Moon in the zodiac energy, success and good luck in love, affairs

 Lunar energy in life

Lunar Energy has an impact not only on the ebb and flow of the seas and oceans. The important role of the lunar energy has on the person and on all aspects of his life. Lunar month, 4-phase flow and the value of the moon in the zodiac, the impact on human rights.

How do I get to work on the Moon

Everyone knows what a full moon and new moon by 2012. The transition to the new moon is called a lunar month flawed. "Appearing" Moon with a small, barely visible in the sky, the point. As soon as the planet moves away from the sun, we can see the first small crescent, crescent and then, finally, the full disk of the moon. Having reached the stage of a full moon, the planet immediately begins way back.

Lunar energy of success and good fortune

Lunar month, moreover, divided into quarters - the so-called phases of the moon.

New Moon - the beginning of the first phase and the right time to create new businesses aimed at prosperity, success and good luck in love, in business and in business.

Second quarter ends with the full moon and is good for the development of cases that have been initiated, completed and completion of projects. Full Moon - the culmination of all the undertakings.

The third phase is characterized by the completeness of the Moon Affairs, the implementation of plans.

The fourth phase, the final stage - the return to the starting point. During this period, do not start new businesses, and aim at getting rid of all unnecessary. Astrologers fourth phase is called the time of destruction.

Once selected phase of the moon for the accomplishment of his plans is to find out which of the signs of the zodiac at the right time is the moon. Since each of them it manifests itself in different ways.

Passage and the importance of the moon in the zodiac signs

The fundamental group of signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. It aides in achieving the desired goal. More effective impact of the new moon.

Fixed signs - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. If the motion to the goal launched at a time when the young Moon was in the house of one of these characters, the case was initially fixed at success. At this time it is good to start long-term projects, especially if they relate to finances.

Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are a group of changing signs. This period is good for performing multiple things at once, but the results can lead to unexpected consequences.

All the necessary information can be found in the tables of the Lunar calendar, drawn up by astrologers for each year with reference to the time zone. Lunar calendar for 2012 will help determine the choice of a starting point for the beginning of the project up to select the desired item. For this table are favorable and unfavorable days, which are individual for each user.

To be successful in life, for good luck in love, in business and in the business should adopt all the recommendations of the tables of the Lunar calendar, moon phases in the zodiac, to take into account the lunar power and courage to plan any of their undertaking.

On Saturday, November 6 new moon

 On Saturday, November 6 new moon
New Moon

On Saturday, November 6, at 7.53 (Moscow time) will be the new moon.

This means that the day will be a little nervous, despite the holiday. But do not worry.

Pulses in the days of the new moon is not as strongly felt as the full moon. When the young waxing moon look Lunar calendar for 2012

But on this day of the new moon, if someone is hungry or satisfied with the fasting day, it helps your body get rid of many diseases, so as to cleanse the body's willingness to this day the best.

So stay away from the refrigerator. Just one day. This gentle "lunar" diet.

The same day of the new moon is most suitable for abandoning bad habits. For example, it will be easier to quit smoking.

And how to do more and painless, read blog

Until Sunday, the moon will be in Scorpio.

It is necessary to keep the genitals, ureter and nervous system Try not to catch a cold.

Quality of products: carbohydrates.

Days of water.

Good luck and take care.

Moon in Virgo

 Moon in Virgo
Moon in Virgo

Hello dear readers.

1 and November 2, the Moon will be in Virgo .

This means that it is necessary to keep these days nerves, spleen, pancreas, circulatory system and the digestive organs.

Quality products - salt. Note food quality, since it is vulnerable while the gastrointestinal tract.

Days of cold. During these two days you will freeze slightly. Dress warmly and take care of yourself.

Moon in the sign of Virgo: not recommended surgery

Not recommended for operation of the gastrointestinal tract, the solar plexus and the organs associated with metabolism.


At this time, it will be effective treatment of skin diseases, as well as cleansing the liver and blood.

Those days are ideal for beauty treatments and preparation for plastic operations.

But plastic surgery to plan for the days when the moon will be in Libra.

Moon in the sign of Virgo: useful procedure

The procedure for cleansing the liver and circulatory system

Salt foot bath

Salt water will remove the negative emotions.

Foot massage

Do not forget about the reflex points of the feet. Massaging the feet, you are stimulating the work of all organs.

Health and good luck to you and your loved ones!

Moon in the sign of Leo

 Moon in the sign of Leo
Moon in the sign of Leo

Hour kind, dear readers!

30 and 31 October, our companion moon is in the constellation Leo.

This means that the weak parts of the body these days are: heart, back, diaphragm, artery, senses system circulation.

Despite the fact that the moon calls intensive work, not overexert these bodies.

Quality food - protein.

The days of heat. We will take them how warm, even if the sky will cloud. You can go in the countryside walk.

Those who need to can visit his barber. Hair will stronger.

Use a hair dryer (if necessary) Only 15 minutes after washing. Never Do not blow their hot air, and against "fur". It breaks down any hair.

So far, that's all. Be healthy and up meeting Online

But the lunar calendar, I hope you always at hand.

Moon in Cancer

 Moon in Cancer
Moon in Cancer

From 27 th to 29 th October Moon enters Cancer .

Until October 29 the Moon is in the sign of Cancer.

This means that the weak parts of the body are: breast, lung, stomach, liver, gall bladder, nervous system.

Take care of these organs.

Quality of products: carbohydrates.

Days of water. There will be more rain and dampness.

Remember? In the days of "Cancer" and "Fish" is not necessary to have hair cut, and even wash my hair. Hair will be shaggy and unruly. Perhaps the formation of dandruff.

This tip is more suitable for people aged. Young people may experiment yet.
