Lunar Calendar beauty for August 2014

 Lunar calendar for August Beauty


Perfect appearance, certainly requires effort and work, but sometimes in spite of all the efforts of the result leaves much to be desired. There is something more beyond our control, and if today you are stunningly beautiful, then a few days later the same makeup and the same hairstyle all impress.

It is for this amount to the lunar calendar of beauty, with it you will always be beautiful and effortlessly.

See the most auspicious days of August 2014 for the purpose of beauty treatments.

August 1

Do not overdo it with wardrobe, feel the measure. A great day for the care of the face, treat yourself to a variety of masks and a relaxing massage.

August 2

There is a desire to buy new clothes, go ahead, it will be successful. Auspicious day for the plastic surgery.

August 3rd

Do not succumb to provocations, the appearance depends on the mood. An unfavorable day for women's haircuts.

August 4

Today, the main thing that was comfortable in clothes and without much makeup. Aromatherapy - a great tool to cool off and calm down.

5th of August

Matured the decision to radically change the style, do not worry - everything will turn out. It's time to go to a salon and get personalized recommendations for skin care.

August 6th, 2014

At this time it is to do the whole organism, advises lunar calendar beauty. Safely You can remove the defects, different narosli or ingrown toenails.

August 7

Haircuts will be successful, especially for career growth. All kinds of cleansing and makeup trends will result immediately.

August 8

Auspicious day to return to the people and self-realization. Will be effective tonic for the skin, and sweets will be felt not only in the form of extra padding.

August 9

Do not be afraid to experiment. Perhaps you will find new items for your image.

August 10 Full Moon

Auspicious day for a hike in the gym. Review the old stuff, a little imagination and you will be able to obtain new original outfit. Take care of your nerves.

August 11

Lunar calendar for August 2014. advises "sit" on a diet. Drink herbal teas, swim in the pool and spend your time wisely.

12th of August

Be discreet in clothing and cosmetics. Water treatments more than ever.

August 13

Auspicious day for rejuvenation. On this day, it is best to do a deep cleaning facial, or manicure.

August 14

The lunar calendar does not recommend different cities today do plastic surgery, even minor. It is better to start to harden.

August 15

It is time for a new hair color, haircut and painting more than ever. Try novelty of cosmetics for the scalp, maybe you'll discover something super effective.

August 16

Curling made today, promises to keep for a long time and safely. Auspicious day to take care of eyebrows. Also feel free to go in search of a new perfume.

August 17

Day perfect for facials is today performed well cosmetics, which is composed of fatty cream and dietary supplements.

August 18, 2014 Mr.

An unfavorable day for all surgical procedures related to plastics. You should not even get a haircut and pedicure.

August 19

Lunar calendar for August 2014goda beauty still advises to deal with complex cosmetic procedures. It is quite fragrant baths and healthy sleep.

August 20

Today, women in particular want to be irresistible and sensuous. Listen to your intuition - not fail.

August 21

Haircuts made today, will soon cease to delight and laying better to do on their own. For a trip to the barber, not the best time.

August 22

It is time to say goodbye to troublesome spots, especially with freckles. Do not interfere, and a thorough cleaning of the face.

August 23

Time work, review your dress and pants, add new accents in the dress. Do not abuse food, extra centimeters appear too quickly.

August 24, 2014

Make a new make-up, it must be good. The day promises to be emotional, so sign up in advance for a massage.

August 25 New Moon

Now is time for natural products. Eco-friendly should be not only cosmetics, but also clothes. Do not abuse today shadows and lipstick.

August 26

Auspicious day to work with the hair. Excellent effect will give all sorts of herbs, how to strengthen the hair and for color.

August 27

Adverse day in the lunar calendar for surgery, especially in the abdomen. Jogging and gymnastics will look perfect.

August 28

Listen to their loved ones and good friends, their tips will help you today.

August 29

You can take the time to epilation. Pruning now will be successful in all respects.

August 30, 2014 Mr.

Busy day, do not throw away your negative on the family. Dress comfortably, can spoil the look of a bad mood.

August 31

Do not tell friends about new new clothes. Go to a salon, make a full range of services (not too aggressive) and hit all their beauty.

