Moon in the zodiac energy, success and good luck in love, affairs

 Lunar energy in life

Lunar Energy has an impact not only on the ebb and flow of the seas and oceans. The important role of the lunar energy has on the person and on all aspects of his life. Lunar month, 4-phase flow and the value of the moon in the zodiac, the impact on human rights.

How do I get to work on the Moon

Everyone knows what a full moon and new moon by 2012. The transition to the new moon is called a lunar month flawed. "Appearing" Moon with a small, barely visible in the sky, the point. As soon as the planet moves away from the sun, we can see the first small crescent, crescent and then, finally, the full disk of the moon. Having reached the stage of a full moon, the planet immediately begins way back.

Lunar energy of success and good fortune

Lunar month, moreover, divided into quarters - the so-called phases of the moon.

New Moon - the beginning of the first phase and the right time to create new businesses aimed at prosperity, success and good luck in love, in business and in business.

Second quarter ends with the full moon and is good for the development of cases that have been initiated, completed and completion of projects. Full Moon - the culmination of all the undertakings.

The third phase is characterized by the completeness of the Moon Affairs, the implementation of plans.

The fourth phase, the final stage - the return to the starting point. During this period, do not start new businesses, and aim at getting rid of all unnecessary. Astrologers fourth phase is called the time of destruction.

Once selected phase of the moon for the accomplishment of his plans is to find out which of the signs of the zodiac at the right time is the moon. Since each of them it manifests itself in different ways.

Passage and the importance of the moon in the zodiac signs

The fundamental group of signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. It aides in achieving the desired goal. More effective impact of the new moon.

Fixed signs - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. If the motion to the goal launched at a time when the young Moon was in the house of one of these characters, the case was initially fixed at success. At this time it is good to start long-term projects, especially if they relate to finances.

Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are a group of changing signs. This period is good for performing multiple things at once, but the results can lead to unexpected consequences.

All the necessary information can be found in the tables of the Lunar calendar, drawn up by astrologers for each year with reference to the time zone. Lunar calendar for 2012 will help determine the choice of a starting point for the beginning of the project up to select the desired item. For this table are favorable and unfavorable days, which are individual for each user.

To be successful in life, for good luck in love, in business and in the business should adopt all the recommendations of the tables of the Lunar calendar, moon phases in the zodiac, to take into account the lunar power and courage to plan any of their undertaking.

The impact of the full moon on the human lunar tips

 Full moon impact on human lunar advice, business and health, the near full moon

The full moon has on the human body is also a very big impact. Round bright disk, silently hanging in the sky, before caused an inexplicable mystical awe. Lunar advice, business and health, the near full moon

People believed that it was the full moon arranged covens, come out of hiding to carry out various evil vampires, werewolves modified. Fortunately, all this is just a legend.

Full moon the effect on man

But the moon reflecting the sunlight over its entire surface, really has a big impact on the systems of the human body, especially on his nervous system.

Not all people can safely tolerate changes in the energy level, many disturbed subconscious reflexes sharpened or changed, both positive and negative emotions.

Most often, they are amplified, causing the inappropriate joy and carelessness, the feeling of a fatal doom and despair, creating inexplicable fears, the desire to find someone to blame for their failures.

Lunar tips, full moon and Health

During the full moon is also activated vital functions of microbes and viruses, which increases these days the risk of poisoning and gastrointestinal diseases. Medications these days do not have the full their useful activity, but a manifestation of side effects increases.

On the full moon is better not to carry out surgical operations and any medical procedures, except in an emergency. Only the cleansing of the body in compliance with the specific diet these days takes place with the best result.

Gipertonikam survive the full moon and the core is particularly difficult, as the work of the heart is broken, and the amount of fluid in the tissues increases.

Among other things, the full moon, even healthy people begin to suffer from insomnia. Forced to drive themselves to bed should not be better to do some interesting work, drink tea with mint or lemon balm and honey.

Cases Full Moon

But apart from all the "horrors" that occur during a full moon, there is in it, and the good moments. It is in these days the best work out all the works related to the emotional impact on others.

In the full moon reveals the most artistic talents, great run promotions, presentations, conveniently folded many lawsuits.

The thirteenth day of the lunar calendar, marked by all sources as one of the most hostile and dangerous, yet it very good for learning and knowledge, as well as to communicate with the family.

The fourteenth day of the moon is very favorable for the gamblers. On this day increases the chance to win "on a grand scale."

Fifteenth, which is considered the most deceptive and conflict, however, promises a speedy recovery to all the day sick. A born on this day all my life will love and be loved.

The following two days are also quite harmless, especially the seventeenth. It is believed this day particularly suitable for transactions and making wedding.

So, the full moon is not terrible, most importantly, learn to contain and control their emotions.

The closest full moon lunar calendar for 2012

Moonlight "diet"

 Moon diet
Moon diet

Lunar tips and advice on nutrition.

"Oh diet! You can not neither that, nor this." I say so many women, "incurring" in tight clothes, or look in the mirror.

I want to please you. The moon does not recognize the diets, although it has its own rules of supply that may surprise you.

As rightly said by Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician and astronomer: "Your food should be your medicine." I think there is no doubt.

Currently, however, only some doctors have questioned how and what you eat. While large and small disease begins with malnutrition.

Previously, doctors and healers, first of all interested in your analysis, I'm sorry, "chair" and its regularity. Saying: You are what you eat "is relevant now.

The media offer us different recipes and nutrition programs. Nutritionists insist on all sorts of diets and separate feed.

Moon also tells us a different story.

Any diet, and any kind of monotonous food (except under certain diets diseases) are harmful.

The body needs much more than the germinated seeds or roughage.

As I said, during the waxing Moon and the constant habit of eating for two weeks, you can quickly gain weight. Conversely, there are a few more than the moon decreasing, not recovering.

Well, fast Lunar calendar for 2012 advises the day and the day of the new moon and full moon.

You can not eat a lot in the days of "Pisces" double burden.

Avoid fatty foods the evening. After 21-00, the circulatory system in the lower phase (DO NOT FORCE).

On Wednesdays and Fridays, no meat.

Pay attention to the combination of products. Underground and ground products must be balanced in your diet.

Those vegetables that do not grow together in the garden, do not mix and the plate.

Products from corn meal and caffeine - are harmful.

Cheese and grapes - are incompatible.

Four of these products can cause headaches and migraines, aggressiveness and nervousness.

That's one of the rules of the moon:

All raw always used to be cooked (boiled).

Fruit and nuts, to the salads and raw vegetables.

Then, for example, yoghurt and bread.

And only last meat, eggs, cheese, that - that fat.

The latest comes dessert.

Try and stay healthy. Remember: "You are what you eat."

Other lunar secrets can be found here:
