Lunar Calendar hair clippers for February 2014, the favorable days

Lunar calendar for good hair cutting and coloring for each day in February 2014 to help you choose the best and auspicious day. Have you noticed that the same masters on different days of your hair does not always work successful?

This plays an important role following the lunar cycle and the lunar calendar is possible to know what day of the haircut will be the most beautiful, and will retain its shape for a long time and the hair will remain healthy and strong. So, when it is better to get a haircut in February for good luck, happiness, prosperity, and of course, that there are no financial problems and health.

1st of February.

Very poor day to visit the barber. You can seriously impair their health.

February 2.

If today you podstrizhete hair, you can pursue unfounded fears. You can resort to hair coloring, but nothing radically changed.

February 3.

Favorable good day for haircuts that can help considerably rich. Recommended painting in bright shades.

February 4.

Unfavorable time for haircuts, will have a negative impact on your health. Dyeing hair is also not worth it.

February 5, 2014.

As suggested by the lunar calendar, if you cut your hair that day, will come to you good luck and health problems will disappear .. However, coloring hair is not worth it.

February 6th.

If you podstrizhetes this day, the quarrels with relatives can not be avoided. But the day is very good for a radical change in the color of hair, so can safely be painted.

On 7 February.

Unfavourable day visit to the hairdresser, otherwise avoid diseases. Can hair coloring in bright colors.

February 8th.

Neutral day for haircuts. You can strengthen the immune system if painted hair with natural dyes.

On 9 February.

If you want to make your life more colorful and interesting, then feel free to go to the hairdresser. You can also color the hair, especially in copper or gold shades. It will make a profit in the near future.

February 10.

Cutting hair in this day it is not necessary, but can be colored with natural dyes.

February 11, 2014

A very good day to visit the barber. Your health will improve, and your appearance will become even more attractive. But from otkrashivaya hair is better to abstain.

12th of February.

A good time for a hairstyle that will bring good luck. Hair coloring is better to produce a gentle coloring on a natural basis.

February 13.

Cutting hair is better to postpone the next day, otherwise you may get headaches. Perhaps the painting with natural dyes.

The 14th of February

As suggested by the lunar calendar, a very bad day for haircuts and hair coloring.

February, 15

Pruning in this day is acceptable, as to provoke a break with a loved one, as well as health problems. Stain is recommended in dark shades.

February 16

If a haircut on this day, that you may appear discomfort and minor injuries. Stain is recommended in bright colors.

February 17, 2014

From haircuts that day should be avoided. Otherwise, you can lose a large sum of money or any valuables.

February 18

Favorable time for a hairstyle that is a great impact on your life expectancy. Dye your hair should be in natural color.

February 19

According to the lunar calendar is a very bad day for different procedures for hair.

February 20th

A visit to the hairdresser that day will bring prosperity and good fortune. Hair is recommended in light shades. This will attract into your life positive good people.

February 21

If you decide to get a haircut in this day, you can safely go to the hairdresser. Since it will bring you extra income, real estate and other nice value. Dye your hair better in natural colors.

February 22

A great day for trimming hair. The color and condition of your face better. You can dye your hair in every color, which will affect positively on your condition.

February 23

It is a bad day for haircuts. You can dye your hair using only natural dyes.

24 February

It is recommended to refrain from manipulating the hair. Haircut and hair coloring can cause problems with eye health.

February 25, 2014 Mr.

Extremely favorable day. Cut the hair and you will have joy and success. When coloring hair is better to stop the choice on earth tones.

February 26

As suggested by the lunar calendar, a perfect day for a change of image. It is safe to experiment both with hair, and hair color. The result will be excellent.

February 27

The favorable time to visit the wizard, haircut can help draw attention to himself opposite sex. It is not necessary to paint the hair.

28th of February

Good time for cutting hair, which will increase your attractiveness. But to resort to hair coloring still not worth it, you can obtain financial problems.

