The first wedding night the newlyweds, the intimate relationship of man and woman

 On the wedding night

Pretty complex feelings experienced nearly all the newlyweds on the threshold of momentous change in his personal life. All that was before in my life is simple and clear, suddenly turns into a mass of questions. Now the bride and groom a new status as husband and wife, the first experience of intimacy, intimate relationship, men and women, it is important what will be the beginning of the sexual life of the girl for the future.

The new status of husband and wife

What happens next in the new life that begins today, so beautiful - the flowers, the music, congratulations, wedding rings radiance? Until that day, everything that happens in life was as generous gift. It's time to bestow himself: his wife - care, attention; husband - good warmth, femininity, generosity; future children - warm glow of motherhood.

Excessively responsible, even, perhaps, the most important for men and women - the decision to start a new life, bring to light a new man.

Wedding night Honeymoon

People of different nationalities celebrate the birth of a new family of their own way, sticking to traditional rules. It is a kind of ritual, basically remain unchanged, but the addition of time. However, the meaning of the current event one - it's always fun rollicking celebration.

In our country, marriage is first registered in a registry office and then happy couple, their parents and invited guests have fun and celebrate. It does not matter if the guests at the wedding drink alcohol, but this should not come into the marital relationship. As a rule, planning childbirth occurs after the conclusion of the marital relationship. Raise a glass of wine, clink glasses, sip a little drink - and more! This is all that is allowed to make a charge prospective parents.

Intimacy men and women

The bride and groom should spend intimate life in sobriety. Only natural, emotional and physiological reckless desire to merge will make the sexual act of two loving people a real pleasure, happy and joyous event.

If the newlyweds influenced by the feeling of love, caresses and kisses was not only full physiological, and emotional and mental maturation, and sexual intercourse became a need, an intimate relationship will be free, easy, harmonious, pleasant.

The groom usually actively and aggressively seeks to sexual love, but the bride, because of her maiden modesty, experiencing feelings of embarrassment, fear, which can result in some embarrassment.

In such a situation it will tactful, intelligent behavior of the young man. Therefore it is not necessarily on their wedding night to have intercourse. You can admire, caress each other, and the bride becomes his wife a few days later.

Beginning sexual activity in men

Even strong love - not an excuse for unbridled passion and brutality. A man should be considered with the ambiguous mood of women, and the desire - just to get the maximum pleasure - should be able to keep. That is why alcohol intoxication is dangerous in this situation. This reduces the control.

The very act of roughly conducted, can become painful for the woman. But there is another problem: if this happens drunken night conceiving a child, there is no guarantee that he will be born healthy, and any other harm - it is nothing compared with the fruits drunk creativity.

Beginning sexual activity in girls

At first, the family life, two have for each other, study, produced at the same liberties and limitations of intimate relationships, erotic acceptability. From being initiated sexual activity, some women experience with the sensation it depends awakening and development of her sexual feelings. At the beginning of married life it can be obscure and only eventually becomes full and bright.

It was conducted successfully and without conflict first experience of intimacy opens the way to a joyous sexual harmony when the marriage becomes happy and bright.

What is love

 What is love

Love everyone understands their own way, for some it is a riot of the senses, showdown, tantrums discrepancies and misunderstandings, and for someone dedication and sacrifice their interests. Love can be passionate or spiritual, infinite or selfish, or devouring sacrificial.

In each case, love depends on the person experiencing it. Of course, the development of mutual feelings play a role emotions and responses, but still love - is a personal sense of the individual.

What is love

Have you ever wondered why one person can love several times throughout his life, completely given feeling and creating frenzy, and the other is considered one-woman man, loyal and dedicated to those who love the same "subject" life?

The thing is probably the fact that different people can have different use of the gift, one divides it into several pieces, and someone starts it at full power, but only once. No wonder they say that man is capable of experiencing only one love, but not everyone understands this statement is the same.

Many are inclined to regard it from this angle: love - a kind of energy contained in the human soul, it is always the same, changing (or not changing) the object to which this love is directed.

The truth of these words can be seen in the following example: a woman is very emotional and she loved her husband, raising a son by him as an exemplary mother, but not so, as distinct senses. After her husband left her for another woman, she suffered the full force of love for the child, thus realizing the entire stock of their love.

