Lunar calendar for July 2014, when the full moon, new moon, waxing, waning moon

Accurate and detailed lunar calendar in July 2014 will help you prepare your case, you can just set when the nearest new moon (date, what day, time of day) and a full moon, as well as in some detail to find out what is now the phase of the moon, when it is waning or waxing moon, a lunar day (or a moonlit night), when there will be favorable or unfavorable days days in July.

Favorable days for business and work for July 2014

From 1 to 4 July - rising moon, a young new month

From 6 to July 11 - moon (new, young, rising, rising moon)

From 13 to 18 July - waning, old moon

From 20 to 26 July - waning moon

From 28 to 31 July - rising moon, a young new month

The days between the young, growing, new moon - a good, successful and auspicious days, you will be able to start any new business: in those days without any problems can make plans for the future, to make the necessary decisions, this is the most opportune time to begin to sit on diet, quit smoking, lose weight, begin to struggle with bad habits, etc.

Good luck in your personal life and business will accompany you in the auspicious days of growing (rising, new, growing, young) moon. Waxing Crescent.

The first phase - the period of time when the sun is visible half of the illuminated Moon.

The second phase - when the whole visible surface of the moon. Some often confused with the growing moon waning.

If the Moon is similar to the letter "C" - this is exactly the waning moon. If the crescent is directed to the other side, it's waxing Moon.

First quarter - a very good time to start a new life. At such times, it is best to plan, to think of ways of implementing the plans. With the practical implementation of the planned targets should not rush. At such times, many people become vulnerable. Usually there is instability and contradictions of being, but rather the increased activity and dissatisfaction with the current situation, can always lead to quarrels with relatives.

Second quarter - Activity increases and reaches a peak in the next full moon. At that time, many things work out easily. This is the most auspicious days to move to a new apartment, the beginning of travel, change jobs.

Adverse days in July 2014

July 5 1st quarter 2nd phase of the moon

July 12 Full Moon moon phase 3

July 19 4 4 quarter phase of the moon

July 27 Moon 1 phase of the moon

All these unfavorable days of stress, try to be careful and cautious! It is not necessary in these days of unfavorable starting any new business, and if you have this possibility, we recommend to put their case on the day of the new moon rising. In addition, in those days, pay attention to your health.

Lunar calendar for July 2014, the phases of the moon

The lunar calendar for July indicated Moscow time. Always consider the time zone you are interested in to determine the local time. The lunar month starts with the new moon, with Phase 1, the first day of the moon. Moon day (lunar day) begins with the rising of the moon that day.

In a detailed lunar calendar often cited transit Moon in the sign of the zodiac.

Date of Moon day Sunrise Time of call Zodiac sign Moon Phase
1 5 9:26 23:35 Lion growing
2 6 10:32 23:55 Virgo moon
3 7 11:38 Virgo
4 8 12:46 0:14 Libra
5 9 13:55 0:33 Libra 1 quarter
6 10 15:06 0:54 Scorpio growing
7 eleven 16:18 1:17 Scorpio moon
8 12 17:32 1:45 Scorpio
9 13 18:43 2:20 Sagittarius
10 14 19:48 3:05 Sagittarius
eleven 15 20:44 4:03 Capricorn
12 16 21:30 5:12 Capricorn Full Moon
13 17 22:08 6:32 Aquarius decreasing
14 18 22:38 7:57 Aquarius moon
15 19 23:04 9:22 Fish
16 20 23:28 10:47 Fish
17 21 23:51 12:09 Aries
18 21 13:28 Aries
19 22 0:15 14:44 Taurus 4 quarter
20 23 0:41 15:57 Taurus decreasing
21 24 1:11 17:04 Gemini moon
22 25 1:46 18:05 Gemini
23 26 2:27 18:59 Gemini
24 27 3:15 19:44 Cancer
25 28 4:09 20:22 Cancer
26 29 5:08 20:53 Lion
27 12 6:11 21:19 Lion New Moon
28 3 7:16 21:42 Lion growing
29 4 8:21 22:02 Virgo moon
thirty 5 9:28 22:22 Virgo
31 6 10:34 22:41 Libra

4 phases of the moon in July 2014, exact Moscow time

July 5 at 16:00 1st quarter

Full Moon begins July 12 at 15:26

July 19 4 The fourth in 6:09

Moon July 27 beginning at 2:43

Lunar calendar for August 2014, when the full moon, new moon, waxing, waning moon

All that happened in a certain phase of the moon, even our ancestors recorded, and each generation added new and significant events. Our ancestors, it was observed that the Moon controls the water surface, its phase influence the ebb and flow. In the future, people realized that the moon affects not only the water resources of our planet, but also on the people of our land, because the human body for eighty percent water.