Lunar Calendar hair clippers to March 2014

 Lunar Calendar haircut for March


Even in ancient times, people noticed the effect of the phase of the moon on the human body, in particular on the growth and condition of the hair. It was in ancient times and was created the first lunar calendar haircuts and coloring, which determines favorable, neutral or unfavorable effects on the days of hair to improve the health, welfare and well-being.

March 2014

March 1

Haircut leads to a weakening of vitality, because in this day of it is better to abstain. Painting is possible, but only dyes from natural ingredients.

2nd of March

From haircuts still stands abandoned, it will not bring good luck, and relationships with others can be difficult. For coloring hair is also applied only natural dyes.

March, 3rd

It is an unfavorable day for haircuts, it will not be successful, but it may be a serious health problem. If you need great painting, it is permissible to use only natural dyes. Discoloration of the hair poses a health hazard, and therefore strictly forbidden.

March 4

Pruning in this day will bring trouble, until the panic for no reason, and not the best time to change hair color.

5th of March

There comes a very favorable time for haircuts. Good luck to hair coloring in bright colors. These manipulations with the hair not only add to its appeal, but also contribute to a significant increase in welfare.

March, 6

It does not recommend any action to the hair on the lunar calendar, otherwise the health problems are not long in coming.

March 7

Mowing is disappointing and may lead to misunderstandings with loved ones, but the color of the hair will be extremely successful. On this day, you can dramatically change the color of the hair, it will give their owner the unique charm and fascination.

March 8

From haircuts better to abstain, rather than risk being, but painting in bright shades will be extremely successful.

9th of March

Auspicious day for any actions hair. Successful will be cutting, styling, coloring any. Hair that day exceptionally flexible and obedient, easy to fit any hairstyle looks immaculate.

10th of March

Stritch is not recommended. It is believed that this may push your luck, but because it is better not to risk it. But hair can be colored in any color, with the proviso that the dyes will be used only natural.

11th of March

The exceptionally auspicious day to be cut. Hair dye can be any dye, preferably copper and gold tones.

March 12

In the lunar calendar haircut on this day is not welcome, you can push your luck. With color should be careful, it is permissible to use a natural dye.

March 13

Wonderful day for haircuts. It will be very successful, adding attractiveness and charm of its possessor, but the color of the hair is better to move the next day.

March 14

One of the best days for a haircut, but extremely unfavorable for hair coloring.

March 15th

Mowing will continue to be successful, it can not be said about the color. It is better to postpone the change in color or shade at a more appropriate time.

March 16

It is believed that on this day the hair can not be cut due to the subsequent headaches. Painting is possible only in dark shades.

March 17

Mowing will bring a lot of personal problems, so this day should refrain from it. Painting is allowed, but only in dark colors.

March 18

From haircuts should be abandoned, but the color is not the case, it is best to choose a light red and golden hues.

March 19

Any actions with the hair could lead to negative consequences, so that all manipulation is better to take time off.

20th of March

Auspicious day, with both haircuts and for painting. The result will be great, especially advantageous will look natural shades.

21 March

By manipulation of the hair is better to abandon the lunar calendar. The benefits of these will be highly questionable, but the damage - quite likely.

22 March

The day is very good for a hairstyle, painted better in red-gold tones that will attract positive life.

23 March

Haircut and styling, as well as body care will be most effective, and for those who like to experiment with hair color possibilities of this day are unlimited.

March 24

Day neutral. Going to the hairdresser can, cutting, styling and coloring will not have a material impact on any sphere of life.

March 25

Unfavorable for the day to visit the salon, it is best to move it to another time. 26 March Haircut and coloring hair is not recommended, the result is likely to be unsuccessful.

March 27

A good day for haircuts color, but only in natural shades.

March 28

An exceptionally favorable moment to reverse the image. Any experiments with hairstyle and hair color will be extremely successful.

March 29

Pruning in this day extremely successful, but can not be said about the color from it should be abandoned.

30th of March

Haircut and coloring are contraindicated, can even attract negativity.

31st March

Not the best day for haircuts. Painting is allowed, but only in natural colors to add depth to hair color.

Lunar Calendar hair clippers for March 2014 to help plan a visit to the hairdresser in the most favorable days to preserve the beauty and health of hair.
