Love triangle


Love triangle - a complex figure: She OH + + OH

Here, dear women, we are constantly talking, that is not true of men, that they are constantly changing, which have mistresses. And we say, are all of a clean home crying into my pillow.

Let's look more closely to its own log in the eye and honestly and openly say: yes, we also change our men.

Women's infidelity always bite and irritate men. Hence, the medieval "chastity belt", and an abundance of guards in harems and treacherous murder izmenschitsa. In the twentieth century sexologists rushed to calm the stronger sex, saying that change, only 26% of women.

But recently I made a sensational discovery of a group of British scientists led by Robin Baker. After studying 5,000 married Englishwomen in age from 30 to 40 years, they found that 11% of children (every ninth child) were not born from a legal father. Insight?

Most unfaithful husbands said their marriage is quite successful, while most unfaithful wives find it unfortunate - this suggests a different attitude towards their own treachery.

Therefore, the causes of a triangle - infidelity, lingering on the year - are different in men and women.

The first reason is love and pigeons.

Most women are looking for adultery feelings and friendship: first they tend to become attached emotionally, not physically. After all, it is no secret that for us, ladies, feeling more important than sex. So, losing feeling in the family nest, many of us become convinced that it is necessary to get that feeling on the side. And this is far from easy.

The protracted affair "with love" on the side able to break the marriage, even if you're not for anything in the world do not want to get divorced.

Firstly, the status of the cuckold husband could survive, but the status of her husband she did not love, which changes with the beloved - is unlikely. So divorce and division of property is provided to you.

Secondly, a man with whom you meet, if you like, for a long time to endure your marriage will not be, and if you do not like - why do you love him?

The second reason: sex, as it is banal.

Yet sex - an important reason, and a good orgasm is to deceive her husband. So says nearly a quarter of all izmenschitsa, and who knows, maybe they're right. About any feelings can be no question ... Until a certain time.

After a while, a woman, meet the physical, psychological satisfaction will begin to look for (not from a big well and anxious love for her husband, she rushed into the change). And, most of all, falls in love with her lover. So that the relationship "sex" is better or not to delay or be prepared for a rush of passion.

Reason Three: manipulation.

  Communication on the side is used exclusively to achieve certain benefits: it can help make a career, make a fortune. For example, a woman sleeps with the boss, for which he received a promotion or a big salary, but she does not see the relationship as a married competition, considering their betrayal of forced payment for career growth. Communication with the boss (a colleague) may last for years and even be older than marriage.

Reason Four: quarreled.

For many reasons quarrel after quarrel - weight cruel desire: to avenge the insult done to spite or just hurt. For example, after learning about the change, pious wife paid in the same coin, and they are stacked with a heart attack in a hospital bed. According to experts in the field of family relations, the stronger sex is experiencing infidelity lawful wives much more painful than the weak.

That is why some of the ladies and give birth to an affair on the side. And what is very convenient: a fight with half - there is an outlet where you can bile on the spouse and pour. And hubby can be compressed: it better, he understands me, he helped me. And just that scare, that "go to him, he appreciates me."

Reason Five: boredom. They say, this did not exist before, and now it's on the loose morals. Of course, much the same - before! At half past five in the morning to get up to replace it, the plant to go - there is no place of debauchery, it is a fact.

Now everything is different: the TV, and tired, and friends - fools and clothes are not encouraging, and wherever only a finger on the globe tkni was, and there is no matter what forces, and there is no desire.

Maybe have a lover? Yes, this extraordinary entertainment will please, but not for long. Then it's back to the usual routine will be delayed. Only instead of a single source of boredom will be two: the family and lover.

So, ladies, betrayal - a difficult thing. The reasons that push it too complicated. And the consequences ... Oh, this and not want to remember.

How to achieve a reasonable balance between independence and love


Entering into a new relationship, we are often completely dissolved in a loved one. But thus losing their identity, so - stop to develop. How to avoid this? How to achieve a reasonable balance between independence and love?

Some might ask: what's wrong with that me and my man linked so close relationship that we are a little one?

There are several reasons:

- If you are an "open book" for your partner - that it could soon become uninteresting. Especially if you spend all your time on it instead of cultivating, learn something new, etc.

- Most men do not like to control by their women. At first it may umilyat your jealousy and possessive impulses, but over time it will become annoying more and more.

- Fixated on your partner, you are risking to lose friends and acquaintances, and then left alone. And if all of a sudden relationship with a man will not develop - and then alone. How to keep the required dose of independence, engaging in a romantic relationship? To do this, it should heed the following recommendations.

- Do not forget who you are. Continue to meet with their personal friends, go about their hobby. And if you suddenly you still do not find things to taste - keep looking and do not try the whole soul, and all your time to invest in your relationship.

- Do not dump all your problems on the man. Before you do to cope with all household and other troubles, why now need to fall into complete dependence on the partner? Continue to carry out simple duties themselves, charging the man only those cases that you can not handle yourself.

