Lunar Calendar beauty on October 2014



Moon, she is so mysterious and holds many secrets. People are still interested in ancient times its impact on human life and health, behavior.

In our time, the curtain slightly open secrets, though, yet no one makes no warranty, how does it play a role in this or that situation, but a little bit to anticipate and plan something to help us astrologers.

Beauty - terrible force, and that women can use it twice, provided lunar calendar beauty to all comers for October 2014.

Choose the most favorable days for cosmetic procedures and guidance beauty.

October 1

The day is favorable for this type of recreation, like going to the sauna, possibly combined with massage. Improves skin condition.

2 October

After a hike in the bath is recommended to look after his legs: pedicures and waxing at the time.

October 3

You can slightly adjust prichesku- trim the tips to make a good installation.

October 4th

On this day, a visit to the barber shop is not desirable. Favorably affect the appearance of the use of dairy products.

the 5th of October

Cleaning the inside of the body can be continued by fasting or drinking mineral infusions of herbs.

October 6, 2014 g

Auspicious day of the lunar calendar, make nourishing mask on the face, using proven creams.

October 7th

If suddenly caught up with the desire to change something or should not go on about that desire, poor day. Peace and only peace of mind.

October 8th

There are useful walking in the fresh air, you can change the hairstyle only shade with natural dyes.

October 9th

The body will respond gratefully to the hike in the bath, body wraps with herbs, artless exercises for breathing.

10th of October

A great option of this day- trip to the gym or jogging home evening.

October 11 2014

Peace and tranquility of the body and the soul is not burdened or let guests come, no bad thoughts. Lunar calendar recommends rest.

October 12

On this day, you need to spend money on yourself, your favorite. Small shopping and going to the beauty salon will be his attraction auspicious day.

October 13

It is better to refrain from hiking today in places where restoring order in the soul and body. All fine and organically.

October 14

Along with a visit to the gynecologist to do facial rejuvenation.

October 15

Remember the recipes of traditional medicine for use in cosmetic purposes.

October 16

That is the day trip to the barber certainly bring pleasure as the owners of long curls, and girls with short hair, an auspicious day.

October 17, 2014

If you want to get rid of unwanted effects on the skin (warts, moles), straight to the salon in the first half of the day, advises the lunar calendar. A second preferred devote passive recreation.

October 18

Let the beauty of this day wait, poor day. The presence of close relatives will replace all of the procedures.

October 19

This output is useful to do exercises, experiments with hair will be most successful.

October 20

There is a possibility of the lunar calendar to be exposed to the autumn depression. A health campaign for mushrooms to erase that feeling there.

October 21

Choose a suitable diet, not supercool.

22 of October

Enhance sexual sensitivity can lead to conceive a child.

October 23

A perfect day for a hike to the bathhouse, peace of mind.

October 24, 2014 Mr.

Think of yourself kakoe- or body cleansing action (the use of vitamins, tinctures).

October 25

Spend prophylaxis of viral diseases, drink tea with lemon.

October 26

If you have a dream to paint the hair in bright colors - it's not just lift your spirits, but also to bring good luck, auspicious day.

October 27

Best option present day- soak up on the couch to lie down for an hour in the bathroom.

October 28

Increased energy mood in the lunar calendar, while jogging, strength training aerobics.

October 29

Do not deny yourself the desire to try something kakoy- cream, all the innovations only benefit.

October 30

Neutral day, will not prevent any anti-aging treatments.

October 31

The final day of the month decorate shopping, markets.

Lunar Calendar beauty on June 2014



In order to achieve the desired effect and persistent in cosmetic procedures, many are advised to focus on lunar cycles. The moon can help you only if you act in unison with it, and therefore it is necessary to explore the beauty of the lunar calendar.

We offer a detailed lunar calendar of beauty for women in June 2014, which tells the most favorable days for various beauty treatments.

June 1st

On this day, you have to be careful, possible accidents, serious injuries. Do not cut their hair. But this day is good for collecting herbs, you can cook all kinds of infusions.

June 2

You can rejuvenate your skin, successfully pass all beauty treatments and hair coloring. You can also simply brush up on the tips of the hair, then the hair will grow quickly. And for the removal of unwanted hair, it is desirable to select a different day.

June 3

Today we recommend a haircut, even hair will benefit from hydrating mask. But from tanning stay away, spend aromatherapy with natural oils. It is strictly forbidden to do surgery.

June 4

It is advisable to go on a diet and to purify the body. And yet you can visit a massage therapist's office.

June 5, 2014

Forget about diets and fasting, the sauna, or sign up for spa treatments, it is good to relax. Very good care of your feet today.

June 6

Lunar Calendar beauty tips to spend time in the sauna, jacuzzi. Make a good cleaning of the skin. People who often dye their hair, it is desirable to do so today.

June 7

You can sit on a new diet, start caring for your feet and hands, practice gymnastics.

June 8

On this day, it is desirable to monitor the respiratory system. Intensely moisturizes the epidermis and drink 2 liters of water.

June 9

On this day, you need to pay special attention to the liver, it is recommended to cut their hair to cleanse itself from the accumulated negativity.

June 10th

Pay attention to the autonomic nervous system. Do not forget the hardware massage session, treat yourself to a mask.

June 11

You can get a haircut, but do not overdo beauty treatments.

12 June

It is necessary to work out, you can make hair removal and facials. Implement a long-planned affairs.

June 13

To do any kind of sport to be in shape. According to the lunar calendar today you can visit the hairdresser to refresh the hair ends.

June 14, 2014 Mr.

To purge the body, take many baths, more desirable to cut hair.

June 15

Auspicious day for a hike in the steam room or massage service.

June 16

Make facial peels, try new masks made their own, but not to remove excess hair.

June 17

Today it is possible to make dramatic changes in your appearance.

June 18

A good day for shopping in the lunar calendar. You can buy beautiful jewelry or jewelry.

June 19

A good day for shopping. You can buy beautiful jewelry or jewelry.

June 20

Complete the follow through, avoid surgery.

21st of June

Move more, play sports. It is advisable to visit the sauna or beauty salon.

June 22 2014

Get rid of all the old, sit on a diet, do the cleaning of the skin.

June 23

Pay attention to metabolic processes, carry out the procedure for returning the elasticity and youthfulness of skin and hair cut can be.

June 24

Auspicious day of the lunar calendar, treat yourself to a nourishing cream and visit the barber.

June 25

Go to the optometrist, pay attention to the cardiovascular system, it is possible to do a manicure and clean skin.

June 26

Today, a steam room, Massages, and you can change your hairstyle.

June 27

On this day, make a list of future beauty and health treatments, based on the lunar calendar beauty.

June 28

Try new cosmetic preparations, visit Fitness and arrange fasting days. And you can also update your hairstyle.

June 29, 2014

Do not handle the new business, visit the hairdresser, this day will be favorable haircut, hair coloring. Sign up for a course of massage.

30 June

On this day, keep a positive attitude. All success, good luck and prosperity!