This example clearly shows that love in its purest form as a kind of spiritual energy without any admixture of passion and possessiveness can be easily transferred from one object to the knowledge of the human need to love, the need for it.

A person who has a huge reserve of energy, can not live crowded it without wasting it - it does not give him no rest, causing the manifestation of emotions, pushing on madness. Very often, a large supply of energy of love combined with the talent, sometimes love can be seen as a talent.

Think of the great poets and artists - a man capable of striking manifestation of love, not just gifted over it, but also expressed creativity! And love, like a talent - a spark of God in man, which should be supported, not allowing it to go out or burn out just like that.

Love need to educate, guide her in the right direction, restrain, or vice versa, to kindle, to subordinate to reason, otherwise, get out, and not finding the oncoming feelings, it is capable of destruction!

Why is it so important to find a reciprocal feeling?

When mutual love there is an exchange of energy that takes on a new quality, becoming creative, rather than destructive, as in the case of unrequited love. But the man who knows how to control his emotions, even in the event of the failure of love to direct this energy to work, that's what humanity has received great works of art!

The most talented poems and paintings were written in moments of emotional outbursts, looking out, creators, whose love was rejected and sought a way out.

Unrequited love creates beauty in a man gifted, and ugliness in people gross - witness the revenge for the failure of love, betrayal and crimes love failures!

It is said that people join the body in an attempt to unite the soul. It really is as if two people truly love each other, their love is harmonious in all its manifestations, and physical and spiritual. As it was intended by the Creator.

What is love

 What is love

Love everyone understands their own way, for some it is a riot of the senses, showdown, tantrums discrepancies and misunderstandings, and for someone dedication and sacrifice their interests. Love can be passionate or spiritual, infinite or selfish, or devouring sacrificial.

In each case, love depends on the person experiencing it. Of course, the development of mutual feelings play a role emotions and responses, but still love - is a personal sense of the individual.

What is love

Have you ever wondered why one person can love several times throughout his life, completely given feeling and creating frenzy, and the other is considered one-woman man, loyal and dedicated to those who love the same "subject" life?

The thing is probably the fact that different people can have different use of the gift, one divides it into several pieces, and someone starts it at full power, but only once. No wonder they say that man is capable of experiencing only one love, but not everyone understands this statement is the same.

Many are inclined to regard it from this angle: love - a kind of energy contained in the human soul, it is always the same, changing (or not changing) the object to which this love is directed.

The truth of these words can be seen in the following example: a woman is very emotional and she loved her husband, raising a son by him as an exemplary mother, but not so, as distinct senses. After her husband left her for another woman, she suffered the full force of love for the child, thus realizing the entire stock of their love.

This example clearly shows that love in its purest form as a kind of spiritual energy without any admixture of passion and possessiveness can be easily transferred from one object to the knowledge of the human need to love, the need for it.

A person who has a huge reserve of energy, can not live crowded it without wasting it - it does not give him no rest, causing the manifestation of emotions, pushing on madness. Very often, a large supply of energy of love combined with the talent, sometimes love can be seen as a talent.

Think of the great poets and artists - a man capable of striking manifestation of love, not just gifted over it, but also expressed creativity! And love, like a talent - a spark of God in man, which should be supported, not allowing it to go out or burn out just like that.

Love need to educate, guide her in the right direction, restrain, or vice versa, to kindle, to subordinate to reason, otherwise, get out, and not finding the oncoming feelings, it is capable of destruction!

Why is it so important to find a reciprocal feeling?

When mutual love there is an exchange of energy that takes on a new quality, becoming creative, rather than destructive, as in the case of unrequited love. But the man who knows how to control his emotions, even in the event of the failure of love to direct this energy to work, that's what humanity has received great works of art!

The most talented poems and paintings were written in moments of emotional outbursts, looking out, creators, whose love was rejected and sought a way out.

Unrequited love creates beauty in a man gifted, and ugliness in people gross - witness the revenge for the failure of love, betrayal and crimes love failures!

It is said that people join the body in an attempt to unite the soul. It really is as if two people truly love each other, their love is harmonious in all its manifestations, and physical and spiritual. As it was intended by the Creator.