Optimally, accurate and detailed lunar calendar in August 2014 will allow you to correctly prepare your case, you can just check when it starts near the new moon and full moon (the date of the number, the exact time), and in addition will help quite correctly identify what is now the phase of the moon, when It is growing or waning moon, new moon, a lunar day today (or lunar day), when the days are favorable or unfavorable days in August.

Favorable days on August 2014

From 1 to 3 August - rising moon, a young new month

From 5 to 9 August - moon (upward, young, growing, new moon)

From 11 to 16 August - decreasing (the old, top-down, waning) moon

From 18 to 24 August - waning moon

From 26 to 31 August - rising moon, a young new month

When the sky appears the new moon, in this period begins rising moon, and in the human body begins now awakening. Days growing, new, new moon - a prosperous, successful and auspicious days, you can start various new businesses: these days no problem to plan for the future, to do the most important decision is the most favorable time for weight loss, diet, poverty bad habits, you can start to quit smoking, etc.

Good luck and success in your work and in your personal life will accompany you in the good days of favorable growing (young, growing, new, rising) of the moon.

Adverse days in August 2014

4 August 1st quarter 2nd phase of the moon

August 10 Full Moon moon phase 3

August 17 4 4 quarter phase of the moon

August 25 New Moon 1 phase of the moon

This is bad, unfavorable days, caution and care! I do not advise these unfavorable days to begin any important matter, and if you have the opportunity, try to put their case to the days of young, growing moon. Besides, in those days, pay attention to their own health.

Lunar calendar for August 2014

In the lunar calendar shows Moscow time. Be sure to consider your time zone to determine your local time. The lunar month starts with the new moon on the first phase.

Moon day (lunar day) begins with the rising of the moon that day. In a detailed lunar calendar certainly indicates the transit of the Moon in the sign of the zodiac and the exact time of entry of the moon in the zodiac sign.

Date of Moon day Sunrise Time of call Zodiac sign Moon Phase
1 7 11:42 23:00 Libra growing
2 8 12:51 23:22 Libra moon
3 9 14:01 23:47 Scorpio
4 10 15:12 Scorpio 1 quarter
5 eleven 16:22 0:18 Sagittarius growing
6 12 17:28 0:57 Sagittarius moon
7 13 18:28 1.47 Capricorn
8 14 19:19 2:48 Capricorn
9 15 20:01 4:02 Aquarius
10 16 20:35 5:24 Aquarius Full Moon
eleven 17 21:05 6:50 Fish decreasing
12 18 21:30 8:17 Fish moon
13 19 21:55 9:43 Aries
14 20 22:20 11:07 Aries
15 21 22:46 12:27 Taurus
16 22 23:15 13:42 Taurus
17 23 23:48 14:53 Taurus 4 quarter
18 23 15:57 Gemini decreasing
19 24 0:27 16:54 Gemini moon
20 25 1:13 17:42 Cancer
21 26 2:05 18:22 Cancer
22 27 3:02 18:56 Cancer
23 28 4:04 19:24 Lion
24 29 5:07 19:48 Lion
25 30/1 6:13 20:09 Virgo New Moon
26 2 7:19 20:29 Virgo growing
27 3 8:25 20:48 Virgo moon
28 4 9:33 21:08 Libra
29 5 10:41 21:29 Libra
thirty 6 11:50 21:53 Scorpio
31 7 12:59 22:21 Scorpio

4 Phases of the Moon in August 2014, the date, exact Moscow time

August 4 at 4:51 1st quarter

The full moon on August 10 at 22:10

August 17 at 16:27 4 of the Fourth

August 25 at 18:14 New Moon
