from her or him.

With my family, it will not change anything and will not erase the memories of past passions and very warm feeling called "love."

Sometimes it even prevents, and it seems that the case remained unsolved. But everything solved itself, and most importantly - it is close and dear people that surround you and love.

I appreciate the care and love - it's the most important thing in life and treasure of all hide deep in the heart.

Your intimate relationships: how life in the bedroom turned into a paradise

 intimate relationships: how life in the bedroom turned into a paradise

"I would like to know: sex really was so good it was worth, or simply enroll in a theater? "The question is not the most pleasant, but not the original. Well, if it arose, it is necessary to solve this. Together. Nothing is more inspiring the stronger sex as the awareness that in bed he makes a woman happy.

If you do not know an alarm from the area of ​​intimate relationships, then you, or hermits, or hiding something from yourself. In most cases, couples, whether newly married or spouses with the experience, can name at least a few points, without which life in the bedroom would be transformed into a paradise.

The best part is, that make it so easy. It is only necessary to be honest with yourself and partner and not be afraid to voice their experiences. Once the points that you are forbidden to even think myself (not that bring to the discussion of "family council"!), Will cease to be a mystery, consider that you have coped with them virtually. However, do not stop halfway.

We are moving towards full harmony!

"Well, one extra wrinkle. Oh, if I get out of here and add here ... "Are not you tired exhaust itself in the mirror? Self-criticism is good when its result is a subscription to the gym, but not shattered nerves.

And if these monologues are uttered in the presence of a partner, then counseling therapist may soon need both of you. Clearly, this niskolechko not improve your relationship in bed. Quite the contrary. Then, even turning off lights will not save the situation.

Moreover, that such a solution - making love in the darkness - can hardly be called successful. Firstly, it is absolutely not work in the daytime. Secondly, we hasten to allay your anxiety. Most men really like during sex to watch his partner.

Itself think: in the end, somehow in bed with him was you, not the notorious "90-60-90." And by the way, the only thing that separates you from both of bliss - it's your inappropriate in this case, experience and stiffness.

It is worth considering! It is known that the rejection of his body prevents take us around. Moreover, such samoedstvo risks lead to serious psychological problems.

Do you want to be loved and cherished? Think of yourself for what you are. And do not forget to find out the class schedule in the near fitnesklub!

"I wonder if I really was now so good or just she should enroll in a theater? "The question is not the most pleasant, but not the original. Well, if it arose, it is necessary to solve this. Together. Nothing is more inspiring the stronger sex as the awareness that in bed he makes a woman happy.

Unfortunately, this commendable trait tends to turn into obsession. The reason may be remaining in the distant past experience with not too correct partner or dissatisfaction with external characteristics. As he tried psychologists and sexologists, "inappropriate" Sizes are still a major cause for distress.

What is most annoying for both the slightest doubt in their solvency makes excellent lover in an insecure teenager, and makes a man with distrust sincere feelings partner. No matter how complex this situation may seem, there is a solution.

Speak this problem. There is nothing wrong in the fact that the beloved knows a few things about your experiences. The ability to open a conversation - a sign not of weakness but of strength.

But do not be surprised if, in response to your tragic recognition of centimeters, which is not enough for complete happiness, she could not hold back a smile of bewilderment. It's hard to believe, but it really is not in size!

Only for girls

You so want to convince a loved one in his glory, that you allow yourself a little bit to play along? Not worth it. Love relationships - the sphere of subtle and innocent deception in them can result in disorder. In addition, real orgasm is much better simulation. Prompt husband, finally, how to achieve this.

Anticipating the next interrogation, said the first of the pleasure you get. Do not hesitate: he is only pretending to be asleep. And surely smiling, listening to your enthusiastic praise. So what's going on. Its advantages are the fact that he knew about them. "Yes, I would never have the guts to voice it. No, let it be as usual, but it still misunderstand. "

Sexual fantasies are experiencing all

But not everyone dares to talk about them. And yet it is a very effective way to warm up and diversify intimate relationship. Experienced couple know that if handled adroitly, our imagination is not difficult, and enrich family life.

You have come to the level where the body of the partner is studied to the millimeter, and each one of you know how to give each other maximum pleasure? More - or a habit, or a creative search. Here it is just worth remembering their innermost sexual desires. To tell the secret fantasies will certainly need a high degree of confidence. Not only your partner but also to himself.

Afraid of his own inner world is not worth it!

But in this case, go into it together. I'm sure your loved one, and he would be happy to share the secret, but does not dare to take the first step. Go ahead! Not sure how to start? Take a look at sex shops. In the appropriate setting, you can finally tell each other what you would like to try.

But mind you do without loss of consciousness, and denouncing phrases like "I am of you did not expect." Fantasia was the partner to the extent of the original that your state is close to a shock? All the better.

The loved one lies as much puzzles!

Solve them safely and with pleasure. And please do not just sex!
