The impact of the full moon on the human lunar tips

 Full moon impact on human lunar advice, business and health, the near full moon

The full moon has on the human body is also a very big impact. Round bright disk, silently hanging in the sky, before caused an inexplicable mystical awe. Lunar advice, business and health, the near full moon

People believed that it was the full moon arranged covens, come out of hiding to carry out various evil vampires, werewolves modified. Fortunately, all this is just a legend.

Full moon the effect on man

But the moon reflecting the sunlight over its entire surface, really has a big impact on the systems of the human body, especially on his nervous system.

Not all people can safely tolerate changes in the energy level, many disturbed subconscious reflexes sharpened or changed, both positive and negative emotions.

Most often, they are amplified, causing the inappropriate joy and carelessness, the feeling of a fatal doom and despair, creating inexplicable fears, the desire to find someone to blame for their failures.

Lunar tips, full moon and Health

During the full moon is also activated vital functions of microbes and viruses, which increases these days the risk of poisoning and gastrointestinal diseases. Medications these days do not have the full their useful activity, but a manifestation of side effects increases.

On the full moon is better not to carry out surgical operations and any medical procedures, except in an emergency. Only the cleansing of the body in compliance with the specific diet these days takes place with the best result.

Hypertensive patients to go through a full moon and the core is particularly difficult, as the work of the heart is broken, and the amount of fluid in the tissues increases.

Among other things, the full moon, even healthy people begin to suffer from insomnia. Forced to drive themselves to bed should not be better to do some interesting work, drink tea with mint or lemon balm and honey.

Cases Full Moon

But apart from all the "horrors" that occur during a full moon, there is in it, and the good moments. It is in these days the best work out all the works related to the emotional impact on others.

In the full moon reveals the most artistic talents, great run promotions, presentations, conveniently folded many lawsuits.

The thirteenth day of the lunar calendar, marked by all sources as one of the most hostile and dangerous, yet it very good for learning and knowledge, as well as to communicate with the family.

The fourteenth day of the moon is very favorable for the gamblers. On this day increases the chance to win "on a grand scale."

Fifteenth, which is considered the most deceptive and conflict, however, promises a speedy recovery to all the day sick. A born on this day all my life will love and be loved.

The following two days are also quite harmless, especially the seventeenth. It is believed this day particularly suitable for transactions and making wedding.

So, the full moon is not terrible, most importantly, learn to contain and control their emotions.

The closest full moon lunar calendar for 2012

The impact of the new moon on the human lunar affairs and health tips

 New Moon impact on human lunar advice, business, health, near the new moon

Scientists have determined that each phase of the moon is not the same effect on all life on Earth. This is due to the fact that our moon is very close and has a strong gravity.

Lunar advice, business, health, near the new moon

New Moon impact on human

To understand how powerful these forces can be remembering how strong are the tides. But then the human body is 70% water in our veins the blood, which is also liquid.

In addition, our body and our life is strongly influenced by the sun's rays.

Lunar tips, health

During the new moon the Moon closes a road to these rays. Stay on for some time without their life-giving force, our body experiences a discomfort that may start various diseases.

This is especially dangerous for people with heart disease.

The impact of the new moon on the human psyche

But the greatest impact the state of our environment during the new moon has on our nervous system.

During this period, even completely mentally healthy people begin to experience unexplained anxiety, exhibit increased irritability, anxiety, insecurity, mistrust, fall into a severe depression, some break through suicide.

A heightened sense of fear and anxiety that appear at this time, does not depend on, because you could not see the moon at night, because it may not be in the sky and in cloudy weather. This nervous system is explained by the fact that the moon stood between Earth and the sun. It was a new moon solar eclipse occurs.

There is another phenomenon, and scientists have only studied how it affects the man and all living things. This phenomenon is that during solar eclipses, and hence the new moon, decreases the density of time. So, in the mystical influence of the new moon on the little man.

Also during this period undesirable cleaning procedures, starvation. Food should be balanced and calorie. Welcome these days fruits and vegetables, and all the vitamins.

The body is weakened in this period, it certainly should be supported, otherwise it will start to draw resources from its own reserves, and quite simply, to destroy itself.

Cause of the new moon

Astrologers in this period is not recommended to start anything new, no new cases of long-term projects that do not sign contracts, not to make deals.

During this period it is recommended to perform only the most basic work, finish up and brought to the final of the old or even relax, gather strength for the next stages.

The nearest New Moon Lunar calendar for 2012

Moon in the sign of Capricorn

 Moon in the sign of Capricorn

Hour good dear readers.

9 - 11 November The moon is in Capricorn.

Lunar tips, lunar secrets

Weakest part of these days, when the moon is in the sign of Capricorn, are: the knees, bones, joints, skin, circulatory system. Do not overexert.

But since, as the moon is growing, do not miss these days to supply the skin moisturizer.

Special masks and body wraps is better to postpone for a period of waning moon, when the moon is waning, see Lunar calendar for 2014.

Favorable these days and for nail care. They will be more solid and resistant to.

It showed in these days firming massage with oils.

Quality products: salt. Do not abuse, and do not overeat.

These are the days of cold.

Moon in Libra

 Moon in Libra
Moon in Libra

Hour good dear readers.

3 and 4 November The moon is in Libra .

This means that should keep the hips, kidneys, bladder, and a system of glands.

Lunar calendar for 2014

And as you probably already knew not to schedule activities on these bodies.

More Hippocrates said to his disciples: "Do not touch the iron of the body, a sign which crosses the moon."

This rule applies only to planned operations and they should not be neglected. On this depends the outcome of the operation.

Emergency operations are subject to different rules.

Quality of products in these two days - fats .

Although Moon decreases more and more, you can eat more than usual, still do not abuse it.

Days of cold days will be replaced by light.

You will want to wear sunglasses, despite the cloudy sky.

Remember that until the 6th, you will easily be argued any work .

Other lunar secrets can be found here

Be healthy and take care of yourself and your loved ones.