- Position yourself as an independent woman. Check out how you behave at a party. For example, how often you say "we" instead of "I"? Do you allow men to express an opinion on any occasion on behalf of the two of you?

Do you always have to agree with them their plans for the evening or the weekend? If yes, then you should pay special attention to this. Try to go back to their old habits: to speak on their behalf, to use the word "I" and the most responsible for drawing up their plans (within reason, of course).

- Continue to develop - both emotionally and physically. Exercise, read books, get yourself some new hobby. Increase your self-esteem is not at the expense of his men, and at their own achievements and development.

This is useful both for you and for your partner - it will be much more interesting to you to communicate what if all your interests are confined to wash his shirts and cooking a new recipe for borscht.

Take breaks. Even while on vacation you should not be with each other 24 hours a day. Nothing bad will happen if you spend time and separately - for example, every meeting with your friends. Besides, in this case at a meeting you will always be something to talk about.

Technique intimate erotic massage


Pleasure for both men and women can receive in different ways. But if you really want to raise your partner on top of bliss, is to learn to make it an intimate erotic massage - both in principle and he you. After all, these games, alternating

gentle strokes, give us no less fun than making love. Not by chance this mad popular variety of oriental techniques relaxing, exciting and just intimate erotic massage.

Residents of the East have always known a lot about the pleasures and were able to receive them. Most men caressing women know that the most erogenous zones of her are: the clitoris, breasts, mouth, vagina, neck, inner thighs, ears. And what they themselves?

Do you know him "hot spots"?

After all, without them, neither of which even the simplest intimate erotic massage is not out of the question.

If not, try to start with us to study the intimate art of erotic massage. Believe me, you will get mutual pleasure of a new journey.

To start with give your partner a good relax. Lured him into a tub of warm water, rub his back, and then light massage movements rub his head shampoo. Do not go around your neck attention. Do not be redundant and light circular movements near his temples, the whole contour of the face.

It promotes relaxation massage of hands and feet. Start with acupressure on his hands, and then go to the toes - the area of ​​special attention. And after a while you will see your friend's face became serene, and he was thus surprisingly docile and pliable.

It is even considered that if the woman will be able to suck and caress your toes men, then this it binds it to himself. But of course, this weasel psychologically suitable not for every woman, nevertheless the fact remains that the toes - the strongest erogenous zone for many men.

You can even quite playfully flipped him onto his stomach, and offer to make him a massage, the beauty of which is that the both imperceptibly evokes desire for intimacy. I think that after what you've done to him, even the most stubborn man there is nothing left to do, how gladly submit to you.

"Ride" and his passing from light hand movement to a more intense massage the area of ​​his back - here is an important erogenous zone for men (just above the tailbone). Approximately the same can be said about the so-called "cat" area - between the shoulder blades.

And to your partner to sleep with pleasure (and it happens) to change tactics - touch his lips, replacing the work of the hands of kisses. Moreover, many areas actually more susceptible to the language of caresses and kisses.

Take, for example, neck and ears. Often neck men sensitive to kissing and stroking, especially in that part which is closer to the back. Just do not tickle him in this area - this way, you will achieve the opposite effect. With regard to the ear (earlobe, the pinna and the area behind the ear), there is already a lot depends on the man.

There are also those who like a touch of traditional pleasant not cause shivering. Extend the borders of the known you earlier. Use your fingertips to touch his stomach (though it does not in itself is an erogenous zone), but rather a tiny area below the navel. It is enough to put a hand on him, to touch the tongue or lips.

Fondle his nipples (of course, the man's chest is not as sensitive as women's, but you can achieve amazing results), and if you notice that your partner began to breathe more often, then you are on the right track.

Feel his buttocks (perhaps you have never done before), bites, patting, pinch them. And you'll see a quick response to all your touch.

And when almost every millimeter of your partner's body will be treated kindly by you, pay close attention to his genitals, especially because almost all men love to touch this intimate places. At the head of the penis a lot of nerve endings, which is why this area is practically never indifferent to the caresses.

Most men are just crazy, if a woman with regard to their testicles and scrotum - the most powerful erogenous zone, which requires an individual approach. Because one men like their testicles squeeze harder, and others - on the contrary.

However, it should still adhere to the golden mean - very soft impact on the scrotum fingertips, lips and tongue. Below is a potential testicular male erogenous zone - the perineum, which is located under the skin of the prostate.

And many men like incredibly erotic massage namely in the area. By the way, if you go further, you will be very near the anus - the same part that many women are trying to avoid. Most likely because of the lack of knowledge of how to powerfully influence the partner caressing this area is tongue or fingertips.

Pat, love him and remember at the same time that it is through touch, most men feel loved. And if you can convey to your partner the pleasure you feel the touch of his body, then do not worry - it will be an additional and very significant stimulus to its further stimulation.

And do not stop there, break the tradition and learn all sorts of new possibilities of your relationship with the help of intimate erotic massage.

Look, for your men, in addition to all the above, it may be a thousand and one point of "pleasure" in completely different parts of the body.

And the search for these points by itself turns into a fascinating process for both partners.
