Seven hot sexy summer entertainment
Lasted seven sexual entertainment hot summer.
Love entertainment hot summer quickly help to establish a sexual relationship with a man, to establish a joint family life with a man to warm slightly cooled relations with the winter favorite!
Drop the complexes - and enjoy the intimate hot summer entertainment, but take precautions!
4. Love the downpour Entertainment
When the rain comes, and we are pleased to rain. Imagine that you and your loved ones have retired not very "populated" river beach. Then the cloud covered the sun, and in the air of the approaching storm. All reasonable people, collecting things, hurried off to the beach.
You somehow do not have time. When the first heavy drops of rain fell on the hot sand, you're hiding belongings in a bag in a beachwear ran to the nearest tree. To keep warm, huddled together and then ...
It is said that the most pleasant sensations during this sex - when big warm drops of rain fall from the tree in the back. The most desperate can try it yourself in the pouring rain. Much more romantic than the shower in the bathroom! By the way, if the apartment is not glazed balcony, take advantage of this circumstance.
Arriving home, just in case, take a hot bath and drink some tea with raspberry and lemon. If you have a weak immune system and susceptibility to colds, try the rain did not fall.
5. Intimate entertainment on the train. He ran on to the platform.
The long-awaited day of departure arrived. You loved sitting comfortably in a sleeping car. Why waste time? Railway - a classic place for a delicious, tickling the nerves of sex. It does not matter what it attracts: whether the movement and exhilarating rhythmic sound of the wheels, or the fact that it looks like a romantic love story fugitives.
But even in the best Viennese and Parisian brothels were once fashionable these compartments. And if the bed seems too narrow, try to make love standing up or use for the thrill of a table (the conductor does not know). Having sex in the reserved seat is not necessary.
Even at night, there is no guarantee that your fellow passengers will sleep. And in the passage always someone wandering ... Although in extreme cases, can close the sheet. A coupe, check whether the lock is closed: what if you were transported to the border, and in the most piquant moment burst customs?
6. Food, food, food I village to his grandfather. Entertainment in a haystack
This can be practiced with her grandparents in the hayloft - soft, warm and comfortable. Or in the field where the hot wind and the smell of freshly cut grass can help you feel like children of nature - a shepherd and shepherdess from ancient pastorals. How refreshing to be removed from each other then the dry grass of the hair!
Do not confuse the hay and straw - are quite different things. Hay - is canted and dried herbs. A straw - stalks of ears of corn remaining after harvest. Straws are very thorny, they easily get hurt. Therefore, to make love in the straw - a dubious pleasure.
Run away from the noise and bustle of the slopes. Feel like a shepherd and shepherdess!
7. Interesting fun to join the art. I will lead you.
You will not believe, but on inspection of erotic artifacts can get no less pleasure than from the sex. Of course, it will be a bit of a different kind, but you like it.
So, if finally fulfilled your wildest dreams and this summer you are going to travel around the world (or just traveling abroad), among other attractions, visit a museum of erotic art.
They, it turns out, there are many countries in Europe, America and Asia. For example, in Paris, this museum is open until two in the morning and savory exhibits occupy seven floors it! Among them are not only works of art, dedicated to the beauty of the human body and intimate relations, but also all sorts of erotic trinkets in the shape of a phallus: spoons, forks, knives, even a tube of lipstick.
The Museum of eroticism in Copenhagen will tell you about the intimate bonds of Hans Christian Andersen and Freud. And at the Museum of erotic art in Hamburg (he takes a four-story mansion!) For a nominal fee (5-8 euros) will show works of art on the taboo subject of five centuries.
By the way, similar to the recently opened Museum in St. Petersburg. In one of his windows on display ... thirty-centimeter body Rasputin!
If you are going to win all seven floors of the Paris museum in one day, high-heeled shoe is better not to. And do not forget your camera, and then miss the opportunity to boast unusual familiar images.
By the way, trying to immediately realize what you have seen in life is not: at best, visitors will take you for a live exhibit, at worst - will have to pay a fine rather big.
Summer brings the abyss of possibilities, erotic fantasies, love entertainment and erotic desires!
If desired, hot and sexy, you can have fun in the hotel, and in a tent in the woods and on the beach.
However, observe the rules of propriety: after all, the mutual desire and sex - intimate affair, and enjoy it better together, without attracting the attention of passers-by. Do not forget about contraception: the most reliable protection remains a condom.
Drop complexes - and enjoy!
Fun and entertainment you love hot!