Girls and women spend a lot of time, effort and money to look attractive, necessary and desirable, especially in the eyes of men. But sometimes they do not understand why one succeeds and the other - no. American psychologists decided to help them better control his secret weapon.
After many years of observing the men, the specialists collected and summarized the factors that make the stronger sex "sink" on the weak. Perhaps these data will be useful to our ladies, when they decide the next time that they need male attention.
In the first place among men's priorities is some uncertainty substance, inner qualities of women, transmitting her sexuality that respondents defined as "inner glow". But since it is rather an innate quality, then go ahead.
Confidence women themselves tend to emphasize her natural sexuality.
But the man is important and how female sexuality is ready to share this with them, if she wanted to think about it in this plan, or just bears it as expensive but useless decoration.
More than half of the men turned out to be like the natural smells and women react to them more than expensive perfume. Men tend to assess, first of all, the appearance of women, if they expect to get it for one night.
But if we are talking about a long-term relationship, then come to the fore other qualities. The importance played by a woman's voice. Sexy voice should be soft, light, carry a tint smiles and in any case does not contain the aggression and threats.
Desirable Women eyes of men
Equally important to the woman herself was aware of himself sexually, necessary and desirable for men.
If it is inside, the man instantly feel this attitude. A woman needs to dress stylishly and beautifully, but do not be overtly sexy outfits - it may just scare the man.
Female secret - in sophistication. While men like fabric soft to the touch, as well as tight jeans and no bra. Men are not flattered if a woman is careful with his body (after all, they are sure that it is done solely for them) and at the same time admired his masculine qualities, making it clear that he desires.
Sexiest Hair: soft, flying free. Shoes also can transmit sexual impulses. Tight to the leg, open or acute narrow nose and even brightly colored shoes - very attractive.
Sexiest men find red color, then black and white. Rejection cause brown, green, pink, beige and tan. Men like women with painted nails, who can dance beautifully and smoothly, enabling them to talk and smiling.
If a woman is a warm, happy and confident, a man feels it easily and safely. The stronger sex loves when a woman's behavior is soft and elusive character. In a live presentation that sounds something like this: "It must be able to seduce me so that I did not even feel that I was seduced."
Much attention is paid to how a woman moves, sitting, walking, talking. In all this, there should be no awkwardness and embarrassment.
Sexy woman walking confidently with different touch of eroticism.
Not sexy gait is considered to be walking with a wide tread and are widely spaced from each other feet. The distance between the feet is considered normal if they do not differ by more than 7-14 cm.
Sexy woman sitting relaxed, relaxing, full of dignity, and sits as a rule closer to men than other women.
Men like it when a woman is capable of delivering seductive bodily impulses, not even intending to do so. This includes many smiles, a man peeping eyes and looks away, preening, looking around the room, etc.
It is a strong signal for the men - touch! You can touch the arm or shoulder men to make a point. There are "accidental" touch when hip women regard men.
If we decided to flirt a woman, she should never do it, being in a bad mood. The conversation should be decorated with a little uninhibited jokes and, most importantly, give the impression of a candid, that is, contain allusions to sex.
Men need the support of their own sexuality.
So, in bed talking, telling a man how good it looks and courageously. Men like to hear frank flattery to the love of his body and abilities.