Lunar Calendar beauty for November 2014


Until the end of 2014 remains a matter of weeks. Each woman must look stunning in the first festive night of the year. The preparations should start now. Assistant to the issues of women's beauty and youth will be our lunar calendar.

Thanks to the recommendations of November, you will know how best to distribute the cosmetic procedures, to always be irresistible and fill your life with harmony, good luck and health.

Nov. 1
The day is unfavorable for a visit to the hairdresser. It is necessary to pay attention to skin care, and feet. The best day for a visit to the steam room, intestinal rehabilitation and meditation.

November 2
Eliminate any traumatic skin treatments should not be on this day to treat teeth. Good time for nail care. Get plenty of rest and a walk in the fresh air.

November 3
Still avoid any operations on the skin. Day for haircuts and hair coloring. It should continue to skin care and to focus on the food: mask, nourishing creams and oils.

4th of November
Follow the recommendations of the previous day. Be sensitive to their emotions. Over-expression of them can cause a headache.

November 5
Emotional people it is advisable not to overtax the head area. Avoid this day spicy foods, caffeine and alcohol. It is better to drink pure water.

November 6, 2014
Auspicious day for hair care. The good effect will bring a hydrating mask. Permission is granted to get a haircut and color. It is undesirable to do hair removal, peeling, and ears pierced. Do not overeat and drink cold drinks.

November 7
Today, you can still cut your hair, and in the next two weeks have undesirable advises lunar calendar. As for skin, go to the procedures of the nutritional cleansing. Avoid applying permanent make-up.

November 8
In skin care, it is important cleansing and moisturizing will be effective massages and rejuvenating treatments. Manicures and hair removal will be, as it is impossible, by the way.

November 9
Any anti-aging treatments today will be useful in combination with sauna. Your hands need special attention and care.

10th of November
According to the lunar calendar should not be in the day to do plastic surgery. It's time to visit the dentist. Manicures and pedicures better cancel.

11th of November
Stick today recommendation yesterday.

November 12th
Auspicious day for anti-cellulite massage. It is advisable not to overextend the spine.

November 13, 2014 Mr.
Relatively favorable day for cutting hair. In the bath today, it is recommended to warm the lumbar region. Avoid stress and physical exertion.

November 14th
Today there are appropriate procedures to get rid of acne. You can do a pedicure and remove calluses. You can not do coloring and perm hair.

15th of November
Auspicious day for massages and nail care.

November 16th
Overall, a good day in the lunar calendar for a hairstyle. Facials will give a good result.

November 17th
Resolve any cosmetic surgery, in addition to tattooing. Promise to be effective body wraps and massages. Drink plenty of fluids.

November 18th
It is undesirable to visit the steam room and sauna. Pay attention to your skin, you may need a deep cleansing.

November 19th
To cleanse the skin using special tools. It is not recommended to increase the nails.

November 20 2014
The day is very auspicious for the care of the eyes and neck. It is useful to drink fresh juices.

November 21
The visit to the hairdresser, as well as manicures and pedicures is better to postpone. But relaxing bath fill your hand at the end of the week.

November 22
Today, a great day in the lunar calendar to the new course of massage. Arrange your body fasting day. Give as coffee and alcohol.

November 23
Nutrition and skin softening - the motto of the day. There will also be useful in nourishing hair mask.

November 24th
Trimmed nails today become stronger. Allowed any manipulation of the hair.

November 25th
On this day, pay attention to the feet, massage and moisturizing. You can make permanent makeup lips, eyelashes and eyebrows.

November 26, 2014
Undesirable deep cleansing. Continue to devote time to his feet.

November 27th
Avoid excess stress on the legs. Postpone the visit to the dentist. Auspicious day for manicure and hand care.

November 28th
Pay special attention to the feet. Unwanted hair removal and other traumatic procedure.

29th of November
Today, wearing low-heeled shoes and take care of your feet. Unfavourable day visit to the hairdresser. It is better to meditate.

November 30th
Take a relaxing bath with aromatic oils. New flavors will give you a boost of inspiration for the upcoming months.
